Post political compasses
Post political compasses
Might as well dump a bunch of stuff.
Milk toast fence sitter
Plus OP is a fag
Stop posting this retarded wojak compass. So much of it is wrong.
Me too, are you a woman?
Just took it...
Same, not a woman.
I'm a theocrat and the fact you are near me, Vasil, disgusts me.
Stay away.
i respect people on the top and the bottom, strong government or no government
took. i guess yes.
I moved a bit to the left because let's face it all those neets and low skill workers will not allow full economic right
just took it for the first time in years, used to be right on the center.
>t. 15 year old
Don't want to take it again but I'm in the anti-socialist box
>Assumption based off nothing
Kek what's with all those "progressives"? I think this test is meaningless. I'm progressive according to it and I'm a staunch nationalist, race realist, mostly traditionalist, and economically (but only economically) close to national socialism, where most industries are free to do what they want but certain essential industries are controlled by the state.
Are you okay with having social services and some kind of labor rights. Hell your country had it till the brown hordes showed up
are you really that new here?
you misinterpreted the whole thing, most of progressives are there on the compass but if you are there doesn't mean you are a progressive
I'm also a nationalist but most of nationalists want strong government
Depends on the specific services and rights. I'm neither fully in opposition nor support for those things as general concepts.
me in the top middle 4 quadrants
Well you guys have things like social services for the disabled and elderly, a general welfare type system, I don't know the full extent you guys have it but anything that doesn't include non whites getting money is not what I mean
>t. le eBic 4chanmerrr
I'm here since like 2012.
Then this test is meaningless. The idea that you could fit the entire political spectrum on 2 axis is ridiculous to begin with.
top right is the ultimate chadpill