Tensions have been rising between Israel and Hezbollah for the past months. Isareli drones have been circling Beirut (capital of Lebanon) for hours semi-daily. Latest escalation was today, when Hezbollah operatives cut the Lebanese/Israeli fence at 3 points, making israel fire flares over south lebanon.
Say, how is the Lebanese government is handling the Corona crisis?
Matthew Ross
pretty well suprisingly, 670 cases and 21 deaths, curfew from 7pm to 6am
Elijah Jenkins
Nobody cares. Israel is more valuable to the West then you
Plus your flag is retarded. A tree doesnt grow on lava retard
Aaron Wilson
Jewish refugees of the Samson Option will be spat on in the streets
Eli Rogers
Interesting. What do you think made the difference? Also it is rumoured that Nasrallah has the virus. Is that true in any way?
Samuel Young
>Also it is rumored that Nasrallah has the virus. Is that true in any way? nah i got excited about that rumor months ago, he lives in a bunker so its highly unlikely. >What do you think made the difference? i think the last thing people have left in Lebanon is their health so they care about it, also idk if govt is under-reporting because they're not testing refugees
Isaac Brooks
>Israel is more valuable to the West then you
Lol. fuck off. You don't remember how Mossad gave the Americans and the Brits "intel" about how Saddam had WMDs?
Funny how Israel is the US greatest ally but when you look on the soldiers who died in Iraq and in Afghanistan it's soldiers from the UK, Australia and even Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany but no one from the Israeli army... Really makes you think.
Most know that the only resons to why the west "cares" about the ONLY DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST is because jewish power in the US. Normal americans don't give a fuck.
Look up the boosk written by former Mossad katza Victor Ostrovsky. Really makes you think when the Israeli government tried to stop it from being published in the US.
Parker Brown
Good, a perfect time to get rid of Hezbollah.
David Sullivan
>nah i got excited about that rumor months ago, he lives in a bunker so its highly unlikely I see... However it was confirmed that some Hezbollah high-ups got the corona after meeting with Iranian officials.
I found it surprising that Hezbollah and Israel are still fighting like the corona didnt happen.. perhaps our countries see each other as weakened and exposed now...
Other than that, how's life?
Nolan Walker
Based and ISISpilled
Aiden Ramirez
Fuck jeeps.
Luis Smith
>I found it surprising that Hezbollah and Israel are still fighting like the corona didn't happen
i think Hezbollah and Iraqi Hezbollah wanna bait attacks from US and Israel during corona, so that they can cry to public opinion like "oh look savage US attacking innocent civilians even during corona!"
>Other than that, how's life?
its fine, currency lost 50% of its value and counting, total collapse imminent
Acts 5:39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
2 Corinthians 10
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Noah Ross
God can be fought all the times, look at all the times in history.
They have managed to change or switch states teachings, or even make the religion rely on the state (such as the Vatican, which is being used by the western powers, and the Orthodoxy in Moscow, which is employed by the Russian state).
Ethan Peterson
>They have managed to change or subvert religious teachings*
Cooper Fisher
Israel really doesn't hold any value to the west.
Elijah Hernandez
Hezbollah are true scum. Pic related to when I guarded the border when you protested about whatsapp taxation...
>its fine, currency lost 50% of its value and counting, total collapse imminent.
In truth, religion is a meant to seek spiritual fulfillment, if it does ANYTHING else, religion ought to go.
Elijah Hughes
what am i looking at in pic related? who is that person not wearing military uniform
>i have heard of it. How did this happen??? trash money policy, corruption, Hezbollah refusing to let govt. loan from IMF...etc.
Angel Bennett
It wasn't WhatsApp taxation lad Prior to the tax a big fire burnt a significant portion of land and the government did Jack shit t. I was there at the time also t. my grandma got a second degree burn
Ethan Ramirez
>Hezbollah refusing to let the country be inslaved by the (((IMF))) That's supposed to be a bad thing? Just kys already shill
Tyler Scott
>Literal parasite claiming value Gas yourself
Jacob Sullivan
Iran took loan from (((IMF))). so you're a Jewish slave now? good for you