
Just in case you hadn't put it all together yet.

The Coronavirus will kill us all. One by one. Its a multi-layered invisible life-form invented by evil people to indescriminately kill everything.

Those high up know this and are keeping us all in our homes until that point where the sirens stop. Your hoard will only last so long people. But you will sit on your couches like complicit Hindu cows until you gasp you last dying breath.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>still believes the kike media
there is no virus, its a fucking jewish hoax

Just wait 2 weeks bro.

so go outside and do whatever you want

life in my major city of 3 million has literally been continuing as normal since this all started, besides a few 24 hour stores closing and restaurants being take out only

Masters need slaves.

ok larp.

But think about it. The govt is doing everything to keep us normies complicit. They’re throwing money at us for furloughing. US citizens getting trump bucks and more monthly payments proposed. It’s really wierd if you think about it as a beginning of the end scenario.

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Why would WHO not tell everyone about the truth straight away? What if they’ve analysed the virus and maybe seen that it’s going to take us all out? There’s something not right here guys. I’m listening to my gut and it’s fucking weirdness all round.

Literally every financial demand I have: mortgage, car loans, credit card repayments, personal loans, electricity bills; have all happily ceased to want money from us. We’re in a free ride for the first time of our lives and we’re all accepting it for what it is.


I’m sensing something going on and I’m worried. I honestly don’t see an end to this and frankly I’ve no desire to see a future anymore. It’s just not there. It’s s black grey wall in front of me and everything’s not adding up.

What happened to the kitty cats?

What if this virus is actually lethal to everyone but they’re not telling us. What if it’s impossible to build up an immunity. What if a vaccine is not able to be created? This isn’t a Larp guys I’ve just had an epiphany and beginning to release we’re all dead men walking.

Good luck mate.

Calm down and take a walk man you sound like you've been a little overwhelmed by this isolation.


The kitties all got up and hugged the photographer & wished him good luck with the chink virus

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Well, I intend to be last. So either hide your shit or leave the door unlocked so I don't have to break any windows.

Ok bill gates. Go back to not sleeping a wink because you know youre fucked

are there any non retarded schizo, fetal alcohol syndrom survivors on pol? or is this board strictly retard central? you idiots have created conspiracy theories about conspiracy theories, the lore is deep.

If that's true you can't do anything to stop it so there is no reason to worry

It feels good to be a literal merchant this quarantine is nothing more than an unplanned but welcome vacation. On the other hand I really pity the goys who didn't have the foresight to prepare for such an event given all of the red flags and blatant foreshadowing leading up to Holocough 2020 edition.

I'm pretty convinced I had the 'rona about a month before the panic happened. I work with truck drivers in a tiny office (at least a hundred people a day) and we ship EVERYWHERE. I got sick with an obvious flu and recovered on my days off, then went in for another week. Felt fine all week, then on my first day off I wake up with a severe cough, entire body aches, and unable to hear out of my left ear. Took me 4 days to fully recover, worse than any flu i have ever had. If the coronavirus is real and it is what I had, I could see it killing only the weakest of the weak. Never got tested because the tests werent even a thing back then, so I could just be retarded and got the flu and flu type B in the same week.

It's obviously a hoax. If it was real, they would just let most of us die because climate change, earth day, green energy, yadda yadda. The elite hate us and want everything for themselves, keeping only enough people to act as servants and sheep.

I waited just 2 more weeks a couple of times now.
This shit is supposed to be kaput mid April and here we are

If you did have it then the test will show. It's with you forever

Good, I can't wait.

>Supposed to
This is just the flu brah. All flu/pneumonia/bronchiatis... you know 1000's that die normally everyday in your shit country? They're all labelled as Corona, to get fedbucks.

I wonder if mosquitoes can spread it

>The Coronavirus will kill us all.
How can coronavirus kill us all when most people who get diagnosed with coronavirus survive?

Tell us about it

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Or Globohomo, rather

What city is this?