Red pill me on why /pol is overrun with antisemites.
Other urls found in this thread:
because jews are annoying liars and they should fuck off from this planet
the bible.
because Yas Forums is mainly populated by jews
Because the uncomfortable truth is that the jews control every aspect of leftist propaganda, as well as most of the neocon right.
The Bible?
Failures jealous of success.
>you know damn well I'm right
I would rephrase the question to.
Why is Pol full of truth seekers?
So you think Hitler secretly loved Jews and wanted to create a utopia for them and because of that you're an antisemite?
What do they lie about?
>You have to love jews and give everything to them or else you're a literal nazi that wants to holocaust them
yes, this is the common belief thanks to jews
Chi-coms took over this board, but we Christian, patriots are fighting to take it back for god's chosen people!
I have literally never heard anyone espouse that before.
Is this part of the happening?
How else did you arrive at your conclusion?
Obviously that had to be the logical premise of your thinking.... even if it was unannounced.
It's a ploy by the rich, powerful anglo-imperialists to use Jews as a scapegoat while simultaneously building up resentment against the Jewish community. Two birds, one stone. You can find the true red pill here. It explains how Covid-19 is a manmade weapon by the anglo-imperialists in order to attack diverse populations and force ethnostates.
Or I saw many bigoted comments and pictures with baseless blaming off Jews for everything wrong in the world....
I'm not a big fan of "diversity" and "multiculturalism"
Therefore hitler wanted to create a utopia for the jews?
No, that doesn't make any sense. You're boring. You're too stupid to troll this site kike. At least learn to be interesting.
Well you should probably feel happy that these people exist and are the real shadow masters. Maybe I underestimate your empathy though, and even you might realize how messed up it is to force ethnostate via a global pandemic?
It's a passive effect of left wing censorship on more mainstream sites. In 2015 let's say someone wanted to have a conversation about the Ferguson riots, or demographic shifts in Virginia..if they went to Reddit or Facebook to have that conversation, they were usually banned/censored/downvoted to oblivion, even if they were merely seeking information or good old fashioned philosophical debate. As a result of that censorship, they were pushed out to a less regulated/moderated forum like chans, voat etc where the user base consisted of an older, more radical generation who had already been through this process years before. Any board or forum that does not censor opinions will eventually become extremely right wing, because right wing beliefs are based on truth and observation of the natural world, left wing beliefs are based on hypothetical ideas and rejection of the natural
Tl;dr Jews being Jews create anti semites
Zionism is like the Catholic Church, but their nation commits war crimes, has pull in our Congress (many of them have dual citizenship with Israel), and does the pedo thing harder. The only real issue is that outside of the U.S., if you say that you go to jail
Just turn on any TV you blind fucker. Watch what comes out of it. Then read the names as the credits roll at the end of the show.
Do that for a few weeks. If you still don't hate kikes, there's something terribly wrong with you.
blue pill
What are the odds that they have been expelled from 109 countries and it was all a coincidence, all these diverse peoples from multiple races, nations, continents, cultures and eras, were just somehow all racist and antisemitic and it was never the jews fault?
Pharisees have, generally, a tendency for deceit and exploitation. They basically get off earning off the work of other with scams. Lately, they appropriated our israelite ancestry.
This was stated by many of our excellent white ancestor in the past millennium and we've seen countless examples of it.
Of course, exceptions may happen, never put limits to providence. Now the differences appears less striking because they diluted the bloodlines (except for the big masonic families I guess), but we did as well.
Jews are ethnocentrists damning other ethnocentrists.
Any place with anonymity and relatively free speech is full of antisemitism, because they deserve it far more often than they don't, and the only thing that keeps more people from saying it is the fear of (((consequences))). Any working class person in America will tell you about Jewish tendencies, or at least use the stereotype unironically to talk about non-Jewish skinflints. There was one Jewish kid in my highschool. They planted a nickel near him, and when he picked it up, one of them said they dropped a nickel a couple minutes later. Schlomo says nothing. Anti-semitism is natural, it doesn't even need to be taught. The character traits that are valued by Jews are completely contrary to what the average person sees as reasonable and fair conduct.
started off as a joke to scare off normies and then retards took it seriously.
austists, LARPers, trolls, do the rest.