Sign the petition to get parliament to reject this Indigenous Rights bill. They want to give even more power to local chiefs, and it's based on a United Nations declaration.
fuck your petition dumb leaf
This doesn't concern you, burger
The indigenous people have had their land and rights stolen from them. I will happily allow them to get special rights and privileges as reparations
>Listerine drinking welfare collector
Go die of covid 19 mutt :-)
If you think you're on stolen land, why don't you leave? I don't leave because I don't believe that I'm on stolen land. The vast majority of it was either uninhabited or legally purchased.
You can meme all you want but this bill will pass and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it.
Chinese shill detected
I'm not white though
Omg they want rights on the land stolen from them? There’s indigenous people still alive who suffered because of those reform school house things, atleast wait 500 years before telling them to go fuck themselves like we did with black people
You don’t have any property rights, at all, you retarded illiterate leaf.
You have property privileges, according to your 1867 BNA act and your 1982 Charter of Rights, your country is a complete fucking joke that as a matter of fact does not grant any legally protected rights.
Check your privilege, shitleaf.
I'm American. What's your opinion on me?
>I'm not white
So you come to a white country and then you complain about the people who live there. Have an ounce of shame.
>land stolen from them
If you genuinely believe that you're on stolen land, then you should be the first to leave.
>reform school house things
You've been sold the liberal-approved perspective on residential schools by the CBC and the school system. Residential schools were not that different from boarding schools in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The purpose wasn't to torture kids, but to teach them English so they could be integrated into Canadian society and not live in the woods. It's certainly not a valid excuse to bully white people into paying more welfare money to the natives. They already live almost entirely on our money.
Anyway, this bill is about giving more power to their corrupt chiefs. We can't even build a pipeline in our country because of them.
I like 56% of Americans.
Envious of your rights
How does this actually effect anyone whose not living on an injun reservation though? Would "more power to local chiefs" mean that heyahoyas are less reliant on civil servants and tax money?
How do you do, fellow Canadians?
I agree. Let's give them some land where they can continue their traditional lifestyles without modern innovations such as running water and running toilets. Surely they can live on without ottawa's help
It's easy to pretend like it isn't stolen if you're a cumskin. Canada is home to the international global elite now. White people aren't a priority anymore.
Canada isn't a white country retard
imagine thinking a petition will do anything
Looks like there are two problems:
1. The bill declares that First Nations have the right to land that they traditionally held. The wording is very vague and can easily be used to justify anything that benefits the indians.
2. It's already hard enough to build pipelines in this country because there has to be consultation with First Nations. This bill will make the standard for consultation even higher by requiring "prior and informed consent." So we're essentially giving veto power to these chiefs.
>Article 25
>Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain >and strengthen their distinctive spiritual >relationship with their traditionally owned or >otherwise occupied and used lands, >territories, waters and coastal seas and other >resources and to uphold their responsibilities >to future generations in this regard.
>Article 26
>1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the >lands, territories and resources which they >have traditionally owned, occupied or >otherwise used or acquired.
>2. Indigenous peoples have the right to own, >use, develop and control the lands, territories >and resources that they possess by reason of >traditional ownership or other traditional >occupation or use, as well as those which >they have otherwise acquired.
>3. States shall give legal recognition and >protection to these lands, territories and >resources. Such recognition shall be >conducted with due respect to the customs, >traditions and land tenure systems of the >indigenous peoples concerned.
What a shit show. Not sure how this could possibly fly here without blue helmets.
>Canada isn't a white country
In the 1960s, Canada was 98% white, and the remaining 2% were mostly indigenous, not foreign. Also, the founders of this country look pretty white to me.
This, we should pay them reparations or go back to europe.
There's not enough Canada can do in the form of grants, subsidies, welfare for the indigenous people of Canada that will make up for the whites who stole their land. I would have no problem flat rate taxing non indigenous Canadians a percent that goes towards every native citizen. I know money can't cure their pain, but its better than nothing
I signed your dumb petition.
Fuck indians. Either give them full ownership of "their" land and cut off all welfare or hold them responsible for the waste of all the taxpayer money that has been squandered by the chiefs rather than spent on improving their communities
Maybe I should clarify that I didn't start this petition. That honour goes to Mark Friesen. He has a YouTube channel.
Signed. Here is your free bump.
I also signed it so have a bump and vote PPC
If you want to pay money to Indigenous people, you are more than welcome to make a private donation yourself. But don't use the government to forcibly take other people's money.