Kids just arent the same

Kids just arent the same

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>better to die for someone elses war games than participate in escapist pastimes that are relatively harmless.

uh-huh, sure, kike

both of you are retarded kys

How do i know you spend half your day on this useless crap?

Fight for zog or chill out playing nintendo, not a hard choice.

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Today's challenge is about thinking for yourself. Our grandparents had it easy they just had to follow orders. We have to think through the things (((they))) use to distract us

Kek the zoomers frame, haircut and glasses. It just fits perfectly

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>goys just aren't the same

the everyday language of jesus was hebrew, user.; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

This niggas playing WOW on a console lmao

What's so great about fucking up the world for the benefit of Wall Street kikes, Stalin and Mao?

Fuck that dumbest generation and a curse be on their name.

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>wow on controller

kids these days playing WOW on their backwards sega genesis controllers

>die for jews
>based party of dwarf adventurers removing trogg scum and leper gnomes from their homeland

I don't know what's wrong with these kids today!
Who can understand anything they say?
They are disobedient, disrespectful oafs!
Noisy, crazy, sloppy, lazy, loafers!
While we're on the subject:
You can talk and talk till your face is blue!
But they still just do what they want to do!
Why can't they be like we were,
Perfect in every way?
What's the matter with kids today?

Old people are sad more people aren’t becoming dysfunctional war machines like their parents

I don't know what is the most stupid thing,
The fact that he's playing wow with a controller or the fact that he has he's pants down like a nigger

>WoW on the screen
>Console and controller


No shit. The modern ones were raised to hate themselves for being white and that war fought by white men was the most unforgivable sin ever, except for that time they killed all those blue eyed blondes in Germany. That war was the good war.

So now you have a Jewish Elite that is untouchable and their sniveling good goy pets at their feet and they realize too late that Generation Self Hate won't being fighting the Chinese for them. Goodbye Eastern Hemisphere and Africa. Intervening anywhere non white is racism.

god, i sure am thirsty

>Dying for Jews
Yea naw fuck that eat a dick mate

>On console
>Controller is reversed
>CRT television
This comic is AIDS and Cancer with a Coronavirus chaser.

>why wont you goyim just die for israel

you cant play wow with a controller...

this is a dumb fucking me-me

Everybody got drafted into wwII. They weren't "great". They just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time to be sent to kill and die in a global cataclysm designed to finally neuter European peoples once and for all.

>Greatest generation
>Gets legs blown off by ZOG and lose country to nogs
>Gamer generation
>Left in a world ruined by the former, with nothing left to do but wait for the collapse

O tempora! O mores!
>throws briefs in air

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>playing WoW vanilla on a console

ok boomer

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Image is outdated.

Meet... the Groomer Generation

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Fundamentally identical, differences are just window dressing. From experience an Iraq or Afghan vet will feel more in common with a ww2 vet, and possibly with a guy who marched with Alexander if they could communicate freely, than with someone their age who grew up one town over. War. War never changes.

>Playing World of Warcraft on a console that looks like a bootleg Wii on a reversed controller.

Seems legit.

>faggy 90s barbed wire tattoo around arm on WWII GI



>on pol
>complains about people wasting their time

>save 3600 dollars a year if they just stop drinking coffee
Do they not realize it when easy money gains stare them right in the face? Coffee is horrible for you anyways

I'm also a bit salty over not having minecraft and VR as a kid but get over it.

Greatest generation didn't have the value of their money destroyed. When they worked, even 5 cents could buy a 16 oz drink made with with real sugar, in a glass bottle with out being mass produced with tons of competition like now

The federal reserve central bank and jews have robbed all people working to such a degree all they have are games to afford.

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Kids are smarter these days

even the games are shit today with only a few rare gems, mostly indie games and remasters

yes yes the greatest generation, they fought for freedom and shieeet. Look how free people are today LOOK, free to go outside alone !!!!!!!!!

This too.

Where did all the testosterone go

Fapped away. Nofap isnt a meme dude. Stop jerking off for a week and you’ll want to start flipping cars in the street when you think about current politics

Kraut bro, you guys were the good guys. On behalf of non-brainwashed burgers everywhere, I'm so fucking sorry jews made us fight.

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I don't know if you can really call a group of people who got duped into a war that didn't need to be fought the greatest generation.

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In a sock.

>greatest generation
>dies for Israel heroically

>gamer generation
>simulates dying for Israel to feel like a hero


Its ok you were not born then

lmao, she literally charges him to et her out

Have these fucking people ever heard of a fucking espresso maker or turkish coffee pot?

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Free market

no fucking shit they took away EVERYTHING we had to fight for.
we have NOTHING. the previous generation gave everything to everyone EXCEPT their own children