We should redefine the word "white" to include East Aryans

We should redefine the word "white" to include East Aryans.
The Japanese, Koreans etc obviously have high intelligence, fair skin, and a rich culture.
Why do you disagree?

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Remember that the category "white" kept changing all the time... sometimes it didn't include Italians, or Slavs, or Irish, or whatever...


What about their chink face?
It’s not just skin color asian look like aliens

Always trying to shoehorn in the Koreans. Nobody but the zoomers want em.

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I'd consider an East Asian "white" way before I'd consider a Brazilian to be white.

Nothing personal.

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>anglo mutt scum
Opinions discarded.

Have you ever had a conversation with an asian ever? Go talk to an Asian, come back to me, look me in the eye and tell me they should be considered white

Yes I talked to many Japanese people and I consider them of equal intelligence to Europeans.

Also wanted to add: race-mixing with East Aryans is not degenerate.


Fuck off incel your opinion don't matter

I'm actually married so not really incel.

Koreans are cockroaches. None of them are naturally attractive, you are being tricked by surgery. They are scheming manipulative shysters on par with the jews themselves, only they are handicapped with the impulse control of niggers preventing them from every rising above petty superficial bullshit. Koreans are naturally a slave race as millennia of invasion and rape have mutted them down to levels even the Americans can not reach. They have only had one era where they really weren't slaves to another power and they will never shut up about it. All koreans are born with black hearts and hatred for all non-koreans. They still brag to one another about their hero Cho massacring many Americans at Virginia Tech. It is in korean blood to hate all non-koreans. Any korean that does not wish to kill all non-koreans is not really korean but will support their genocidal ideation. Chosen should be return to the japanese for management as they were the only ones who were ever really able to civilize the koreans with any successes.

They're not white. Stop trying to justify your attraction to fish heads.

Then by that logic Jews are white.


You’re married?!
What a gay bitch lmfao

Yas Forums BTFO

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Ashkenazi are white.

No, they're not white. But they can visit us every now and then in the Ethnostate because a lot of Koreans and Japanese are white worshipers.

Also it's OK to racemix with them and produce a superior Aryan that is a mix of West and East Aryan.

"self reported IQ statistics" oh man, he got us this time!! Gooks really are on par with whites!! Lets let them fuck our sons and daughters until we all look like a bunch of black hair, black eyed catfish.

>Why do you disagree?
Different haplogroups from those that are traditionally considered 'white'. Don't get me wrong, I think highly of Japanese and some Koreans, but are they 'white'? In my opinion, no more than a Jew/Middle Easterner, South American, et cetera. Doesn't mean they aren't attractive and intelligent either.

>Some literally nobody from nobodyland saying east bug mens are white

Because white should not be a synonym for cultured. White means European.

It's ok for white men to marry and breed Asian girls.

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false and demoralization propaganda.

koreans are more based on average than wh*tes

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Aryan was made to mean white nigger by racists using it on Yas Forums.

As long as asians get to have white gfs then it's all ok in my book

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is that why they just elected feminist cult gov again? koreans are most cucked asians, basicaly dick flattening tier.


Go ahead. White women are fat and will cheat on you at the drop of a hat. Huge golddiggers too.

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Nah. Short green and grey is asian. Tall greys are whites.

white women want big dicks thats why they go for niggers, why would they go for shrimp dicks, that would make no sense

And you are right.

I'd consider an East Asian to be white before I'd consider a french to be white.

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united future party, party descended from liberty korea party of park who was involved in that feminist cult, lost big, what are you talking about