The number one priority for humanity is to make a DYSON SPHERE

It will be our key to the cosmos. It is our stepping stone to being an INTERSTELLAR species.

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No one give a shit haka haka play more rugby faggot

dont you have a walmart to shart up

Agreed and I believe we are capable of such if we just worked together and pooled all our resources into science.

We are capable of great things, I'm sure of it.

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fucking faggots

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>We are capable of great things, I'm sure of it.

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Our hands are going to be so dry.

Dyson spheres are late game interstellar species, we are still terrestrial mid game.

>he thinks space is real

cleanup on aisle three, somebody call the vet to put this mutt down

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Imagine understanding EROEI.

if we master fusion power, im pretty sure we'd have enough of a capability and energy efficiency to at least start building a dyson sphere

We need to master Fission before Fusion... liquid thorium flouride salts will get us to late stage terrestrial. Fusion is a meme.

fission depends on extremely finite material, fusion unlocks the earths oceans as a new power source

How will we feed all the niggers if we're wasting the money furthering ourselves as a species?

Why should we turn our sun into a vacuum cleaner?

Fusion reactors require massive amounts 9f rare earth metals and alloys because of Nuetron bombardment. Beryillium comes to mind.

Atheist wet dream cope. Never going to happen. No need for it.

please explain how a dyson sphere is "atheist" you dumb nigger brained faggot

A reminder that somewhere in our universe is a fucking von Neumann swarm ever growing.

Fucking idiot. We don't even use the fraction of available resources here on Earth let alone the need to harness the energy of a total star.

Its not realisitc. Theres not enough material in the solar system to build one.

fusion requires potassium
t. inventor of the fusion reactor

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What about the resources needed to make one
Wouldn't asteroid mining be better as priority

because we suck lol

imagine being so retarded you actually think this could happen.

Fucking retards

I fucking hate athejews

Dyson sphere is inferior to stellar mining.

pretty sure they just make vacuums and air movers retard

imagine being so retarded, you post a cluster of rings but type sphere, despite a dyson sphere being gravitationally unstable...then there's the issue of what to do with all the heat and radiation.

True. Imagine if all those billions we waste on fucking Africa went to research... I love to imagine that in an alternate reality my other me is travelling through the stars right now

Agreed. Let's start today

Skipping a lot of steps here. Evolve some functional wings before dreaming of harnessing the sun’s entire energy output. Or outsource both tasks to machines.

>if we master an impossible technology, by my uneducated opinion we could built something impossible to build
Are you a burger on a VPN?

>forgot the image

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Alright lad. I'll get right on that.
How hard can it be?

it's the outer space equivalent of a fucking rowhome. might as well be living in fucking scranton, at least you wouldn't be cooked to death thanks to pennsyltucky's perpetual overcast.

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>doesn't understand lift dynamics
>proceeds to lecture about physics
ok bernoulli

Here's reality for you.

mercury, if converted into building materials for the dyson sphere/swarm is more than enough to give us maginitudes more energy available on earth.

they are both needed

its not a soid continuous spphere dumbass. Its a spherical swarm of energy conversion satellites around the sun.

yup just like how...

fission is impossible
human powered flight is impossible
going to space or the moon is impossible
creating a worldwide internet is impossible

kys unambitioned swine

who said anything about a craft or device? The energy from a DS could easily terraform mars

How old are you? You can't seriously still think space is real lmao

>inb4 dey got pictures from spaaace!

Ok NASA cuck

that's called a dyson /swarm/, dumbass, and an equally fucktardian idea. someone is really really butthurt that his personal army isn't bouncing around like søybois about whatever episode of tng he just watched.

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please explain why its a retarded idea. I'll wait.

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>terraform mars
>can't even terraform into a functioning healthcare system

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Our sun is a recurring nova sun, a Dyson sphere wouldn't survive the massive solar flaring that occurs every 12 thousand years or so. We're going to be due for another micronova event soon. Don't believe me, look it up genius.

there isn't enough mass in the solar system to absorb the energy output of sol and still be able to reradiate it into space without being in a perpetual plasmid state.

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>Dyson sphere
>More resources and effort than the entire collective output of humanity thousands of times over
>Just to collect some energy from the Sun for... for what exactly?
Don’t you know we have the technology to pull limitless quantities of energy straight out of the quantum vacuum plasma?
>Polarization of the local vacuum is analogous to manipulation/modification of the local space tie topological lattice energy density. As a result, extreme speeds can be achieved.
>If we can engineer the structure of the local quantum vacuum state, we can engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level (thus affecting a physical system's inertial and gravitational properties). This realization would greatly advance the fields of aerospace propulsion and power generation.

Not necessarily. Everything outside the Local Group is expanding away from us faster than the speed of light. Our actual universe is a lot smaller than the observable universe.


safire energy