Why do leftist whites have a higher iq than right-wing whites?
Why do leftist whites have a higher iq than right-wing whites?
higher iq = more empathy and better problem solving abilities
For example, If there is a problem with student loans, stop giving out the loans, then decrease the military budget and pay off the loans over 10 years with that?
A right-wing solution would be, you took out a loan pay it back, and then increase the military budget. You helped no one and spent more.
>I know it’s true because the tv told me how smart I am
it's funny because that image is true only in reverse.
>lel lefties have higher IQs
>wuuut? black IQ isn't lower... IQ isn't real bro
Is their objective proof behind this?
Son of a bitch.
People with higher IQs are more apt to go to college, colleges are dominated by more "left" wing views as is the corporate world they move into. Most of the right vs. left stuff is a false dichotomy on a macro political scale.
i never understood the iq master race stuff because everyone acknowledges the midwit menace and according to iq scores whites and asians are the most likely to be midwits.
They don't. You are looking at the target group. I thought we had been over this with 3 elections. "the dems"target group are the average. More news at 6am
>inb4 zero replies
>inb4 op has 1 post
Whites with high IQs are insulated from reality. They all live in gated communities with other whites. Denmark and Sweden are high IQ leftist white countries who are now learning the joys of living with niggers.
hebrew propaganda, high IQ whites are redpilled
tldr, universities brainwash the high iq of society
high iq people go to college, which is extremely left leaning as you know. these people don't really care about politics, it only affects their career in so far as it keeps doors open. going the path of least resistance, they become NPC leftists
Left wingers in general are more intelligent, even trannies tend to have above average IQ's. I think that intelligent people are less likely to identify with social constructs like race or sex
Giving the benefit of the doubt that what you say is true, to begin with, and to an extent that actually matters, one reason could be that high IQ people are generally living more comfortable lives, they earn more, they pursue their careers more successfully, thus they are isolated from the plight of less successful people who just barely make ends meet. These high IQ people often have a misguided sense of guilt over this fact. Add the guilt to their lack of sense of how the world works for most other people, and you get a perfect breeding ground for leftists. To put it in terms of practical examples, it's easy to be generous when you have a lot to give and don't just scrape by, it's easy to be anti-racist when you live in a gated community devoid of minorities, or just having a very few, vetted ones, and it's easy to lean towards bullshit, egalitarian, utopian ideologies when you aren't exposed to the bottom feeders of humanity day after day.
All the truly intelligent people I've met have been some degree of moderately liberal. I've never met a reasonably intelligent person that was very conservative societally
Left wing people have higher IQ on average because they all fall in the mediocre 100-110 range, right wingers are both above and below that and there will always be a larger number of lower IQ people than there will be higher. The left appeals to the mediocre, so it makes sense their ranks are filled with the mediocre.
>if there is a problem with student loans, stop giving the loans
So that means no minorities go to college. This is the left wing IQ right here
If you stop giving out the loans colleges will be forced to lower prices and it will be affordable.
Why do whites in general have a higher IQ than blacks in general?
We already have a glut of college-educated labor doing jobs that do not require it, like HR. Hell, we even have a glut of STEM labor. End all H1Bs
I support this. Slash welfare spending, defense, and guaranteed loans
And make abortions free for the poorest- it'd be eugenics in a fuzzy package.
Correct, they're both intelligent and indoctrinated.
Then you obviously haven't met alot of people or you are lying. White right wing people in the US are the largest chunk of businesses owners. I think the number of businesses owned by Republicans in the US is somewhere close to 70%.
>leftist actually leave their kike bubble to do IQ tests, sure uh huh
run a farm nigger, bet you can't
2005 oldfriend here
Satanist leftists, anprims/ancaps and gigaleftists are basically right wing lite.
A sizable chunk of us who have been here who used to be anarcho-somethings swung back extra hard because any ideology is better than being an apathetic, and GG/Exodus in 2015 woke up a pretty big chunk of apathetics on 4ch to what evil is.
The ones who are here now just haven't had a catalyst to push them over the edge yet
Anprims hate jewish capitalism, and capitalism is applied judaism, so leftists aren't too far behind. As above, so below
See Ted Kaczynsky and Chris Langan
This thread does NOTHING to improve our power in the current power struggle against the idiotic and genocidal left!!
I’m Going insane with you idiots! Falling for such BAIT! WE MUST IMPROVE THIS SITE! NOT DETERIORATE IT! You have lost yourselves in the instant gratification of the pleasure of expressing such values that would not otherwise be expressed in the media. BUT, the time has come! We must ADVANCE our knowledge in National Socialism, for the well being of our nations! We have been losing the mainstream debate, and youth opinion ever since we ended the Meme Wars of 2016! We MUST Regain Political power! We MUST Disenfranchise secretly REDDIT Trumpfags! We must empower ourselves and those who align with our EURO Views and defeat the Mainstream Leftists who are NOW Becoming Mainstream!
1 post by this ID. Sage fucking faggot
>Having millions young workers who aren't saddled with debt helps no one
Are you retarded?
>Muh one post
>Owning a business means you're smart
Nigga, wut? Any idiot can fill out some paperwork and start sending fake vitamin as a "business"