THIS happened:
Frequency that hit earth 27 Feb, 2020
When it came in--the bandwidth it used was tremendous
Screenshots from receivers all around the world, it was a high speed data transmission
exactly 10khz wide
Ok I examined it. It's coded DRM
West coast
Essentially -- very loud interference on a channel that has regular programming, but the interference was caused by something that produces a lot of power -- highly sophisticated -- most likely an encrypted bandwidth communication -- but there's only a few KNOWN locations in the world that have that transmitting ability -- so something unknown, secretive, or mysterious
The strength of the transmitter required to transmit such a strong signal. In CB lingo, it used to be "WALL TO WALL AND TREETOP TALL". For signal strength like that, it would take megabucks for equipment and power.
Radiotard here... This was Radio Romania International transmitting DRM on 7.220 mHz at 300kW. Band is long this evening (radiotard term for high F layer propagation), resulting in the signal being observed over greater distances.
It is not the same 'frequency' as the virus, it is a harmonic of that frequency. Like waves in the ocean eventually combining with a set that produces a larger wave.
The Harmonics will eventually meet each other at the right 'point' and create the kill frequency.
The actual frequency is way too high and therefore would not reach enough distance without a power output/wattage that would fry allot of Biological life in its path
So wth is that kind of signal
19883 filter down to 151
he pulse DURATION was EXACT one hour