btfo men
Men are more stupid then women because they die more
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>in foolish ways
yeah reading sure is hard! xD
Bell curve of intelligence, motherfucker. Females are more uniform in their potential. Meaning there are more stupid men than stupid woman AND there are more smarter man than smarter woman. As males are far more diverse in their intellectual potential.
how different the chipper than a nigger bf?
both well-known as dangerous
Clearly didn't take into account that men work with dangerous equipment FAR more than women ever do.
I've seen women use tools, they're not smart with them.
No link to source faggot. I'm wondering if their research included women dating niggers that pay a toll as a stupid way to die. That would drastically raise their numbers
This is correct.
The bell curve is misleading because men and women don't have the same average intelligence
Women's brains are 10% smaller, lacking a mass similar to a soap bar, and their IQ is 5 points lower despite IQ being designed to give equal average results between sexes
The equal IQ deception comes from testing students within an age range where women have entered their puberty growth spurt and men haven't
do tolls paid get cataloged on these darwin award sheets?
need a hard reset on civilization and a return to what is valuable
Darwin Awards, the most respected of academic journals.
Hey, anything to be relevant after 2009 I guess
That dude is legit stupid as fuck, NEVER kick pieces into a chipper.
men are stupider than women, as a woman I have known this for a while
Women 90% less likely to kill themselves on a foolish bravado stunt, men 90% less likely to kill their entire country with a vote.
Imagine linking a shitty journalists representation of the science rather than linking directly to the research in the form of a doi at least. Thi indicates to me that you did not read the study and likely have zero experience critically evaluating the methods and interpretation of the results. Who am I to expect much from a memeflag though.
>men do more dangerous work than women
>this proves women are clever
No, it proves women are lazy, entitled and selfish.
This definitely seems to line up with anecdotal observations. I would actually agree that men tend to have more absolute morons, but in turn, women have far fewer geniuses. Women being midwits seems pretty accurate.
It is possible to do dangerous work without dong stupid things in that dangerous work. However, many dumb men do exist, at the same time many genius men exist.
How is that picture appropriate? You gotta jam big shit through chippers just like that, plus He's got both hands on one of the 3 saftey shut-off bars on wood chippers to prevent you from getting sucked through.
>article written by a woman who sits in an office all day
oh duh
You wouldn't believe how many people, in general, forget that powered machinery will catch you and drag your ass into it, and you won't be able to stop it.
I've seen people using a table saw with heavy gloves on, because they thought the gloves would make them safer.
People don't seem to think ahead and analyze outcomes well.
I've never seen a woman operating a wood chipper
>It is possible to do dangerous work without dong stupid things in that dangerous work.
sure, but doing gymnastics in a field of grass surely has a lower injury rate than doing gymnastics over a wood chipper.
Based drillers of Earth.
You are correct. If more women had to work with woodchippers, we would naturally see more women die in stupid ways with wood chippers (or any other dangerous equipment).
Sure but likely at lower rates than men, I'm a treetard and we have two women in our outfit out of maybe 30 production workers. They are far more risk adverse than the men, meaning we carry their slack.
Thanks faggot. Nope it didnt take into account coal burning roasties paying the toll into their research. Science incompetent again. Science fags btfo
Men take more risks, therefore they get the bigger rewards
W w w what is that awful looking ear of corn ?
Flatten the curve!
Mango worms in dogs because niggers in Africa are too stupid and irresponsible to take care of their animals. Imagine how many innocent dogs suffer like that and slowly die because of niggers.