You want the real red pill?

I'll give you the real red pill right here, if you're actually ready to swallow it. This is your last chance to turn away.

The truth is that there is a shadow organization trying to pull the strings, but it's not what most faux red-pills think it is. It's a group of rich, powerful Anglophiles that seek to restore anglo imperialism by amassing wealth and consolidating power. They shroud their activities by distracting people with antisemitic conspiracy and narratives, simultaneously throwing people off their own trail while slowly turning the people against their hated non-anglo enemy, the Jews. Two birds with one stone. The globalism red herring is another scheme of theirs to secure a new anglo-imperialist future, which they also fit into the false Jewish conspiracy.
If I lost you now, you're probably an antisemite, but if you're still here and you're still wondering if I'm full of shit, wait until you read this next part. Covid-19 and the fake Bill Gates narrative. Corona was a manmade weapon, but once again, the "globalist jews" is just the scapegoat. The real creators was that group of elite anglo-imperialists. You need only look at the way C-19 acts to know it's true. Where are the worst cases of C-19? US, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, UK. All places with large, DIVERSE populations. Where in the US is hit worst? NYC, diversity capital of the US. Where in the US was hit least bad? Rural capitals where the population is predominately white. China, the largest population in the world, had surprisingly low numbers relatively speaking. Could they be lying? Or could it be that China has a combined total percentage of 8% for all minority groups? The virus is crafted to be deadlier in diverse populations. Why? Because then the anglo-imperialists can force global ethnostates. How can there be diverse nations in such a world where Covid-19 exists? They want to make their imperialist visions of the future the only option for humanity moving forward.

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Other urls found in this thread:

objectively false
daily reminder do exactly the opposite of what the jews say

I am not a Jew, friend, and I must point out that my concurrent numbers are superior to yours. Perhaps you should reexamine your perspective on this matter. In time, I hope this brief encounter we've shared will help open up your eyes to the truth.

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Lick my taint nigger cuck

This real red pill?

You're a faggot, take ur meds


>distracting people with antisemitic conspiracy and narratives
Stopped reading
>i-it's not the jews, goy
>I swear I'm not a shill and this is the REAL RED PILL!
>I-I'm not a jew I promise, goy
>I hope this brief encounter we've shared will help open up your eyes to the truth
Kek, what a dumb nigger kike faggot, kys

No bump for kike shills

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I see not many people here are ready for the actual red pill. That, or they're already advocates for ethnostates. Is there no one here that is receptive to the truth? Don't be scared off by the toothless barks of these fools.

Attached: thenobody.jpg (960x526, 82.91K)

>nose tribe, the post
janitors, poo in aisle three. Clean it the fuck up niggers

You're awfully devoted to sliding this thread. Just more proof that the Anglo-imperialist shills work here in full force. Let's see if I can bait out another canned response.

Anglo === Jew

The real red pill is everything in the universe/creation/plan whatever you want to call it is fine. All things are well and as they should be and nothing is lost. Everything is gonna be alright you will make it to the end better off than you started. Quite simply everything in existence is going exactly as it should and it really couldn't do anything else. Its absolute. It's perfect. I love you lot and I wish the best for all of you and yours!

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>low numbers
>even the chinese say china is lying, try harder for b8

meanwhile, another 100.000 immigrants entered europe today and were welcomed with open arms.

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Well gee wiz I would sure hope this is the case. All of my problems would be gone.

That's the gold pill. But I do appreciate your addition to the thread.

If Anglos really want to restore rule they are doing it wrong. They would not have allowed England to be muttified to begin with for a start. For fucks sakes why do you think anyone would swallow this bullshit?

Just get done watching Fall Cabal?
All a Rothschild and Rockefeller conspiracy right?
Good goy.

Attached: why-are-you-e20bfc-1.jpg (508x358, 96.11K)

You don't understand how momentum works. By staging a false globalist narrative and then slowly eroding its foundations through social media psyops, they not only sow dissent onto their hated non-anglo enemy, the Jews, while simultaneously fueling an anti-diversity sentiment among the people. By building up a push "left", they can squash it easily since they personally built it to fail, swing the pendulum back in their direction, then get an even bigger push moving toward their anglo-imperialist goals.

>now this is peak kike posting
>proof that the Anglo-imperialist shills work here in full force
kek, you're not fooling anyone kike

Attached: mov 'the jews'.webm (534x300, 2.45M)

>>even the chinese say china is lying, try harder for b8

been seeing this 'angloempire' bullshit for a while.

it's the new "trust the plan" Q bullshit.

We've already caught on to your new cult before you could crash the old one you built nigga.

> >even the chinese say china is lying, try harder for b8


NYC is lying because the ventilator health paperwork recoding lets the jews who own the hospitals collect fat $$$ for each 'corona death'.

They haven't been called out on it by the administration so I assume it's a payout, either to buy loyalty from e.x. goldman et al, or as a vassalage payment because kushner fucking owns that ass.

You didn't see it widespread in rural areas because the whole thing is a fucking hoax and rural areas dont have massive private hospitals running on murder-debt-fraud.


Wasps literally gave up their power.
Go find a white shoe wasp legal firm. Thats right. They dont exist anymore.

oh ho ho ching ching ching ching

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The Anglo-Saxon Mission

I thought there might be, at the very least, one person here that would be ready for the truth. Sad. Just a bunch of manipulated fools that have no qualms with a shady organization using a bioweapon to force ethnostates on the people. Even if you're a ethnostate supporter, you see no problem with this methodology?

Yeah aight. WASP's willingly gave the keys to the kingdom to Jews

The shadowy anglophile cabal has long sunk its claws into the heart of global economic and political power, and as they slowly consolidate their power (not too quick or the people will catch on!) they paint their enemy (Jews) as the "true" masterminds. They shroud their agenda by using the Jews as a scapegoat. They've apparently also used their antisemitic propaganda to brainwash the ignorant among us, and even those that desire an ethnostate future for the world see no problem with using bioweapons on the global population.

Yes Goy, you're the real Jew!

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Stop getting my hopes up.

Can we just flood this thread with jewish red pills???

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