A war is brewing

World War 3 is closer than you may think.

The Corona situation is a preparation to limit civilian casualities and to make people prepare for it

America has fucked up it's economy, they have loaned money from Russia and China. They can't pay.

As we speak America are moving soldiers to Europe. They have moved many already. ¨People are being brainwashed by COD Warzone and Fortnite. Don't join in on the fighting.

You might call this bullshit because it's easier to deny it rather to accept it, but trust me it's very fucking close. NATO started it, the anglo-zionists did it again. This has been prepared for a long time.

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As long as we nuke you Pajeets.

I dont think people realize how deep WW3 is... its already ahppening, The war of information. This is the time when either humans win or AI wins.

This was filed in 2020 by someone who has realized whats going on.

He explains it here

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Listen buddy, after the war there will be no more cash, there will be AIs and they will track every single person live all the time. Force feed you vaccines, induce nanobots into your body


People are so fucking guillable, they will sit and watch a movie

Most updated filing, including against clintons and other politicians and banks to warn the world.


You have been brainwashed your whole life to think this is cool.


TL:DR? Can you sum it up?

Oh yeah, now i remember why i drink

Getting since good training in via the "free to play" COD Warzone.

Leaders of the world know alot more than others and they all work toghether on purpose and not on purpose to build a world for AI that assimilates with humans at first and then it takes us over.

The human brain is the most powerful and advanced thing that exists, and this is why our brains are need to connect with these new AI systems and quantum computers.

Elites think the only way to proceed and to become immortal etc is to merge with this.

Now china is stealing alot of this info because people are retarded and this could be a WW3 tier problem...

Simple proof, 4g network works perfectly for us, we dont need something faster... the new 5g and 6g ssytems are mostly developed in in place because AI/robots of the future NEED it to function.

Get ready to be drafted and die in some third world country so the elites can create their 1 world government and have a population that is easier to manage.

If trump starts a war of any kind, no one will vote for him again. He's entire message in 2016 was to get less involved with the world.

The future is augmented reality ads jammed up your ass while your internal brain AI fucks up your GPS directions. Also lots of porn beamed directly to your brain.

>being brainwashed by fortnite
Please, do explain what you mean by this.

I just want to kill gooks. Make em pay for this god awful virus

yeah basically, freedom is completely removed, literally your dreams are recorded.

its OVER if we let this happen.

Its a slippery slope until the world of technology completely literally absorbs every human and every single real human being is dead.

>America has fucked up it's economy, they have loaned money from Russia and China. They can't pay
you dumb shit

Let me check.
No, not moving.

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Imagine drafting a bunch of fat zoomers versus bug men with no souls ... Fucking hilarious

Trump could to back on literally all his campaign promises, surround himself with the swamp he said he would drain, let Qushner dictate his ME policy, and still get votes.
>Oh wait, he did do all that
Trumpturds would love a trump war

>The solid state entity

Fucking retards...

They can already see you live with the bandwave ecco, 5g is more precise. I'm tired now.

Trump plays a role in acting like a loose cannon, he takes the blame while the elite goes free.

Conditioning kids into liking violence, normalizing killing, making it seem fun, making them used to weapons. Predictive programming

Ok, so the old columbine was caused by wolfenstein argument. Gotta respect the classics I guess.

Is Trump in on the war too, or did he not want it?

DEFENDER 20 had US troops in there too you know!

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Schizo threads are getting so old

dont take the mark, dont let your children take the mark,

we need to eliminate this idea somehow, separate from the technocrats before they kill every human

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The crash of the oil market is a far bigger sign of WWIII's imminence than the dumb virus. When countries with huge arsenals suddenly cant run their oil and natural gas based economies, they will start destroying oil infrastructure. The rest of us will be dragged along for the ride because of treaty entanglements, history is a repeating cycle of events.

Battle Royale games have been around way before AAA developers got a hold of them. It’s literally just a cash grab, COD has been around for 20 years you fucking retards. Please, I invite anybody here to debate me on how they’re training anybody. You think a 360 no scope is going to help you kill people IRL? Fuck off. I play the fuck out of video games and never have any urge to join the army. You would learn better skills playing insurgency, squad, or red orchestra, which are indie games, BTW.

Protip: the mark will not be optional. You will be killed if you say no. Remember this. You must be willing to die, and follow through with it. You must give your life to avoid the mark.

I'm too tired to argue, but yeah, it's designed for that purporse. It has been planned for decades.

Turn on your Tell a Vision, put on a Channel and start the programming. Their favorite is to infantilize adults, making women bitchy, gloryfing war and murder, pornographic sexualition aimed at youth

I don't think that's what is in the book.

Whatever that means.

You are dumb, and need to just kill yourself.

Freedom isn't free.

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>gets angry

This is what happens. Imagine telling someone that everything they know is a lie, they will physically attack you to protect the lie.

yes, the goal whatever u think the agenda is, is for people to unite and help eachother instead of ifghting eachother.

thats it and thats the only way

Show your flag.

So those kids who are playing video games will join the war on the american side?