Micro Farming General

>nervous meeping intensifies
Any fellow urbanites growing backyard food? I have lemons, plums, peas and maybe soon some guinea pigs to break down my compost and for meat.

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Make sure you secure your critters.

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I want to build them a underground den to escape the heat of summer and a place to hide.

NOOOOO !!! not the piggies :(

Its either them or the pygmy goats.

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Fun fact, Guinea pigs eat their children when they sense danger or get disturbed.

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>when they sense danger
So always?

How can you hurt these lil guys.

Well it also depends on how hungry the parent is.

Its pretty easy when you see them as livestock .

When I was a kid I had a guinea pig that nibbled on some baby bunnies. They are bad hombres.

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nooooooooooooooooo !!!

Now all I need is a round wife that will cook the guinea pigs for me, in Montana....

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Look for an Peruvian woman Guinea pigs is a national dish in Peru. They know how to cook them and how to keep them.


Live the dream.

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You all laugh now.

no we will laugh now and afterwards we will also laugh

post apocalyptic farm hero saga crunch pop

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Is eating guinea pigs good for you?

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depends if you cook it or not. if its not cooked it may protest somewhat. perhaps even scratch or bite.

I think its the food of the future.

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i hate you

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Don't eat the piggies user, they are far more useful for fertilizing your crops than the small amount of meat they provide.

The jew fears the GP farmer.

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>eat rats, goyim

Cleaner than your mom.

Rabbits are a great cost-effective way to get meat. They breed very fast and don't cost a lot to feed, they don't take up a lot of space. Learn how to make jerky and you can stock up on meat for the winter, and their pelts can be traded in a post-apocalyptic world where bartering is the new economy. They taste pretty good too.

I want to do something like this so they can shelter from the heat.

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I did backyard meat rabbits about 10 years ago. Worked well enough. I did not care for the taste so I made rabbit sausage with lots of spices.

I have ducks but I dont eat them, just their eggs. They run around the yard eating bugs. They shit a lot too so you could use that as fertilizer.

I like the taste, but I guess it's personal preference. Fresh meat is still a valuable commodity, if you didn't like the taste you could use it to trade for other goods.

Chickens are great backyard animals to have too, eggs are a great source of protein

I had chickens for a little while too. Great for the garden but a raccoon got them.