Out of Shaodws is making it's way to my "normie" friends on Facebook

The video is making its rounds with my, "middle-class I drive a BMW and am a Doctor" types. They are sharing the video openly on Facebook and saying it isn't a conspiracy theory.



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Other urls found in this thread:


Robert David Steele is based as fuck.

Facebook huh?


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fuck off kike

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Expect glowniggers.

Facebook is a social thermometer

I have not seen any other segments from the ITNJ. Thank you for sharing.

Their sound editing sucks

Fuck Facebook. You use that shit more than ironically you should die in a fire. Yeah, I’m thinking arson.

Was he serious when he said there's child slaves on mars?

its a norrmie film

my mom sent me a link to this. It's mostly decent except they refuse to recognize the JQ which is the center of occult, Epstein and sexual blackmail, and the US media and political elite.


what's the evidence that he said that?

Meme flag = Kike.

i would absolutely believe that we have been so lied to about tech and past history that that is possible at the least and operating in full swing at the most

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>infinity symbol

Me because I saw it on the Alex Jones Show.

Not sure but I saw the video of him saying it.
I think he's FOS though.
Shipp is the good one.

That's the thing tho, if you just come out and start accusing Jews normal fags will turn away from the ideas. You gotta slowly nudge them into it, and it usually happens awhile after they start questioning shit like this. If they are at all interested in what was spoken about, they will eventually run across the JQ.

They're got great testimonies. The Danish former banker that got high up to required child sacrifice, and a woman in a high ranking Mormon family that was ritually abused by the leadership.

He sometimes just says weird shit. Like he also said the planes that hit the WTC were holograms.

Anyway, if you're into long form Q&As listen to the spy improv he used to do on HOPE. Those are like 3 to 8 hours long each.

>Steele document

When will the shills get off pol. I swear every other post is a fucking bot

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It's afraid

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i just dont undestand why they arent naming specific perpetrators, "i have A list celebrity friends who have dropped names to me, IM NOT GOING TO REVEAL THOSE NAMES, but..."

who cares

My friend sent it to me as well

Bumpedy bump; fuck jannies, trannies, kikes, bots and shills

I was watching him live when he said it to Alex Jones
I was shocked because of his credentials
assuming he was telling the truth - I do not believe it and I am no normie.
he should know that saying that would make him look like a total schizo.
I therefor must assume that he is actually on the side of the pedophiles
he did almost as much damage as the comet ping pong shooting hoax

Be prepared to have this thread slid hard I've seen 3 today get Thanosed.

This. Baby steps. Most Euro-Westerners have been inundated with global-homo propaganda about Hitler and the Jews almost every year of their school-going lives—to say nothing of Hollywood, etc. Even so, once folks start to put the pieces together, certain conclusions are inescapable.

There was a whole saga of him having back and forth drama with that other mossad asshole dude who used to do conspiracy videos. Forgot the name but he got somewhat popular a couple of years ago, had glasses and curly hair.