Trump lied

I never got my Trumpbux

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Faggots get theirs last.

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and you never will

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Stop relying on socialist gibs.

I got mine user, into the stock market it goes. My nigger roommate has already spent about 3/4 of the check. Get a nigger roommate someday, does wonders for the superiority complex.

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Hang in there user.
We gonna get that bag.
And then we going on unemployment.

Trump lied, niggers died.

Got mine...

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People like us aren't gonna get it till May user

Millions of people who need the money can’t get it. This is what Trump calls a beautiful success.


Watching all you poorfags dive head first into this commie system is hilarious. Enjoy being EBT tier scum.

nice self-own. how is your wife gonna spend your money??
>Even if you filed your 2018 or 2019 tax returns automatically, you must have also received a refund in those years via direct deposit to ensure your money arrives. If you owed money, the IRS will not use that bank account information.
It was a nigger buyout and a payoff for people they've already been paying. If you actually pay in taxes, as usual you don't matter.

sucks being you

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If you filed last year, you already have it. If this year is the first time you've filed, they have to process your filing first. If you've never filed, you have two days. Otherwise you're shit out of luck, nigger.

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just LOL if you don't fucking milk every last penny out of the kike infested government. i get food stamps and buy Muscle Milk with it, your taxes = my gains.

why is that?

If you pay in taxes regularly by check you're not getting shit until maybe August or September or maybe even Neverember. In any case by the time some people get this stimulus it's going to be well past the time they really needed it the most. Meanwhile zero sum niggers and other non-contributing societal detritus will have blown their gibs on frivolous trash long ago. Expect to be on the phone for hours later this Summer asking where the fuck your check is. It's pretty clear at this point that this was a nigger buyout, with enough regular payouts sprinkled in to make it not look like a nigger buyout. It was designed to pay people they've already been paying all along and keep them complacent. Just drink some water and eat some saltine crackers, you'll be all right. Jaquanetta will be enjoying her 55" Sceptre TV and all the fucking Boone's Farm she can wash down her fat nigger belly while you do. If you're self-employed or an independent contractor, you should know by now that the US government has never been a friend to you, no matter who the sitting president is. Someone has to pay for all this free shit, and that someone will always be you, especially if it breaks you and forces you into the system along with everyone else. They hate your guts, taxpayer, you will always be last in line, and if they can think of a way to avoid ever sending this check to you then you will never, ever see it.

people who used Turbo tax or HR block have to wait for the checks because the IRS doesnt have their bank details.

I owed money, havent recieved a refund for three years, got my check on Tuesday.

I use HR block, did direct deposit for my tax refund back in February. Got my $3,400 on Wednesday morning.

Retards who use turbotax deserve to never get their refunds


TurboTax works as well. Received mine Wednesday.

No gaming PC for you, NEET. Get a fucking job.

I'm a small business owner (S-Corp to save on self employment). Even though my practical income was a touch over $200k, my "actual" income that the government understands was $63k. Got my check on Tuesday.

I filed taxes last year but not this year.
Mine says the same but I'm eligible according to their rules.
I'll just have to wait. My bros already got theirs.

I did and I got my drumfbux

Thats becuase youre a lazy bastard and never filed your taxes. It already beem electronically deposited for for people who e-filed their taxes. Everyone elae has to wait for theirs to arrive through snail mail.

What do you use? Turbotax is fantastic. You just have use it carefully so they dont charge you too much. H&R block is the retard tier way file taxes.

Name of cute Japanese?

>(S-Corp to save on self employment)
This is probably why

I got my trumpbux.

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Why can’t they put their Direct Deposit info in the online tool?

This is me. Hopefully they fix it this weekend.