Indicments are coming next week

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no they're not

The "nothing ever happens" shills are going to shit pants over this in 3...2...1...

What’s the point of pre-hyping? Nothing will ever live up to the hype. You’re just fucking yourself over.

keep me posted you faggot Qtard

Just two more weeks bro

There is little difference between OP and bat aids doomers.
>just two more weeks!

I want to hope, but there's been so many letdowns.
I'll believe it when it happens.

seems like only weeks ago when it was 2017 and you Q retards were in an uproar about the incoming indictments. 2 years later and you're still retarded.

Silly rabbit, nothing ever happens





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J-just wait. Q predicted it.

YAWN. Oh fuck you, and just arrest them already. Fucking Christ.

Then another week after that.

yeah, netanyahu got indicted and nothing happened to him

lel this is such a pathetic larp at this point.

Indictments are always coming next week.

Shut the fuck up! Indictments have been coming "next week" for over a fucking year now.

bigger story than that stupid eastern virus i'll give you that

To any Qoomer reading this

Maybe this time...

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Trust Sessions.

Imagine believing anything lou Dobbs says.

lol it's too late. nothing can stop it.

wait until may

would be a good birthday gift if something happens
what do you allege?

We will finally know if indictments are coming because nobody will claim the indictments are coming for at least a month. Why would you tell your enemies what you are going to do before you do it?

Remember how many times Hannity said "big news coming". He's full of shit and faux news is full of shit. How many decades have to roll by before you realize its a controlled right wing steam valve?

Only Tucker is worth a shit and they had to do that to try and get young audiences because their boomer audience is literally dying as the average viewer is 65.

John Solomon's reporting has been rock solid this whole time. He has never gone so far as to say indictments were possible in the next week, that I know of.

No they are not.

Gitmo just flew over my house


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>nothing happens in 2017
>nothing happens in 2018
>nothing happens in 2019
>something maybe sorta happens in 2020

Have you any idea how retarded you look if you're wrong 100 times in a row and then you pretend they don't count if/when something happens years later?
>all those years where I kept saying "next week" don't count, it only counts on week 179 when something maybe sorta happened
Retarded, bro. You faggots have been wrong the whole trump presidency

boy i hope so, i got blue balls over here

Ah, it's the weekly Q disinfo. Thanks, very epic.

3 years, actually. Just not by Qoomers for all 3 years


t. increasingly nervous man