@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/17/20
>Army for Trump Boot Camp Online w/Erin Perrine! 4/17/20
>SoS Pompeo on America 1st w/Gorka 4/17/20
>SoS Pompeo on FBN 4/17/20
>SoS Pompeo on HughHewittShow 4/17/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FBN 4/17/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/17/20
>NECDir Kudlow on F&F 4/17/20
>Giuliani on America 1st w/Gorka 4/17/20
>ActDepDHSSec Cuccinelli on Spicer&Co 4/17/20
>SG Adams on F&F 4/17/20
>CDCDir Redfield on TODAY 4/17/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (CoE&USACE CG LtGen Semonite) 4/17/20
>This Week@Interior 4/17/20
>SpoxVox: 100th Day Anniv of Flight PS752 4/17/20
>SpoxVox: US Supports Italy in Fight Against Corona-chan 4/17/20
>DOEVideo: LM: 100 Sites &Growing 4/17/20
>WHVideo: AsstTreasSec4PA Crowley: Together We Will Get Through This 4/17/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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but also don't guns

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hiki btfo

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>ywn tfw

Attached: irishmans wet dream.jpg (2560x1920, 1.68M)

>Do you know even one language?
>I own 2.
this guy owns 2 languages, that's damn impressive

Attached: 1575022861625.jpg (225x224, 22.33K)

do we have any games we can play?

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The dem governors have Trump outmatched. The economy is Trump's death

when will america become the 110 country

Attached: (((rootless cosmpolitan))).jpg (580x474, 103.52K)

omg another screenshot thread!!!!!!! Thank God someone for the ol’ 120 seconds of HATE!!!!

Oooohh and they are being MEAN to white people!!!!! And the person being mean has tranny pronouns omg I want this thread to hit 250 replyarinoooooossss

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I don't want Biden to be president...

what if china attacks and he can't remember the nuclear codes...

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are those ... taters?

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First three Uncharted games are free if you have a PS4.

Missing Kennedy. Fuck Boom time

Attached: 8f4.jpg (1387x702, 85.18K)

That's a lot of taters precious

Attached: gollum.jpg (395x394, 75.42K)

No, I mean, all together

>Last Week's Narrative
>A failed attempt at claiming Trump did nothing about Corona-chan even though the internet is fucking forever and we have conclusive proof that he was pretty much the first person to treat it seriously while WHO did nothing but defend China and Dems did nothing but call every effort to contain it "racist"
>This Week's Narrative
>Hey guys, all these polls are showing that Drumpf is losing support! You should stop supporting him, too! I mean, you don't want to be embarrassed, right?

This is some weak-ass shit. They could've tried playing the CROWD SIZES card and gotten better results than this nonsense will.

Attached: Shitposting.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

he's going to die halfway through next year anyway


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I fucking love guns of you got a problem with that go fuck yourself

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why don't the taters on the bottom get crushed by the weight of all the taters on top of them


Attached: samwise.jpg (360x450, 41.75K)

the economy is strong though

notice that you stopped posting DOW updates

Which one of you mother fuckers is Smegal and which one is Gollum?

I don't think any president memorizes them
They are probably on a little slip of paper in the football

it's taters all the way down.

>the dow is the economy
>pay no attention to the 20+% unemployment

Attached: 1563185293020.png (500x500, 138.64K)

ching chong ping pong trump is assho

Attached: 1392461035782.jpg (2048x874, 170.91K)

Equal distribution of weight.

Based and comeandtakeitpilled.

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the quiet game

how bout we play the quiet game?

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the dow was the economy when it was going down

what's with the saturn antenna

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>Gib ID
yeah nice try

Attached: federal reserve.gif (1200x677, 885.83K)

She's a genius. I thought this was obvious.

The place that disappears citizens and eats dogs. That country.

Wtf is up with all these hiveminded comments?

A whole lot of hive mind going on in this thread.

Being forced to shill is a sign of weakness and desperation

>the Irish Iberian Papist fends off the Jew to keep him from stealing his potatoes

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>trying hard not to awoo

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what is with all the goddamn schizo bots

I would also accept a game of twilight struggle

>all these double comments
proof that everyone here is just a split personality of the finn

Attached: hugfren gaming experience upgrade.jpg (2640x2006, 954.61K)

dood i thought we were beeing nice and not rood

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This island looks familiar... Where is the island Taylor Swift sings of? I imagined a nice fantasy island with guitars and a his -and- hers quarters with a space lounge and some cool fucking space boots w/pink llamas and shit.. Is she still doing the heist song or can I finger my hot wife yet? It might be her.. Can I finger her or not? Is she guilty?

Attached: Dude-Wtf-My-Wife-Is-Sexy.jpg (869x1200, 226.82K)

I fell asleep during the presser (pence was speaking) did I miss anything good

Hollywood calls Luke:

"Luke, take drugs, your set is to real, REPEAT, YOU ARE TO LIVE"

Me: "stop trying to play me like Rain Man in wag the dog nigga.. Cuz Hollywood knows I can literally bring the rain. Because they have seen it, and Scully from X-Files ring to figure out of aliens exists and thinking abour god rn... Bending over to get fucked by this lil fat alien on a katy perry song... Nigggguhhh" *click*

Attached: Oh-Shit-Faggot-Butts-This-Nigga-Suck-Butts-Bro-lmmmfao.jpg (1536x2048, 493.05K)

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I don't know, this is probably the best China can afford right now.

>phone on a gimbal

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What’d you just say?

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Pence read out five steam keys for Doom


Attached: Facts=fake news.jpg (1439x1258, 409.93K)

>are an act of domestic terrorism against the United States
imagine being so brain damaged you actually believe this

Kyle is that your ass?
Looks pretty nice for a twink ass

Welp there you have it. that's it. Its over

how are polls facts

Attached: sean astin.jpg (750x934, 104.63K)

What's that pin Sean is wearing under the flag pin?

>like Rain Man in wag the dog
damn Luke you've got decent taste

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Also fuck you faggot for posting that faggot here faggot

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>Trump losing in a red state in the first place

What is this Jewish shit?

Trump is the ultimate authority, those blue accounts can go fuck themselves

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hard left types glorify mental illness, is it so crazy to think that the type of person to come here and spam things they don't believe to people who don't believe them might be... well crazy?

Friendly reminder, by the by.

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No, they aren't, you fascist cunt.

Trump is so fucked

Attached: k.png (733x696, 199.73K)

Attached: tweeting about trump wont help.png (755x340, 51.91K)

How bout we play 'Blow the fucking head off the fucking insufferable awoo with a sawed-off shotgun' game??

Why would they follow trump if they hate him?

Attached: 1569604248084.jpg (750x1000, 246.67K)

Hollywood calls Luke:

"Luke, take drugs, your set is to real, REPEAT, YOU ARE TO LIVE"

Me: "stop trying to play me like Rain Man in wag the dog nigga.. Cuz Hollywood knows I can literally bring the rain. Because they have seen it, and Scully from X-Files ring to figure out of aliens exists and thinking abour god rn... Bending over to get fucked by this lil fat alien on a katy perry song... Nigggguhhh" *click*

666 heart wrenching stories about sacrifice the blue eyed innocent lamb boy and lamb girl for satan and eternal life my nigga, all lies my nigga!!

Attached: These-Tricks-Are-Known.jpg (501x671, 69.08K)

I wonder if Sean Hannity is gay ?

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I could see this being posted unironically in some boomer Facebook resistance group

it only took her 4 years to begin to learn, but good for her

Meanwhile a majority of the state is protesting the Govenor

3:55am: I get out of bed. Five minutes later, I’ve already begun my daily regiment of high-intensity early-morning physical training.

6:00am: I grab my tablet and open a high-definition stream of Morning Joe — I proceed to update myself on the latest news and happenings in the American political sphere; all while consuming a handcrafted, high-calorie breakfast to propel myself into the workday.

9:00am: I’m feeling good. At work, I’m relied upon to crush a variety of business-critical tasks. After organizing my priorities into a well-curated list, I proceed to knock out items one at a time; easily achieving 2-3x the efficiency of my peers.

5:00pm: I log on to the internet and begin to engage in heated debates across a wide range of political subjects. Here, the benefits of having watched Morning Joe become immediately apparent. Leveraging Joe’s morning insights along with the significant tactical advantage of a live @joenbc twitter feed, I am able to deliver a series of well-articulated intellectual killshots as I deftly navigate the social media landscape.

Midnight: I pre-stage tomorrow’s workout clothes and set my alarm to 4:00am. Satisfied with a solid 20 hours of back-to-back wins, I quickly fall into a deep, rejuvenating sleep, fully restoring my body and mind to optimal levels of performance as I prepare to conquer another day.

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cia pin

Is this an act of Awooostic terrorism??

That's what I thought. What did he mean by this?

but criiiiiiiiiiiiiiibs


shes afraid of getting airborne AIDS

Ok groomer

I think that if you believe that kind of thing, after everything that's happened, might make you some kind of idiot.

Luke aka Kyle post more pix of your ass for us

lmao is she seriously just realizing Twitter isn't real life?

Liberate tu te me... ex inferis

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who threw up alphabet soup on her birth cert?

friendly reminder that "spies" in Democratic campaigns are fully known when they are hired, they are handlers and conduits of information like the Chinese "spy" that worked for Feinstein or the Pakistani "spy" that worked for DWS

>A failed attempt at claiming Trump did nothing about Corona-chan even though the internet is fucking forever and we have conclusive proof that he was pretty much the first person to treat it seriously while WHO did nothing but defend China and Dems did nothing but call every effort to contain it "racist"
Fucking this. And it's not just shills ITT, they're trying to push it as the narrative everywhere. It's so brazenly dishonest, the amount of cognitive dissonance required to believe it is breathtaking.

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That's exactly what dtrumpf's eyes looked like today. Do a close up on his face and tell me he's not snorting something.

Is she right?

Attached: D46A956C-ACCF-42E3-B6E1-DBF2014FAA43.jpg (812x1176, 592.33K)

>Brock's refusal to use guns disappeared in the later seasons


i dont know he always wears it. the flag one above it is a secret service pin.

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why are leftists so obsessed with right wing cock ?

Attached: 1559080075948.png (240x232, 51.47K)

>libshits trying to obfuscate definitions of words again
>college degree-toting autismos don't realize Trumo is baiting them into it so he can ridicule them to death from the high ground

Attached: 1543541396106.jpg (384x359, 45.17K)

whore got cock on her mind 24/7

A majority? lol no. It was a handful of rednecks

>a hostile act against the united states and also twitter
I like how he said these things as if they were somehow comparable.

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As late as Cracker Bill it was eight zero's.

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it is like if women were made to be fucked only and they know it

>no mention of the time of day
is palmerreport losing it?

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where is the LINK YOU FAGGOT. Post the fucking link when you post a screenshot from T*tter.

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not completely the same as pic related but he has said it was a ss pin

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well you win, so have some easter candy

Attached: 1586733902451.gif (1440x900, 694.18K)

>eggs are dried up and no chance of children anymore
>happy for seed bans
They dream someone came along 20 years ago and bred the commie out of them

Attached: No Guard Wife.jpg (849x1200, 549.36K)

>mfw the "end the world with nuclear hellfire" password is "password"

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> (You)
>Luke aka Kyle post more pix of your ass for us

Look at all this occult gangstalking that doesn't exist my nigga!!

Attached: I-Guess-You-See-It-Is-Real-Now.jpg (501x671, 66.44K)

Trump is done. 20% unemployment