The Joker calls for the release of Gotham's prisoners

To stop the spread of covid, Joaquin Phoenix is calling for clemency to be granted to prisoners of New York. You can't make this shit up.

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Fuck that gay jew
>czech em

more like Kiker. this movie was jewish through and through, producer, writer, actors, score, fucking everyone.

Some people just want to See the world burn.
Fuck this people


They say he goes the extra mile to become a character. I guess that rumor is true.

fuck this guy

>The Joker calls for the release of Gotham's prisoners
>Blurring the lines between fiction and reality

this is an attack on the public's sanity.

HE IS SO FUCKING HIGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>anything to get Weinstein out
This is all so predictable

>more like Kiker. this movie was jewish through and through, producer, writer, actors, score, fucking everyone.

What about it was jewish? Other than the interracial romance which turned out to be imaginary anyway?

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>no one should die to covid-19
>they should die at the hands of jamal instead

Let's release the hot girls only, on the sole condition that they star in a porn movie before they get their liberty back!

Based joker is so meta he wants criminals to spill in the streets to kickstart the looting and plunge society into chaos.

Yeah I think i like the Indian joker better.

No one deserves to be jailed for committing a crime

based jew actor amirite

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>let the hordes of violent niggers go free in society
is he jewish?

>No one deserves to die in prison of COVID-19
Uh what the fuck is he talking about. What about rapists and child murderers.

>Actually became the Joker.

quick Gov. Cuomo
I'm famous
scratch my itch
not sure why im itchy
but scratch it
im famous

That's Bane's job though
Somebody call Tom Hardy

I'm so good at social distancing I've been talking to myself like a stranger.

Some people want to build a dekulakization brigade

It's not just fucking Celebrities calling for this shit

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>They say he goes the extra mile to become a character.

Its called "method" acting.

>is he jewish?

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Phoenix's joker fucking sucked. Heath all the way fuck the convicts blow'm up

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Phoenix vs Ledger
The virgin skitzo clown vs the chad master of chaos

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Celebrities still haven't figured out no ones gives a shit what they think

any rich/famous faggot that calls for that should be held personally accountable for all those released prisoners when they reoffend. And these faggots should be sent to prison instead of these released prisoners when they reoffend.