Bill Gates Was a Little Creeped Out by How Much Donald Trump Knew About His Daughter Bill Gates found it “scary” how much Donald Trump knew about his daughter’s appearance when they first met, Gates said in a newly disclosed video.
virgin nerdbitch BTFO by the chad commander in cunny
Jaxon Baker
Also, faggot, did you intend to post an article about trump scaring billy because the government knows about Microsoft’s shady dealings as of it paints trump in a negative light? They aren’t sending their best, folks.
Elijah Wood
Based trump threatening his family
Austin Ross
user I don't think you get it yet
but you will
Didn't you notice the images in Wikileaks of Bill Gates daughter, weren't his daughter?
Jordan Moore
Is this some kind of shill thread for spirit cooking VR?
Jaxon Powell
I'm a little creeped out at how much Bill knows about my medical needs.
What is billy boy endgame? Nobody is buying into his bullshit anymore
Anthony Harris
This, if I could I would vote 8 more years. We haven't had a based president like this since Kennedy
Ethan Davis
Based af. I didnt think of that. If you want to keep a President in check, show them JFK video. If you want to keep NWO in check, tell them about their family and business.
Kevin Spacey/Bill & Melinda Gates/Kygo - title With Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Spacey, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates. Kevin Spacey (House of Cards (2013))
why are the asking a programmer (((barely))) about medicine?
Gates knows as much about science as Bill Nye.
Thomas Richardson
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From:[email protected] Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 12:13:47 +0800 (CST) Subject: 長得不錯,猜猜是誰 ? 富豪千金美賢娘,人間燦麗此媛星。 Guess WHO ........
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From: johnson_lo [email protected] Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 12:13:47 +0800 (CST) Subject: looks good, guess who? Regal daughter of the United States and Yin mother, the world of this brilliant stars. Guess WHO ........ ??
Bill Gates's daughter! The daughter of the world 's richest man! Bill Gates daughter.