Post redpills and things which made you go "Aha!"
Redpills and "Aha!" moments
Response to
>traps aren't gay
and similar pilpul
Porn coomers are cucks.
I really don't know these women, and I watched alot of american movies as a kid
Thx user
Hola fellow Ecuabro
>tee eff double-you
Of you didn’t find them attractive, you were definitely a fag
>Roxanne from goofy movie
stopped reading there. this shit is autistic.
When corona quarantines started I dabbed on my girlfriend for a week straight. She thinks I have some high unattainable iq for prepping since December. Thanks bros
these are some of the most shit tier red pills I have ever seen. Are you trying to troll me?
>1 post de this ID
>Posts nothing of their own
They were engineered to be attractive. That's the point.
When I realized Obama's "CASH FOR CLUNKERS" bullshit used car buyback program lined up perfectly with the dates of the used car scheme from Project Cassandra.
Obama also threw away the entire Project Cassandra in favor of the Iranian Nuclear Deal.
Exposed it, threw away years of work, and let it be know to the entire world that we knew about backdoor drug deals, and human trafficking between multiple counties.
Obama was simultaneously a ziocuck and bent to the interests of the Islamic World. What was his angle?
His angle was:
>I'm Black and if you disagree with me, you're RAYSIS.
Same as any other nigger.
How does it feel boy?
A foreigner comes to your country
Buys your house
Marries your daughter
Is your boss at work
Lives like a god while you follow his orders
How does it feel ?
>Accidentally fucking a poor man for a chick is like a guy accidentally going gay
At last I truly see...
Eh more like
>See cute thing with tits
>Find out she's a he
>Get called gay or get your hetero card punched
Nonsense. It's like issuing a 5150 for everyone who fell for an optical illusion
My guess:
Early on, BHO hated Israel, but for the wrong reasons. He thought it was a white imperialist construct. As he progressed in his political career, he played ball with them to the minimal extent he found viable, but also wanted to extend support to what he saw as enemies of white imperialism (the Shia Bloc). Problem: Hezbollah and Savak have little interest in his Alinsky racial idpol.