Brit/pol/ - Globalist Plaything edition

Only the State, with the unwavering support of its MSM propaganda operation, enforces unanimity of thought. If a system cannot withstand questioning it suggests it is built upon shaky foundations and probably not worth maintaining. Yet perhaps it is what we are not told that is more telling.

Among the many things we are not told is how many lives the lockdown will ruin and end prematurely. Are these lives irrelevant?

We are not told the evidence for the existence of a virus called SARS-CoV-2 is highly questionable and the tests for it unreliable; we are not told that the numbers of deaths reportedly caused by COVID 19 is statistically vague, seemingly deliberately so; we are not told that these deaths are well within the normal range of excess winter mortality and we are not told that in previous years excess winter deaths have been higher than they are now.

We didn’t need to destroy the economy in response to those, far worse, periods of loss so why do we need to do so for this?

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Millions of people have lost their jobs, and their lifelong savings. In developing countries, poverty and despair prevail.

While the lockdown is presented to public opinion as the sole means to resolving a global public health crisis, its devastating economic and social impacts are casually ignored.

The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy and extreme poverty.

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>Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director, said: "The coronavirus will pass and the president is looking forward to getting back out on the campaign trail and holding rallies."

reckon this will be over by end of May

>Ecuador's death rate soars as fears grow over scale of coronavirus crisis
yet more unreported deaths.

it's so over

>enables the nonce

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infection rates are going to spike as soon as they try to open anywhere up again. they won't know it for 2-4 weeks because of the incubation period, but it's going to get bad.

can't stand the thick cunt tbqh

police making up crimes edition

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Maccy D's still isn't open

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Anyone doing delivery like deliveroo? What is it like? What's your average earnings per hour?

I want to do it to get fit and earn on the side

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>tfw no bob crow "workers" edition

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>Fucin europion union!

what happened to bobby boy, haven't seen him in a while

watch the video m8

i miss him m8. if only the unions had sorted themselves out and moved away from the state dominated to representing the self employed, gig economy etc

Looks bloody wretched t b h

D’ya reckon the bank will give a 10K loan if I don’t have an income now? Wanna start me own business. Don’t have a “business plan” though.

lots of vacancies opening up as care assistants, criminal background checks are being relaxed so mike the knife can look after your old gran.
comprehensive new laws drawn up and enacted within the space of a few weeks. amazing when they put their mind to it.

he's dead lad

What would a union for the self employed do? Lobby themselves for longer fag breaks?

>will the bank just give me 10k to spend on online poker

lobby the government for beneficial tax arrangements or reduction of red tape etc

What we are witnessing is a global coup by elites to implement a new world order where they will rule unopposed. While Coronavirus exists it affects mostly only elderly and is a bit more virulent form of flu.The hysteria blown by the mass media and social media agents served to justify extreme measures like lockdown which will NEVER be revoked and will stay with us. The end effect will be a prison society with no dissent possible.

Further measures will include:

Compulsory vaccinations-said vaccines will lower test among certain groups and lead to sterilisation. Scientists will decree that it was a price worth paying and white people were violent anyway.

Digital currency-all your money will stored online and controlled by authorities. As will your expenses and where you are spending money.

Digital ID-to use internet you will need to use a digital id confirming your real life identity. Anonymous posting and usage of internet will be banned in name of fight against "fake news about coronavirus". Without record of your vaccinations in the digital id employers won't hire you and you will be banned from travelling and public spaces. All non-state and non-corporate crypto currencies will be banned.All citizens will be tracked by the state.

Carbon Tax-it will be used to stop you from eating meat such as beef to prevent you from having strong body and mind

Ban on growing your own food-in order to make you dependant on toxic shit you will be only be able to buy online and you will be banned from making your own produce.

Ban on free speech-speaking about or doubting coronavirus pandemic hoax will be punishable by prison and cutoff from public services. We already see people posting truth about coronavirus scare being censored on Twitter and Facebook(Bolsonaro)

Spread the word, look behind motives. Do not believe what media tell you.

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>tfw gay
>tfw a thousand years of anglo saxon bloodline will die with me while people of colour continue to populate England

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That's not a union. That's an industry lobby group.

I’m a qualified joiner

>bank giving me 10k
>business plan
You do know that people who assess your loan request are as young as 17 years old? Banks like to give that job to people going to Oxbridge, so they hope that they can entice them once they graduate.

provide legal advice and insurance services. use collective effort to stop fuck construction firms taking the piss on paying up on 90 days. collective services on things that larger firms can buy in bulk.

You’ll appreciate and listen to what I'm saying!
As far as possible, I believe/accept you because I'm like you.
There are no aims, this is an endless pub discussion doused in irony.
The irony is not redemptive. Saying you don't care is not redemptive. Telling me to fuck off is not redemptive.

I'm not saying this from a high horse, clearly I’m one of the worst offenders.
We aren’t enlightened, we aren’t shorn of attachment to the material world and imbued with real experience of our immortal souls. So why are we being ironic?
We aren’t laughing, we aren’t completely indifferent to worldly machinations and smiling down from a lofty height. So why are we being ironic?
We aren’t engaging in love and friendship. Anonymity makes fellowship an artifice; a shadow of an already corrupted force.

Our ‘irony’ is merely a signal of acceptance of our futility. Demonstrating we’re ‘smart enough’ to recognise we’re too small for this massive world, our little actions and little words mean so little, even to us. Irony is the language of the false and cynical. The integrated failures. The rationally depressed.
What are we hiding from anyway? Being called stupid by dickheads who themselves are trapped in insincerity? Stupid loop, stupid self psyop. Every time Deano makes a tweet he worries what Smiffy will think and couches it accordingly. These stupid little bubbles.
There are so many beautiful things.

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Soooo, what you saying is that the "powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians". Who have this world as their plaything. Are going to break their toy, and risk ruin. For the fun of it?

What does that mean?

If you're smart, credentialed, have a good plan, then maybe

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And the next generation of white brits will have one less gay gene. Make sure you get a paki boyfriend, there's a good lad.


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Nice fantasy. But in the real world, there's a point at which the STEN guns get dug up and people start disappearing (metaphorically).

Cauldy check twitch DMs

Nice fantasy. But in the real world, there's a point at which the STEN guns get dug up and people start disappearing (metaphorically).

Just remembered something from the olden days

The Liberal Democrats

Something to laugh about before bedtime

Night lads

wow you're a bit of a mong aren't you

i bet you're not even one of those chad god like gays, i bet you're a virgin chinlet popper freak with a shit hairline

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Nice fantasy. But in the real world, there's a point at which the STEN guns get dug up and people start disappearing (metaphorically).

Giant tripfag posts are cancer. These people are worse than pakis.

>The Bob Crow Brigade is a group of volunteers from the UK and the Republic of Ireland fighting as part of the International Freedom Battalion (IFB). The IFB consists of leftist foreign volunteers fighting alongside the People's Protection Units in the Syrian Civil War in support of the Rojava Revolution and against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[46][47][48] The group has expressed solidarity with the RMT and striking rail workers in the UK.[49] Steve Hedley, senior assistant general secretary of the RMT, said: "Bob would have been honoured that young people from Britain would fight the forces of evil in his name. A great admirer of the international brigades that fought in Spain, Crow would of course have drawn the parallels with the new international brigades fighting clerical fascism and defending Yazhidi, Muslim and Christian workers from slavery and persecution."[50]
bob would level toryboys

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>amazing when they put their mind to it
yeah you should look at the covid laws
>can halt any election
>can stop anyone at any time and put in prison (for being "infectious")
>can take down any outlet promoting dangerous misinformation
etc. ad absurdem

it's the seeds that get me

>break their toy, and risk ruin. For the fun of it?
yes they risk ruin
but for the ultimate prize!

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It was banter you retarded kike. Piss off and fake your tax returns somewhere else if you've lost your sense of humour.

Hi Bongs

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What can they gain, they don't already have?

Hi GCHQ. Prosecuted much thought crime lately?

>And the next generation of white brits

haha y-yeah about that.....

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>so why do we need to do so for this?
The West needed an excuse to curb Chinese growth and seize Chinese assets. If a flimsy excuse like "human rights" was used, the market would lose confidence in Western governments. By causing a period of collective pain, the premise to seize their assets becomes more widely accepted, like a wartime measure, without undermining the belief that Western countries are safe places that respect property rights.
This was set in motion when China tried to gain more control over Hong Kong, which is a strategic piece in the global financial network. It would be too risky to have it under the control of a government that is by all accounts largely immune to the agents that are able to influence Western governments like banks, NGOs, media etc.

quality banter bruv

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