Why do we hate him again? He's a right-wing conservative christian, like most of us. He happens to be jewish and have some jewish talking points but I think that's a trade off for how based he is.
Why do we hate him again? He's a right-wing conservative christian, like most of us...
Other urls found in this thread:
Get in the oven faggot
He's a Christian Jew...
That's a new one.
Get in the oven faggot
if this isn't bait, please kys
Yas Forumstards won't stop sperging out about him, but he's one of the only voices on the right that isn't a complete joke.
But I'm sure you retards think Spic Fuentes with his stagnant 30k subscribers and 5k viewers on DLive is going to completely shift politics!
Fuck you, JIDF.
Christcucks will always side with christians of any race over their own people.
>he's not a democrat so that means he's on our side!
>who cares that he "doesn't care about the browning of america" that's still "right-wing" which means he's exactly like us
>Why do we hate him again?
We don't like his whiny, annoying voice.
Reminder that in the early 2000's, Ben was writing articles about ethnically cleansing all the Palestinians
>b-but that was a long time ago
yeah, but that's who he is inside, he was in his early 20's back then not like he was 14 or something
He was also on the NeverTrump train right alongside the other jewish neocons.
Is the jewest jew in the World and right wing didn't find a better leader than him.
whiny sniveling self righteous nervous little jew. And Wrong about most Everything. He truly is controlled opposition. the type that when the shit is about to hit the plan tries to "talk sense" read stop the appropriate measures from being enacted. JEWish subversion
Has there ever been a jew or ex-jew who was openly critic of jews?
This is why. This fucker takes the side of International Jewry over everything else
If Nick was giving the same funding this kikelet got to give speeches and tours he'd do a far better job than shekelpiro.
Ben works for the tribe.
Like it fucking matters, christians, jews, muslims, they're all abrahamic religions
I side with my race wether christian or not except
moslems get sent to paradise
>he’s a right wing conservative Christian
>he just happens to be Jewish
He is cucked on mainly immigration and foreign interventions, but he is still a net positive for the right to have as an ally. These edgy, underground neckbeard types aren't go to help us in any way.
I’m a Christian and my race are the only ones God created. So, as I’d save my siblings over others, I’d prefer my race over others. Good or bad.
Wrong Moshe
Shapiro is pro-circumcision, just for that he goes first on the day of the rope.
He is a complete joke, and Yas Forums isn't right-winged. Back to r*ddit, fucking leaf.
There have been a few, but it is rare. Bobby Fischer was unironically a based Jew.
Christian? LMFAO
4th Commandment: Honor your father and your mother.
Only Kikes slander Christianity like you're doing, user.
Oh no, you called me a kike, you totally won the argument! Want an updoot?
Lol, he's married with kids but still shaves? some jew
kike spotted.
Where's the "serves him right, he trusted a Jew" pic when I need it.
How's that cognitive dissonance working out for you?
Yes I did Hershel.
The lowest effort bait. Get a fucking hobby.
The entire left v right dichotomy is retarded and it leads to idiotic statements like the one you just made. We are not on Ben Shapiro's "team" just because he also dislikes Democrats. Immigration and foreign interventions are a lot more important than whatever bullshit social issues he aligns with Republican cucks on.
If this hypothetical "right" that you speak of encompasses lolbergs, neocons, generic conservatives and racial nationalists, then there is no "right". Ben is not our ally, and you need to go back to r/t_d.
>Has 160 IQ
>Harvard Law Graduate
>NEETs on Yas Forums call him a joke
Okay, faggot, which incel streaming off a 480p webcam in his mother's basement screaming at the sky about the Jews do you think is true saviour of the right?
Get out of your echo chamber. Shapiro is cucked in a lot of ways, but you can't convince normies to go hard right in one step.
>Only Kikes slander Christianity like you're doing, user.
Translation - I literally worship jews. And you're a jew because you don't also worship jews.
A Jewish Neocon tactical libertarian,is an ally and a net positive? What direction are you headed in that this makes sense?
Nick is an Aryan ubermensch compared to Ben
werent the earliest followers of christianity jews? I mean Jesus himself was a jew and was preaching to jews. even paul is a jew
>160 IQ
>But can't debate for shit if he isn't talking fast over poorly prepared students
Also the right can fucking die for all I care. National Socialism is not right winged, we want white countries run by white people where we look out for each other, not the Judeo-Capitalism this manlet advocates for.
>loves Israel
>dumb take on america first ((((ironic))))
> "debates" retards and thinks hes owning the left
"right wing conservative christian he happens to be jewish" those two things are the opposite of eachother saged twice
He is an ally in the sense he has the ability to peel off some normies from left-wing marxist movements. A libertarian with neocon tendencies is still far better for us than a leftist. We cannot win the cultural battle overnight. Shapiro is a good stepping stone. I'm sure many on here started off with him even though they won't admit it.
>u you can't convince normies to go hard right in one step.
See, now you're arguing for something totally different. If you meant to say that Ben Shapiro is a good "first step" to bring normies out of generic apolitical liberalism, then sure i'll agree with you. That DOES NOT make him "our ally" or make us part of some hypothetical major faction called "the right". How exactly does it help our (nationalist's) cause when a generic Republican retard gets into office and then continues replacing us with third worlders? What exactly is the benefit of a "right victory"?
Yes, there is no point in attacking Ben's normie followers on Jewtube or whatever, that's fine. However, this is Yas Forums. We exist here to discuss the truth, not to shill for things as part of a grand strategy, thus we call out Ben Shapiro for what he is, a neocon kike.
just stop
>heh the far right has low production value, that means they're wrong
>echo chamber
Literally anyone can come here and say literally anything, this is not an echo chamber no matter how many times you screech it. If a large enough horde of leftists came here tomorrow this place would instantly transform into a left-wing page, that is not indicative of an echo chamber (a controlled place wherein mods and/pr rules enforce an established ideology).
You’re a moron, he’s not christian at all and has never claimed to be.
He's a rabid zionist asshole who supports neocon warmongering. Amazing how his logic goes out the door when it comes to israel.
He does not have a fucking 160 IQ. If he did, he would have done something other than a political science major. That's low tier shit
Yeah fuck him, hypocritical piece of shit. I wouldn't even give a damn about Israel if Jews constantly didn't push this anti-white bullshit in the west.