What is their Endgame? Are they an heroing?
RIP Swedistan
Sweden not obeying the Freemason hoax virus narrative.
Must attack Sweden.
>jUsT oPeN uP mUh eCoNoMy
I guess so.
Fuck that shithole
I don't see the problem with this. The virus is impossible to contain and there won't be a vaccine, might as well let it go through the entire population this year instead of pretending that quarantines will do shit about it and let it drag on for years and years, until they finally decide to chip everyone.
Let older whites die off so young black bulls can breed their daughters without interference.
Weren't a bunch of retards praising them a week ago, calling them based for calling out the """hoax""""
We need a by race stats to know for sure user
sweden wants to get rid of their racist old people and make room for new swedes
Let's see the demographics of them, probably all the 3rd world shitskins they let in.
Clearing out the elderly so they can pay for more Arabs and niggers
freedom isn't free
I would personally strangle every boomer to death if it meant being able to leave my fucking house
not tempting a depression. Based
they're too young and not at enough risk of dying, it's old people whom the state can't afford to care for along with its new dependents.
Ah yes a grand total of 1400 deaths (130 yesterday) compared to countries with 20k deaths who've quarantined for 6 weeks.
we're looking at a fatality rate of 5%, a hospitalization rate of 20%, and an r0 of 5.7. If the hospitals get over capacity more hospitalizations turn into deaths, and that fatality rate climbs to double digits as in Italy
Just sit on your ass and play with your dick, why is everyone so fucking pumped up to kickstart this shit economy?
Holy fuck I love Sweden.
They're doing fine. The western media loathes them though as they are providing a control group for minimal "social distancing". Hence the daily smear and lie jobs on death rates.
They only deserve one kind of peace, the kind they have imported.
Based Sweden killing off Somalis and 90 year olds.
Most of the deaths are somalis just like most of the deaths in the USA are blacks
Most of the deaths here in Canada are 90 year olds in nursing home who are on dialysis. Lmao it's a big nothing burger
they're an hero'ing with mutts
>nigger nations of nihilism
And what's your proposed alternative? Indefinite quarantine? This shit survives in heat and cold, has a high R0 as you said yourself and spreads fucking asymptomatically. It causes all sorts of fucked up symptoms, no one truly even knows what's it entirely capable of and what any of its strains will do.
To quarantine is to go full 1984 at this rate. It may work if everyone gets chipped, but at what cost?
To not quarantine will mean a crazy death toll, maybe give it a few years to develop some kind of immunity to it, or possibly lead to extinction.
To half quarantine is to die the death of a thousand cuts, bleeding the economy and all the reserves dry.
There's no ideal solution. I get that Swedistan is a cucked country, but what's a better alternative? Various countries are already talking about gradually lifting their quarantines. What do you expect that's going to happen once they do that? It's going to go to shit again, of course! What else!
I just puked
well that's the thing, sweden has a hospital capacity to take care of the whole wave
It cannot be helped.
fuck off wang, pestilence ridden bug man
Herd immunity and economic prosperity.
Keep eating out of the hands of fear mongers politicians and globalist non-governmental organizations.
I'm sure economic destitution and the destruction of cherished liberties and social institutions will be better than literally the flu.
Swedes are already chipped.
The older people let these countries become shitty nigger infested hell holes in the first place.
Classic boomer subhuman misdirection.
well then i guess that doesn't help anybody, can that idea.
it peaked in sweden over a week ago. deaths are peaking now because they lag cases by 1-2 weeks.
CFR during an outbreak is always inflated because you include all "possible" deaths and ignore mostly healthy people who are carriers. In 2009 the H1N1 fatality rate was recorded at almost 5%, when the dust settled it was around 0.15% the estimations durring the outbreak where ~20x higher then real.
Well since it kills shitskins more since they have no ability to prepare they might be on to something. Its doing wonders for black populations in America. We probably invented it and released it in China because we knew it would get rid of problems.
the fags on reddit must be getting major cognitive dissonance over this
This is correct. The area under the curve will be the same either way, with the same number of deaths. How flat or steep the curve is doesnt matter at all as long as their health system has the capacity for it.
This is a jewish poster. Mortality rate is .25% with a hospitalization rate of 1%. This information is very easy to find for anyone with half a brain, so no one could be so retarded as to honestly believe in the doom virus narrative with no evidence to back it up, so the only logical explanation is that it's a lying jew.
Sweden: the commercial
A jew just came.