I say this without fulfilling it myself but I think you guys need this redpill.
A trad husband:
>Provides a high quality of living for his wife and multiple children in a nice neighborhood or beautiful rural town
so none of this trailer on a few acres in west virginia. you need to take her to a relatively well earning place where she'll be surrounded by other women she can socialize with.
>Does not watch porn or jerk off at all, cock is always hard and ready to ride when she wants to fuck
>Let's her manage the finances entirely
>Doesn't bitch when she gets something nice for herself because you understand her role as homemaker is equal in importance to your role as breadwinner
>Asks her out without self deprecation or pickup lines, in real life away from apps
>Pays for everything on dates, takes control of courting, asks her to marry him relatively soon so she's not wasting her time on a nothing deal
>Does not play any video games, board games, smoke weed, drink too much, any other manchild hobby or activity
>Goes to church
>Does not expect sexual favors more grotesque or perverse than the occasional blowjob
>Has a robust group of fellow trad dudes who he infrequently socializes with
>Constantly improving material conditions for his family through work or sacrifice
A lot of you guys thinking you're just going to dominate some chick with your mediocre salary, below average looks, dismal social life, and addiction to alcohol, weed, or porn don't realize that in a truly trad situation, where female solidarity is intact and muscular, you would quickly find yourself the object of scorn among most men and all women until you let your wife leave with your children to stay with her mom or sister.
Tradchad general
lol didn't reand and you get no bump also faggot
Where's the lie?
Also "I play board games" is a dead giveaway for being a polyamous blob.
You're a faggot. Just about everything here you pulled out of your ass because you think this is what traditionalism is. In fact, this list of mostly bullshit is only what you think is traditional because you can only see the material aspect of it. And this form of "traditionalism" is a relatively new and short lived form post ww2-1970. And the people who lived this way did not see themselves as practicing traditionalism but of creating a new way of life only possible with industrialism. In short, you are a raging homosexual retard. A small house on a few acres in West Virginia is 1000x more in line with historical normalcy than your whole suburban bullshit attempt will ever be.
Look, you gotta tailor your desires to what you can actually get. It doesn't matter what WAS traditional, OP is pointing out what works NOW. You could have 1000 acres of excellent land and a qt who has grown up in the city isn't going to want it. She wants a community in which to raise her children and a "good" home to raise them in.
Yes, standards are warped thanks to aspirational TV and social media ("How TV ruined your life") goes into detail on this, but you aren't going to "muh ancestors" your way into some hot "tradwife".
>I’m a beta provider but ACTUALLY that makes me alpha because I go to church so ha!
Pic related so you all know what you're up against, but THIS is a perfect example of what Christian girls are putting on their "Dream life" pinterest boards.
I'm not wrong though. A lot of these women will grow up to be disappointed, but OP is totally correct in detailing what they actually want and/or except. Don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise.
If you’re worried about how much money you make then you’re already putting yourself into the beta provider box
Everyone will bitch and moan about this, because it’s harsh. But it’s also very true. A legit wife requires a good, strong, successful man. Both are rare, and most of pol will never get a trad wife. Tough pill to swallow for most on here
>polyamous blob.
I wish you people would just shut the fuck up, it's constantly
>tradwife qt
>make money goy
>buy materialistic shit to fit in
>"insert picture of 50s white people at dinner table"
The funny thing is that the people preaching this utter bullshit never actually have any of it, it's what they believe is traditional because their tiny pea brain minds saw it on TV.
All of this is coping fantasy that probably causes incel mass shootings.
I wish people would stop romanticizing reality. Life is shit. Cope or rope.
I always lmao at christcucks who doesn't realize their dream "trad stay-at-home wife" is most of the time just a greedy, incompetent and lazy slut whose only qualites were to be just beautiful and clever enough to seduce them.
I don't care about any of that bullshit, the only one deluded here is you user. You have this fantasy in your head of what a traditional life is and it's predicated on bullshit.
Solution to these problems and more: Remove Jews.
>Christian girls
I will never understand why these are so appealing to you thirsty virgins
Have you never met a girl who puts ‘god first’? They’re insufferable
Where do I say I believe or am actively pursuing any of this in my own life? is totally right that is a christcuck fantasy. I'm saying that OP is totally right in listing that this is what those women want and what they've been raised to believe. I grew up with these girls. I went to their churches and their stupid youth groups where people sat in a circle and described the life they "hope christ intended" for them. Without fail all the girls listed the shit in the OP.
THAT IS IN THEIR HEADS. That Disney prince fantasy bullshit is what you're competing against in her mind.
this is the most accurate portrayal of pol ever made besides the mutt meme. The amount of seethe/cope it has caused will take a long time to be topped. Fuck all you niggers btw
and I stopped reading
t. mgtow redditor
this is major cope that you're in the bottom 50%, likely low test, probably on the spectrum, and assuredly addicted to the internet. you're never going to make it, sorry
Never getting on that hamster wheel. Some men just aren't interested in being rodents.
Chads marry Asian qts
Betas worship roasties in wheat fields
Thank you. So glad somebody finally said it. Jesus Christ this shit is so fuckin tiresome.
>lets her manage finances entirely
you must be the stupidest nigga alive
>writes about wives
>a bunch of shit about dating including paying on dates and then letting her manage finances entirely
ah, so you do not want traditional women and traditional white families. kike spotted, you fucking jew insect
I wish you people would just shut the fuck up, it's constantly
>kill all women do not mate goy
>consume more goy
>be contrarian no matter what
>"insert picture of gay ass old statue"
The funny thing is that the people preaching this utter bullshit never actually have or do any of it, it's what they believe is traditional because their tiny pea brain minds saw it on the internet.
Naw man, I don't think that's a good deal. That's why I put a baby in an non-American woman.
>don't have white children you provide for, goy! don't wanna be a simp do you
>>Let's her manage the finances entirely
lol whatorinooos?!