CNN caught trying to add subliminal message to news report

>inb4 take your meds
It's fucking real!

So my boyfriend (inb4 shut up faggot) just showed me this:
Mentioning that there's an annoying heart beat sound for the first 2 minutes (after Fake news man cuts away). Now he's always wearing headphones. I could barely hear it on my external speakers. And I remarked
"it's very subtle."
So I put my headphones on and listened and low and behold it was very obvious.
So I recorded a portion directly from my soundcard and zoomed in on the low end of the spectrum analysis with audacity...

Attached: fake news man.png (1261x662, 790.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

As you can see there's a loud sound right below the 50Hz mark peaking around 100Hz. But it's probably at it's loudest right around the 15Hz mark below the human auditory range.

The sound would barely be audible on most external PC speakers and cheap television speakers- if at all. I have a really good external speaker setup and could barely make it out.

Clearly it's put in there to create a subliminal sense of dread.

Attached: CNN Subliminal heartbeat.png (1492x781, 156.76K)

Also the whiteish color means loud. This sound is louder than anything else on the audio track. Even if you aren't hearing it.

fuck off and die you faggot.
bitch cocksucker nigger die satanic fuck

bump, large if factual

Attached: think.png (512x512, 24.49K)

Fag sage in all fields

lmao why does CNN have a graphic design of the virus for their background?
That's pathetic

meanwhile fox doesn't even acknowledge anyone is dying.

Take your meds.

Bumping due to this weird hostility of random anons. Something may be there.

same, i wasn't interested in this thread but their anger made me interested

I'm the satanic guy even though you're allowing your prejudices (sin of wrath) to turn a blind eye to CNN actually being caught, with actual evidence, doing something actually really fucked up?
>be me
>total fag
>only one on Yas Forums who's actually read the fucking bible.

Attached: 023.png (2048x2048, 803.92K)

>I'm a faggot and want to let you know for no reason
fuck off and die leaf

Attached: bfdc7badbe93ea469f9178cb95db742d-imagejpeg.jpg (351x351, 135.93K)

Would not surprise/10, you get an A for autism.

BUMP. You're onto something

Take your meds

It's sound engineering. They aren't trying to do it subliminally, they are just doing it. They are trying to aurally signal doom because it sells. Viewers aren't the customers, they are the product!

Attached: 1567439019912.jpg (1280x533, 105.89K)

Yes I am. But I'm not the brigading type. So I don't know how to get this out there and into the mainstream conversation. I need more autists to help with this. Because this is actually something.

>CNN caught trying to add subliminal message to news report

If you knew Gematria you would have included much more in this thread.
Like the number 93

Holy shit imagine getting uppity about some one shitting on a news outlet that you go with the ol "YEAH WELL THESE GUYS ARE WORSE"

Fucking hell people who watch main stream news of any kind are actually brain dead (you).

Attached: 1587116419734.jpg (597x615, 160.83K)

They've been doing this for a while in certain contexts. Cable TV is basically designed to irritate boomer NPCs now, for unknown purposes.

Post your boyfriend's feet

>fag couple
>watching CNN
Checks out

>sound engineering
Any competent sound engineer would know that it would be almost completely inaudible on any external speaker setup without a dedicated subwoofer.

What other frequencies might be embedded elsewhere....

Attached: 113Lies.png (849x243, 36.44K)

lmao who gives a fuck, gonna go back to playing warzone now

Kobe Bryant
Michael Jordan
George Lucas.
All have 113 Gematria

Attached: 113Lies two.png (935x653, 322.59K)

It's the lapel mic picking up his heartbeat.

t. acoustical engineer and doctor

fuck off with the actual schizo shit.

goddamnit fuck these fucking cocksucking faggots
it's all poor seniors watching cnn and they are fucking targeting them with psychotronic warfare

Attached: terry_system.jpg (960x720, 151.88K)

Probably have some deal with Alexa, Siri, Google etc to see how many smart speakers can pick up the audio. They are just trying to confirm how shit in the hole their ratings are.


Dear diary,

Today OP was a faggot, but he wasn't a faggot

Attached: Morning Leader.png (471x470, 507.16K)

oh I read the Bible too faggot. front to back. hope an eternity in hell was worth the shit blood and cum that encapsulates your life you utter failure of a human.
die faggot

Something tells me your info on Fox News isn't primary

Bump and

45 MINUTES of pure data about the Satanic Elitss Bunker network!!

Underwater Bases
>submarine pens Under NORAD!
HIDDEN technology exposed of Deep submersible rescue vehicles that are used for transporting troops, people, equipment all under the ocean!!!

Be there

Never watch CNN.

Take that one to the bank.

Q predicted this

I'm sitting here with a small soundbar the length of a shoebox and I can clearly hear that heart beat, it starts out real loud and noticeable but then gets a little quieter and more subtle

Does this appear on other CNN videos?

Does this appear on CNN videos where Trump is not the subject?

These are good questions

Holy shit. It says "FUCK NIGGERS"!

Fuck, digits plus this sounds logical.

Q predicted tits.
Post tits.

Retarded shill is retarded.

wewwwww thx for link hopefully it delivers

soooo much shit is coming to light and falling in place lately

Attached: moon_v_deathstar.jpg (1566x880, 117.54K)

I can’t possibly begin to care about any numerology bullshit
OP is a cocksucking faggot

Bullshit. It peaks below 50Hz. Unless it's right up against your ear (i.e. headphones) nothing short of a 6" speaker is going to make a noticeable sound at a normal listening volume.

Checked, and runoverglowniggerpilled

This isn't subtle at all? I thought you were going to make me look for it... you don't even need audacity wtf

It certainly seems CNN is increasingly behaving in a desperate manner and it’s not about their completely collapsed viewership either.

>Clearly it's put in there to create a subliminal sense of dread.
nah, check which video games the sound is in and relate everything you find for your answer

something to do with your fear response yes

wtf it's real

Fuck off CNN.
It's clearly meant to be subliminal which makes it a violation of FCC guidelines.

>they are fucking targeting them with psychotronic warfare
they're not special, they fire on themselves for fun, nobody is immune


Also autist but interesting

It is. I try not to suffer from confirmation bias so I look for sources outside of what I believe.

3 thumbnails in one. Down the goofball rabbit hole I go. I hope there's an alien tie-in.

Attached: always allieams.jpg (486x508, 27.58K)

dude chill, i'm not opposing you, moron. I'm saying you're right and I can hear it...

Shut up faggot

yeah that's not subtle at all. You can hear it clearly with headphones.

This is used in grand theft auto to increase heart rate in missions. Also pay attention to tones that subtly imitate alarms, sirens etc.

not bullshitting, I use the soundbar together with a subwoofer. my soundbar has a midrange quality, it's not high end but far from shit, too. I'm sitting 3 meters away from it right now on my couch and can clearly hear that heart beat, duuno what else to say

Post proof CNN is competent.
Subliminal isn't magic. It doesn't have any effect regular volume wouldn't have.

Pic out of date, now it's only 4

Attached: 1586221353624.jpg (630x847, 154.06K)

Yeah inaudible frequencies to physiologically effect us has been happening for a long time.
I'm pretty sure they do the same shit in horror movies prior to the jump scare to get you more on edge.

shut up faggot

This is worse than the console warring on Yas Forums

Fuck off CNN
I explained it in the OP.

You wouldn't be able to hear it through a TV's built in speakers. Or a cheap set of PC speakers. Which is what 100% of CNN's target audience would be using.

This is a clear violation of FCC guidelines.

shut up faggot

It would be your subwoofer making the sound then smart guy. Sounds at subwoofer frequencies are difficult to determine the source location of. So your brain is telling you it's coming from the soundbar.


good bread. dumb responses. strange

>horror movies
they do, there's even articles explaining it.

what do you think about Leviticus 20:13 saying fags deserve the death penalty and Romans 1 saying you are a filthy reprobate and going to hell?


I can hear it on my high end speakers. Figured I would try it on some headphones just to make sure. Damn OP you're onto something.

For once OP isn't being a fag but is ironically a faggot.

>Bumping due to this weird hostility of random anons. Something may be there.
Yep a lot of hostility....

All of the 15-year old lawyers here on Yas Forums will surely report this to the proper authorities.

lol why are u mad he's saying you are right, and actually its not that subtle, i can hear it with 20€ pc speakers

THIS happened:
Frequency that hit earth 27 Feb, 2020

When it came in--the bandwidth it used was tremendous

Screenshots from receivers all around the world, it was a high speed data transmission
exactly 10khz wide

Ok I examined it. It's coded DRM

West coast

Essentially -- very loud interference on a channel that has regular programming, but the interference was caused by something that produces a lot of power -- highly sophisticated -- most likely an encrypted bandwidth communication -- but there's only a few KNOWN locations in the world that have that transmitting ability -- so something unknown, secretive, or mysterious

The strength of the transmitter required to transmit such a strong signal. In CB lingo, it used to be "WALL TO WALL AND TREETOP TALL". For signal strength like that, it would take megabucks for equipment and power.

Radiotard here... This was Radio Romania International transmitting DRM on 7.220 mHz at 300kW. Band is long this evening (radiotard term for high F layer propagation), resulting in the signal being observed over greater distances.

It is not the same 'frequency' as the virus, it is a harmonic of that frequency. Like waves in the ocean eventually combining with a set that produces a larger wave.

The Harmonics will eventually meet each other at the right 'point' and create the kill frequency.

The actual frequency is way too high and therefore would not reach enough distance without a power output/wattage that would fry allot of Biological life in its path

So wth is that kind of signal
19883 filter down to 151

he pulse DURATION was EXACT one hour

>Clearly it's put in there to create a subliminal sense of dread.
Is there any evidence that this is actually possible? Like have there been psychology experiments done where a low sound (it's loudest frequencies being sub-auditory) creates a reaction subliminally? A reaction such as dread?

I would be very interested to see those studies. If there's nothing to suggest it though, I would put it down to incompetence. Someone at CNN probably just had their microphone too close to their chest or something.


Thanks for taking that dick out of your ass and providing us some FCC violations at cNn

Attached: 1576137003723.gif (256x194, 1.06M)

maybe that's why it's noticeable at first as some anons say.. maybe a loophole? idk fcc rules

It's for folks wearing wearing these to get ratings user.

>The Portable People Meter (PPM), also known as Nielsen Meter, is a system developed by Arbitron (now Nielsen Audio) to measure how many people are exposed or listening to individual radio stations and television stations, including cable television. The PPM is worn like a pager, and detects hidden audio tones within a station or network's audio stream, logging each time it finds such a signal.

>Although the makers of the PPM claim that it is more accurate than traditional alternatives like handwritten logs or wired meters, critics have raised issues about its accuracy. Another sales argument is that the device is immune to human forgetfulness, something that can be an issue in studies that rely on self-reporting by test subjects.

Attached: Arbitron_Portable_People_Meter.jpg (640x617, 89.41K)

Oy Vey.

Attached: 4d6.png (600x761, 336.44K)

That heartbeat sound is a ages old sound-design technique. It's meant to make the viewer more anxious. Mixing crashing and explosion sounds with animal roars etc. is really common.

But it's a pure propaganda tool when used with news.

Cool, I've never looked too deeply into it but just trust my instincts because the anxiety buildup always feels like it is coming from an external and unnatural place.

Tons.... exposure to low frequencies at high volume are well documented to cause anxiety and panic as well as a feeling of being watched. They often get the blame for being the true cause of many “ghost sightings” and other “paranormal” experiences

> Fake news

if they're not impartial and instead biased to a single ideology/political party then they're not journalist nor reporters, they're activist, in the case of CNN political activist, its all propaganda and you require a milk warm IQ to sit and digest that garbage

i cant hear anything even with headphones. is there a timestamp?

The Bible is the word of God, and in God's own words he hates you and you are going to hell where you belong you filthy degenerate.

Could this be some type of honeypot to log the IP of the people that were refered to their video link from this site? Does YouTube tell you those kind of stats?

Bumping due to over-the-top hostility for a spectrum analysis.

Attached: C0D8721B-FEC2-4F21-AA36-1707C2720995.jpg (4032x3024, 1.45M)

I see, well then thanks for clarifying. now I'm curious to test my tv speakers but meh..

Yeah they've been doing this for awhile. Last month when Pence was giving a speech during a press briefing they let the audio focus on his breathing. It sounded like Pence was struggling to breathe, but it was just the normal breathes anyone takes when making a speech. Also there was a voice in the background saying "Is he okay?". Trying to make it seem that Pence had coronavirus.

Don’t listen to them thanks for sharing this with us neighbor.

glow niggers being glow niggers

looks like you have very good perception skills user!

Attached: h4sXjA.jpg (600x591, 16.34K)


Most low-mid end speakers usually can’t output frequencies less than 18-20 Hz anyway, so what’s the point if most speakers can’t even play it?

You could have made the post without mentioning gender- "a friend" instead you invite bobs, vagine, or gay retorts. Surely you're not new around here.

Gender and relationship status offer no currency here-unless you're going to post bobs and vagine, STFU about that shit and stick to the data.

Attached: tits3.jpg (768x533, 55.28K)

Whoa, that's actually kinda weird. Is it worth noting that it stops in the middle of the interview with that Chinese guy?

Haha yes, the jews want to stop us from bumming eachother!
But seriously though, good find. But you definitely should reconsider your lifestyle because being a faggot sodomite cock-sucker is a golden ticket to the fiery furnace

I haven't read the bible but I'm 2000x times better than you in the eyes of God just for not being a fucking fag. Don't reveal that you're a homo if you want people to take you seriously. Then again do, because it makes it alot easier to censor out posts nigger.