/pol will deny this
And yellow fever losers will deny it while simping for her. Just watch.
Yas Forums will deny this
Other urls found in this thread:
>i found an exception
Doesn't change the rule.
Japan under a sumocracy would be based though
like clockwork
I know all yellow fever fags are incels because they clearly haven't interacted with asian women
Asian women are great BECAUSE they are so forward thinking.
Roastie cope
>why aren’t sumo wrestlers in the gov
uh maybe because they chose to devote time and energy to sumo and not politics
If it is true that women are equal to men, how come they have been 'oppressed' for all of history?
It's literally impossible for women to be equal to men and for them to turn around and say "but you oppressed us" Every group of people has been oppressed at one point and has managed to drag itself free. Why can't women do the same? Oh, that's right, because they aren't equal to men.
Also, fucking this. Imagine how badass government meetings would be if they were all Sumo wrestlers.
>muh roastie
keep crying incel
does she realize how fat she is?
What a shitty representative of women. Why not pick someone cool like Li Naotora?
Bigger brains = more potential.
Is that an anime character or something? Get real.
If the pen is mightier than the sword, why aren't our wars fought with books?
If our eyes aren't real, how can mirrors be real?
Checkmate Patriarchy
Lmao women are retarded
Men are stronger than women in EVERY way.
ever heard of emotional IQ?
My point stands.
If a pound of gold weighs the same as a pound of feathers, why does the gold cost more?
Checkmate Patriarchy
If women have higher emotional IQ's than men, why do men cry when they get divorce raped?
If the sun is bigger than the moon, why do they both look the same size in the sky?
Checkmate Patriarchy
>people who like Asian women only like Asian women because they haven’t interacted with Asian women
You could at least try to give a believable “downside”, like saying they can be extremely jealous (especially if Japanese), but “omg forward thinking!” Isn’t even a creative troll. It’s just a shit one.
no one claimed men are superior only because of their physical strength
low effort shill
>they only go for X because they can’t handle a *real* woman
I imagine as she typed that she was opening her 2nd bottle that evening of $10 Pinot.
Is Toshiko a kike surname?
>Being an “””AsianAmerican”””
Protip: the minute you see/hear that term, feel free to disregard the rest.
Actual Asians absolutely hate different flavors of Asian. Japanese despise Koreans and PRC-Chinese, but are typically just fine with Taiwanese. PRC-Chinese hate anyone who isn’t them. Koreans hate Japanese. None of them really give a shit about nigger-tier Jungle-Asians because they don’t really matter.
Any of them who have moved to the west and amalgamate themselves into generic “Asian” with other generic “Asians” have lost any and all cultural identity their families had in previous generations.
>they're probably out of their league, so they go for asians.
Asian women are even more prone to brainwashing than white women
because the samurai were instead
Not really.