The swarthiness of iberians

How can you call them white when they look like this

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That fat whore is some kind of squat indio, not an iberian

No you stupid blob she is Spanish


first time i stuck my face in an ass like this i was amazed that there was no foul odor
in fact, it smelled great
the next day when we woke up she said "man, you really went in on my ass last night"
and i was like "what? haha no i didn't"

>tfw no big booty Latino gf

Who cares, that woman is prime meat regardless

She's spanish

Tomato Tomatoh, same thing.

How can you expect me to give a fuck

Wrong. Its not physically possible for europeans to have bodies like that. Theres some negro/redman blood in there somewhere

That women is 100 percent spanish you can deny it if you want but she is.

>implying spanish are 100% white

Uhhh wanna eat her coochie

British or american, same thing.

are you me?

No normal white person calls anyone other than a North-Western European "white". We know who is white. Europeans are not white unless they are from that area. And even then it's natives only.

looks latino AF

based leaf

shes fat user

She needs to be bleached by a big Anglo cock ASAP

this chick was 4'9"
legally belongs in a child seat in the truck
her ass was extremely fat just like a dwarf but she wasn't a dwarf. she was just a tiny person
i don't know what they have in colombia but she was from peru
i'll try to find pics

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Some spaniards look latino just like this guy

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Iberians were white only before the Islamic Empire. After that they mixed with the Moors. What you see there is a mix.


Some are swarthy, some are not. Most of the swarthy are in the south and in the med and atlantic islands. No point in denying it. I mean its almost morocco.

There's no such thing as a white person.

You're right, this woman is not white enough. She must be bred

You dense. He was telling you that he like the same stuff you like

based racemixer

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oh alright
glad i have someone like you looking out for me

nah with all the horomones in the water it is possible. there was a girl at my uni who was famous for looking like an aryan god of fertility. she was like 5'5, aryan phenotype, hair so blonde it was white, but she had an absolute dumptruck of an ass. it was perfectly round. i literally failed a math course because she was sitting in front of me and i couldnt concentrate

hope you have a loicense for that ham

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slam tight piggy

fuck you kike

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Slam tight, piggy


and, that's why you should have fapped every time before class. if you had done that, your mind would have been ready to pay attention to class.

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Actually, there is some small outside chance that she's an ugly, malformed Spaniard, but Mestiza seems more realistic. We'd need better pics to say, ideally nude.

Based and coom pilled

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This oompa loompa is niggerbait and nothing more.

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kek never knew there was a second part to that

she literally resembles the body type of the average American woman, regardless of race. It's not just niggers plowing these plump princesses

high testosterone males prefer thicc women anyway because the wide hips, thick thighs, large ass and ample bosom signal that she is fertile enough to give birth to healthy babies. most healthy men should have some urge to breed with them even if modern society has conditioned men to prefer skinny women because of decades of propaganda from the fashion industry which is run by homosexuals who prefer skinny models whose bodies resemble those of teenage boys

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Mon Dieu! I call eet an embareassment of zee breeches. Sacre bleu ... wooly wooly, silver plate.
LĂ©onor Jean Christine Soulas d'Allainval.

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