There is a very possible chance he wins the election

There is a very possible chance he wins the election.

>No unsecured email server.
>No fbi investigation.
>No bengazi.

Yeah he gaffes, but so does pres Trump. This could be an issue.

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Sleepy Joe will never win the general election. Cope. And cry when we get 4 more years of Trump.

He had another one of his dementia episodes on live CNN yesterday; he just keeps getting worse. So no, he won't win
>1 post by this ID
Saged and hidden

Lol imagine being this bitter. How does it feel like being sheep?

i'm looking forward to the debates either way

He and Hunter's Ukraine scandal is the sole reason for millions of wasted impeachment dollars.

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biden ain't winning tho, even local npr (oklahoma) has been talking about the sexual assault allegation every day -- bernie's base ain't voting, and biden's base probably doesn't even know what day it is, let alone election day

The accusations are not credible tho.

yeah it'll be funny for sure.

It’s not dementia, he’s had multiple brain aneurysms. For whatever reason people just don’t know that.

Neither were the Kavanaugh or Trump allegations, and yet you saw how easy those were to push.
And unlike those two, you don't have the whole "non-consensual" aspect to it all.
Trump's was "yeah we consensually had sex, but" etc etc. Kavanaugh's was "Yeah I can't remember all or any of the supporting details, but"
Bidens is much more credible. Aides saying when how and where they were raped. Not molested, raped.

There's a not insignificant chance he doesn't even live to the election. His brain is rapidly deteriorating, and it's pretty obvious to anyone who looks at him objectively. When he debates Trump, he's going to be eviscerated.

>No cognitive function

It doesn't matter what specific mental health issue that looks like he's dying soon he has.
It's the whole "he looks like he's dying soon and has mental health issues" thing. Again, unlike Trump you don't need an "expert" to "promise" you he's sick in the head, any layman can just watch.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Trump mutilate the dude on live television. It's kinda scary to imagine how it'll go. But that is the part that makes me pause, because everyone's betting that's what's going to happen, so what if it's like 2016 in reverse because all the energy is flowing toward Trump being presumptive elected? That's my only worry.

I do NOT want Biden, or more likely whatever his VP will be, to be president.

I hope he somehow wins for the lulz. I'm always for the chaos candidate. The only guy more chaotic than Trump is a senile pedo in the WH.

Another reason is I feel even Trudeau will be able to rip him off in trade negotiations.

>>No unsecured email server.
>>No fbi investigation.
>>No bengazi.
No memory
No coherent sentences

you idiot, nobody gave two shits about any of those things.

Yes that's great news. Biden is mentally in the 1950s. All the progressive talk is a facade.

>You can't vote for Trump, he's a senile old fool and a sex offender!
>You can't vote for Biden, he's a senile old fool and a sex offender!

Biden is running an "At least I'm not Trump" platform. That's not enough to win the election, though. Against Trump, you need to have a platform that people are actually somewhat excited and enthusiastic about and "bad orange man" will only mobilize so many people. Not enough to tilt the vote in Biden's favor electorally. And that's ignoring his ever more obvious senility and age as well as the upcoming debates where he will be absolutely killed by Trump.

Sorry, lefties and shills, but the Dems failed miserably for 2 election cycles in a row to field a viable candidate against Trump. Ironically, your hatred of Trump is Trump's biggest advantage. It has politically crippled the left to work on anything of political substance and come up with something compelling in that regard. Saying orange man is bad for 4 years straight isn't compelling enough since not everybody is equally hurt emotionally by Trump's mean words as you are.

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Believe all woman you sexist bigot

Woah woah woah we have to #believeallwahmen sexist

>Believe all women! Except the ones that might hurt libs in power or jeopardize their chances to be president.

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Difference is, the right doesn't care as much about baseless allegations, whereas the left have no concept of innocent till prove guilty so this will have a big effect on their minds

Literally anything is better than the trump economy.

Bring on the great depression.

No he has already made his deal with Trump to throw the election or not contest any of the close elections the republicans plan to steal.
Biden is old enough to not care if he goes to prison for Ukraine but he will protect his son and family legacy.
They showed him what they can do with the Honeytrap Stripper that got knocked up on purpose and is going to clean up in Child Support.

Well that doesn’t exactly convey that he’s the picture of health. Remember how big a deal Hillary falling out of the car was?

I'm hoping Hunter gets brought into the debate, Physically brought in and is high on Meth with a hooker on his arm.
Joe comes over and Shakes his sons arm and then sniffs the prostitute, Then says "What am I doing here again?"
Meanwhile Trump is dabbing in the background.

Why do you think Trump wants to shut down the elections instead?

He'll forget that he had a debate with Trump.

Biden. Credible. Troll.

I hope he wins, and I'm gonna vote for him here in Pa.
I didn't vote so much for Trump as much as against Hillary...hadn't voted since I voted for Perot.
I'm definitely more on the conservative side ...but how Trump has been treated since even before his presidency is so blatantly criminal, underhanded and outright treasonous I really don't know what to do and why he hasn't been after so many people...and the only people locked up were on HIS side, and these fuckers get away with lie after lie, criminal act after criminal act and now they have this blatantly hoaxish virus bullshit. This presidency shows the people have ZERO say in what the president does. Trump can do so many things right now but STILL fails to do anything. I'm voting to crash this country and burn it down to Guatamala status by 2025. I got mine, fuck every one else behind me.

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Tribute to your kind honorary boomer.

How is the allegation against Biden "much more credible"?
Trump has had dozens of accusers, some of them with as much detail as Reade's account. Reade is accusing Biden of digital penetration, not rape (though I think that's treated the same as rape in some jurisdictions, like the Steubenville case).
In the end, like with Trump and Kavanaugh, whether or not people believe the accusations will depend on whether or not they support the accused.

He wouldn't last 5 minutes on a debate stage, he has no points.


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>or more likely whatever his VP will be
Today in the paper, there was an article from the AP that listed Klobuchar, Harris, Warren, and Whitmer. Take your pic, lol.