How do I get a white girl if i'm asian?

How do I get a white girl if i'm asian?

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you don't

You dont

you reroll

I know an Asian guy with a white wife and like 10 kids

>commie flag

you don't LAMO

money. lots of money

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Hi Jia

Just be confident, yes sir. Get a haircut, brush your teeth, comb your hair, yes sir. Look her straight in the eye, yes sir. Give her a firm handshake, yes sir.

>inb4 seething Chang’s to post nitpicked pictures which isn’t the same reality for the majority of ricecels

Does he look like Takeshi Kaneshiro or something?

Fuck off Raúl



who nose fren, who nose

your best bet is to become a transgender lesbian and find a mentally ill white SJW to date who will value you for diversity pokemon points

He's Japanese, and pretty nice honestly

fuck off newfag

this is what happens when a jew and a chink have kids

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You dont

i think you are lying, but if this true he must be Jomon.

easy just be japanese or korean

you don't chang

Just beeeeeee yourself

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Step 1) Go back to China.
Step 2) Get coronavirus.
Step 3) Die.
Then you will have all the white women you can ever ask for.
Dude, trust me.

You don’t

I bet they all walk like dinosaurs too

Dude, you need to stop snorting bees.

The last thing women want it tiny ricedick.

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Jesus a nose like that. Makes me shudder.

get rich and fuck a Jewess

Women are not interested in 5 year looking downie boys.

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Be a pinoy

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What would you do if you were cursed with that asian-negro nose?

I would get that thing cut on immediately

white women are pretty shit desu, they may look pretty but they are awful as people and you don't want to stay with them.

Gypsies and white women are two of the most consistent shitty people out there

I'm asian with a white girlfriend. Women don't really have a set in stone idea of what they are attracted to. As long as you are confident and take care of yourself, you should be able to attract one. The most important thing is actually approaching them. This is where most asians fail cause they have low self-esteem from white society emasculating them. Another easy way is to pick up a koreaboo but i wouldn't recommend it as most of them aren't mentally stable imo. Learn to be confident but also funny. Don't take yourself too seriously and keep on practicing bro

Get plastic surgery and be a kpop star.


That's a powerful turtle

donate a lot on her steam bro, that's how I got mine!

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10/10 troll

Try this they love giving sympathy. You might get a hot EMT to love you.

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>fuck off newfag
newfag spotted

grow a penis

Chinks can't get white women, black women, latino women, middle eastern women, or even asian women.

It's because your built weak and really don't look that much different from Asian women most of the time.

I have seen some really masculine Asian guys, and most of them end up with non-Asian women, which I think is very telling.

You chinks have a genetic beta male trait that 97% percent of you have.

It really doesn't have anything to do with society.

Look at Robert Kiosake (rich dad poor dad). Masculine looking man, deep voice, alpha male personality traits. He is married to a non-asian.

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Women are parasites, so be a good host. The better the host the more parasites you will have.

For what purpose?

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You don't lol. Just remember that no women will ever want you gook. Even your own fucking women absolutely fucking hate you. You might as well do everyone a favor and kill yourself.

Why even would you want one?
Asian gurrls are cute af.

Its because the Chinese breed for Untermensch. High volume Low quality genetics. They eat like insects and fuck like rabbits.

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