White High School Seniors Expelled for Racism


A jew found a video made by two white kids making a joke about niggers. A bunch of jews came together and lobbied the high school. The high school then expelled them. The guy was fired from his job.

If this was 2015, all of /pol would be gathering together in support of the white kids. Instead, all I see is posting about "simps" and demoralization threads. You all are pathetic. The only hope is solid white collectivization. If they attack a white, all white nationalists have to go defend them.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Deserved it for being a retarded zoomer and posting videos with their face in it

>A jew found a video made by two white kids making a joke about niggers
>The high school then expelled them.
This is illegal for a public high school.

>The guy was fired from his job.
Yawn. Wake me up when he's 1488.

Day of the oven for the kikes when?

>If they attack a white, all white nationalists have to go defend them.


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Ya'll gettin robbed now

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We did it twitter!


Naturally so ... kikes keeps niggers as ideological tools and slaves.

I don't believe it. How could they be expelled for this from a public school?


I feel him yo

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Why would someone be so fucking retarded as to make this video in the current climate? They both sound like dumb white trash and nothing of value was lost.


>be dumb
>get btfo
>cry on Yas Forums for a personal army
In 2015 we'd all laugh at them for being retarded. gtfo, newfag

>If this was 2015, all of /pol would be gathering together in support of the white kids. Instead, all I see is posting about "simps" and demoralization threads.

This board is a husk of its former self, and no one can deny it. Say whatever predictable cope you want, “Yas Forums was always shit”, you cannot deny that things have changed for the worse

When I mean it’s former self, I mean when this board regularly had threads dedicated to investigating and digging up information at an abnormal efficiency. Look back at the NXIVM, HWNDU. Shit like this doesn’t happen anymore

Just imagine how crazy the old board would’ve been if it did everything it could to make sure the average citizen knew what Epstein did, who enabled him, who Ghislaine Maxwell is, and why she’s hiding.

But alas, it seems this board was pathetically distracted with the flood of slide-threads

*sips tea*
>furries are cool
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
*sips tea*
>am I white
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
>Would you marry a X?
>Whats your excuse for not finding a X waifu?
>X will defend this

Ironic how the whistleblower has a lot of sexist and racist things on her own page.

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Hire a jew lawyer and sue the district for a few millions.

These people use the term “body” too much

No one is stupid enough to post a video like this and no one is stupid enough to support this trash. Quit trying to make us look bad by supporting this shit I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re one of the glowing ones

>go to public school
>learn useless garbage and propaganda
>score terribly on ur SATs
>get expelled
>go to homeschool and start dunking on public school mouth breathers
yeah, i see this as an absolute win.

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>You said the bad word so I hope you get brutally murdered
What even drives those people to be so retarded?

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How can they be expelled from a public school for this? I can understand if they were at a private school. But how is this not an expulsion based on their exercising of the 1st amdentment?

Why are jews so powerful and privileged. It's honestly a wonder that few people target them as such.

It's current year, y'all.

is there a word for whites simping to blacks?

Land of the free : unless you say a bad word.

Imagine having your entire life demolished because you did something retarded in high school

There should be. Whatever a reverse Uncle Tom is.

Land of the nigger, home of the faggots

There's few things I find more annoying in the liberal lexicon than the phrase "black and brown bodies"

why do they "bodies" instead of people? Is it because POC just see themselves as fleshy bodies and don't feel that they have a mind or soul?

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Support what? These two are short bus jockeys.

Nephew Tim

Race traitor.

I don't know, but if not I hope a creative user can come up with a good one because this is getting REALLY common

If they got expelled for an essay they wrote on crime statistics or genetics or something, then I'd give a shit and probably at least sign a petition for them or something. Instead, they made a childish, attention seeking and deliberately inflammatory video containing nothing of value. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.