Is tradwife a meme? What are the chances

And no, fat white girls don't count just because they hate niggers and latina girls don't count just because they can clean.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with women enjoying casual sex. They deserve to feel pleasure just as much as men do.


Worthless, you are worthless, we don't want you.
This is the place where we don't censor ourselves in order to appease your feelings, we are disgusted by your behavior and feel repulsed and revolted by any non-virgin woman. This is a universal truth for men that most simply won't admit.

I don't know but they still l are high status so you gotta get good to win one I think. I'm not that good yet I think

Yeah sure faggot that's why we keep fucking them.. cause of social pressures.
Get a fucking clue or get back in your tube

Someone show this incel the chart correlating number of sexual partners with chance of divorce

The chances are astronomically low.

Women deserve only what they have earned, just like men.

i have a tradwife and a baby. it helps that I worship Jesus and take my wife to church.

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They exist user. I've met one.

Pleasure. Hmph. Like bait in a trap. You think it's all fun and games, then strange fluids leak from your infected genitals. Yes, when you play, you pay. Reality doesn't cease to be simply because you deny it. Shrouded in that protective layer of false security and euphoria. You never see the danger lurking around the corner. The devil is in the details. Your little joy rides will end soon. Just wait and see!

fornication is a sin and Paul told Timothy to kick fornicators out of church

>And no, fat white girls don't count
Your loss

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fat men produce sperm. fat women don't have space in their guts for a baby to fit.

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They exist but you have to have reasonable expectations. My wife isn't gorgeous, but she is attractive enough that I am not embarrassed to be in public with her. Nor is she particularly intelligent, either, but she was a virgin when we met (and more than ten years younger) and is super sweet and loyal and dedicated to making me happy. I figured that was enough and wifed her up. It is a mistake to look for the same things in a wife that you would look for in a male friend, i.e. an intellectual peer.

I found a tradwife.. from Indonesia, good luck finding a european one.

That's why you get a tradchub gf and turn her into your tradwhale wife via multiple impregnations

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Nobody said men deserve to feel pleasure, dumbass.

They’re real and they will bake you cookies

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>that color scheme...

This is now a coom thread

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I have a trad gf but her feet are grotesque.

What do i do?

make her paint her toenails at least

>Is it a meme?

>casual sex
when will this meme die

when people start saying fornication and adultery again

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She does but her big toes 150% the size the second toes and they are all uneven and mangled together. Plus her feet are fucking huge and she has a fungus on one of het big toe nails than can be observed through the nail polish.

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Nothing wrong with pleasure, it's the perversification of pleasure that's the problem. Nothing wrong with rubbing one out but when you keep rubbing when you're not even hard you entered the realm of the unnatural.

Off yourself, whore

This..reached me.

Retarded bait but whatever.
Women are supposed to be the gatekeepers to sex. If she has loose morals and has little to no regard for who she lets between her legs then it absolutely reflects on her as a person. She lacks virtue.
It's like giving the milk away for free but pressuring a good man to buy the cow later on.