*drops mic*

*drops mic*

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based peru

aryans > nordcucks

Attached: 1587076527364.gif (368x368, 1.92M)

How are they reporting deaths?


based sweden letting the immigrants die of covid

Why are you posting this everywhere

Are gineapig bbq the real secret cure?

El peruANO

Norway still confirming it's the superior nordic country

Attached: norway.png (395x565, 18.5K)

heat is destroying this thing, it's pretty much over.


>muh white master race
btfo by native

I am both

Attached: 1585990014807.png (986x1118, 853.9K)

700 are Somalis/Syrians

I thought the peru flag was a Canadian flag.

Lol Mongols with their N3.


why is peru doing so well? we're getting shafted here (London is anyway, im in the North)

Attached: yorkshireflag.png (1555x1170, 235.78K)



those are all the dirty sand niggers dying in the slums you fucking tard.

in a manner that shows sweden fucked up

Nordicuck medicine va the chad ayahuasca ctm

Of course you did. The leaf is meaningless.

Gone by summer.
Every winter we are going to have to close our borders to China to avoid another wave.

Cold weather vs warm weather.

Total lockdown since March 16, 10 days after first case. Can only go out from 6 to 6, sundays nobody leaves the house.

It's a miracle, with this numbers we are still in verge of collapsing. The health system is stuck in the 80s.

Sweden didn't do quarantine and Peru did

Based PeruARIO dabbing on Swedistan

Attached: FA3B9D2A-02E6-4DF5-8768-B892481F1C56.jpg (640x640, 128.54K)

fair enough.

Also i wanna travel to South America one day hopefully, will i get robbed as soon as i land? Got a Chilean mate who was raised here and he lives there now, seems pretty chill in Chile but unsure about the rest of the countries there, apologies if im stereotyping lad

i mean fair play to you lot for staying in, still tonnes of shithouses here including the police insisting on gathering together (mainly London, again) ti clap for the NHS every fucking thursday at 8pm

probably because sweden is a developed country so they test far more often. if someone dies in peru it's just another normal day, there are probably thousands of uncounted deaths

That still puts your country above peru's death total! Also, consider that half of Peru's cases have recovered. COMPLETELY BTFO by NATIVES

To be specific, 700 of 1000 in the city Stockholm, the rest with and equal ration country-wide

>will i get robbed as soon as i land?
No. It's not that unsafe. You just need basic precautions and not being naive.

Unless you want to come for sex tourism. Then it's really dangerous and you should stay in your country

Mostbof south america is ok. Just dont go to Rio or Salvador if you come tp Brazil and you should be fine. Cant talk about Chile though. Never been.

Sweden is a godless faggot nation. Peru mostly is catholic so isn’t getting punished as hard.

Also what colombianon said. Is youre coming for sex youll get taken advantage of, at the very least.

Chile looks like your best choice besides Uruguay or Brazil, you can get scammed with taxis and such if you don't research first if you're coming alone

Yeah we're still doing great considering almost no lootings, tomorrow we will know what kind of business can start operating again the 26th

ah okay cool, Colombia sounds a cool one to visit, but afraid im gonna stick out like a sore thumb as im white as fuck haha. And aye ive travelled Asia a bit and was always one my Ps and Qs, would just love to meet the common man and have a pint with them in their own country ya know?
Why not Rio lad? The capitals normaly the first thing i visit in a country, wheres good in Brazil like? I like a pint and fag and partying and all that

Cloroquina plant is from Peru.

Attached: cinchona.jpg (642x900, 278.32K)

How's Peru doing? I know Ecuador has people literary burning in the streets because Corona.

its a marvel of nature how could he not?

Rio is not the capital. If by fag you mean a cigarrete, ok. And just go to the nice parts of Sao Paulo and then come south. Southern Brazil is the deal. Rio is way too violent and people like to kidnap foreigners there.

not interested in that shite lad, just wanna mix with the locals and pubs and bars and see the sights.

yeah mate big ups to you, hope you come through it healthy! The stuff ive read on Peru it seems like the people there are good folk and that the crime is lower than other south american countries, any truth to that?

i am filled with rage

Apologies I thought it was, and yeah cigarette haha. Wicked mate appreciate it ill do some research on the south!

Nobody believes Peru is testing enough people or correctly designating recoveries. South America is Iranian tier.

I wish i knew how to post gifs


how did they make the cat do that?

Counting deaths as recoveries, are not recoveries, south america

what the fuck, how did they get a cat to do this?

Based peruANOs

el peruANO

Your bets choice is the south mate. Curitiba or Floripa. Porto Alegre is ok, but not as nice.

>Unless you want to come for sex tourism. Then it's really dangerous and you should stay in your country
.. why else would someone travel to South America?

>tfw no Colombian sex fiend girlfriend
Feels bad, man.

>based modern science
>based western medicine

Also less cell towers

Even if we consider Peru is doing that, it will still not change much of the recovered total (300 deaths so far).

The capital is Brasilia. Pretty easy to remember once you know. Also, portuguese, not spanish.

Coffee is good for you

We are ok thanks to the measures taken. Most people infected are cops, nurses, doctor and retail. Very few deaths without preexistent conditions, and we have very few ICU beds so we're just trying to evade get sick at all costs

nice one mate cheers, gonna google into them places now! Idea was to just travel with the gf for a bit innit.
yeah i got that, dont know a word of portuguese to be honest but im more than willing to learn. Only really need to learn "pint of lager and a vodka and coke please mate" haha

Youre not welcome either way, Achmed.