Previous post: I just checked that video and messed with the levels on my speaker: I now have proof that CNN is adding subliminal sounds to their videos in order to scare normies.


Attached: heartbeat.jpg (2800x1575, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


it's his lapel mic, shizo

political Discord
open to fascists/nazbol

Post the godam youtube gif file you sonofabitch


Attached: don-lemon-parties.jpg.jpg (792x446, 33.07K)

No faggot. It starts AFTER he stops talking.

shut up faggot
op is a literal faggot who watches CNN
op is a literal cocksucking, dick in his asshole power bottom faggot
die in hell faggot and sage

You mean you can hear a faint noise when he stops talking over it? Excellent reporting, user. Thank you for sharing

Is it possible the microphone is picking up someone's heartbeat?

So, the microphone is sending subliminal messages through his heartbeat to the CIA MKULTRA operatives to begin Jamal KEshoggi gates?


Attached: 5364684641.jpg (960x539, 101.22K)

do you read threads before you post or are you that eager to share your opinions with strangers

the Foley is probably added in for dramatic effect.
It's fucked up, but it's CNN, so we already knew that.

>what are volume sensitive mics
>what is mixing
MSM is Jews and shit but lapel mic is likely. Journalists do a lot of sketchy shit to frame things to be sure.

Has anyone here ever shoved a horse cock up their ass?

Attached: 1566530584254.gif (288x377, 1.83M)

Thread 1 OP here.
Here's the spectograph
You can clearly see that it's a synthetic sound loop.

Attached: CNN Subliminal heartbeat.png (1492x781, 156.76K)

Why is it causing so much hostiles for with Anons?

Good find.

This isn't new. Subliminal sound ques to trigger a response has been in TV shows and movies for thirty years. It's junk science. Just goes to show you what incredible retards they are thinking this voodoo shit actually works.

Because the properties of the sound loop would suggest that it's intended to be barely perceptible by viewers who are watching quietly on their TVs. (albeit loud and obvious with headphones) which means it borders on being a subliminal message. (in this case, a subtle background noise that you don't notice that causes feelings of dread or apprehension).
This is different than just putting spooky music on the news segment. Because a viewer that just barely picks up the heart beat sound won't know that's why they are feeling those feelings. Which makes it a really shitty practice. Which is why subliminal content is borderline illegal. Using it for advertising products is one thing but using it to shape a political narrative is beyond fucked up.

Why so mad, user?

Try to send this to Fox if true


Lol im still "freaking out" about this, too sketchy

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (504x504, 47.49K)

Maybe you should test out fox next

Read “From PsyOp to MindWar” by Ex-NSA Intelligence Major MIchael Aquino (self proclaimed satanist and second-coming of the devil) to learn more about frequency Ops.


Once user found this shit the hostilities got so fucking bad.
Keep going, we must dig DEEPER.

Attached: 1580790433193.gif (238x238, 506.72K)

because you're a stupid person and your confirmation bias is ragin hard on this one.

Be a shame if I find more shit, user.

Well thanks to the insta nigger shills this is somewhat believable

I see a merchant in there. Goddamn I've been hanging around here way too long.

>"science" says it's junk
>yet they do it anyway

Take your meds, also they normally use this techniques in horror movies, so it's not like it's not real, it has documented effects.
Fucking glowie .

Attached: glow.jpg (1024x544, 59.6K)

>I see a merchant in there. Goddamn I've been hanging around here way too long.

Attached: 1586974654667.png (513x510, 431.12K)

Attached: 1473016835488.jpg (258x245, 12.45K)

Emotion doesn't enter into it. Subliminal ads have been ran in the US for decades with no actual evidence they work, same goes for audio
backmasking and subliminals. The truth of it is they'll try anything if they think it'll make them more money, even actual voodoo, regardless of
whether it works or not.

I'll give you an example. Modern pop music all uniformly uses a calm heartbeak tempo. Horror movies lace their soundtracks and audio with subliminal scary animal noises. Even vidya games do this.

It's been around a long time and CNN, like all these other things, is just popcorn entertainment. They don't even take themselves seriously and neither should anyone else.

>Look goy, okay we know its there, just stop researching it, please.

OP heartbeats are soothing. You ever rest your head on your girlfriend's chest?

Why are you saying this is good?

Attached: 1565103440052.gif (500x375, 886.42K)