Redpill me on Aleister Crowley

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Crowley ushering in the Aeon of Horus is why this world is in the state that it is now

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He was very... Wicked.

The original pol/ack

predator who realized if he distracted people with cool pictures and basic arithmetic he could literally talk them into eating their own shit

Barbara Bush's father.

Cool dude

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I want to into Aleister Crowley but the books are a pricey investment I'm not ready to buy. It's pretty hard to read books like that digitally.

He had the keys to the car, but didn't know his to drive a stick shift.
>if you catch my meaning

i seesaw

if charles manson was born to a wealthy family and assumed his natural role as a shaman (black hat psychologist)

Based boomer

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That's Uncle Lester.

There are two kind of people interested in occultism: people with a broken ego in search of validation, people with overinflated ego out there to take advantage of them. I'll let you guess what type was Crowley.

Gay drug addicted liberal weirdo.

Grandfather of modern day paganist reconstructionism. (You have him to thank for all the Odinniggers who haven't got a clue of actual history)

He took a shit on reality and related that shit to other shit that were already shat previously, and got famous for it.

Still glows after all these years.


(His disciple, Gartner founded Wicca)

do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

His lifestyle to me seemed so tragic

What went on in his head?

“Then how are They acting at present? What impact has the new Word, Thelema, made upon the planet? What are we to expect as a result? And can we poor benighted outsiders help Them in any way? I know it's 'cheek' to ask.”
then turn the other cheek, and repeat the question! I will do my best to make it all clear. But do not forget that I am myself completely in the dark with regard to the special functions of most of my colleagues.

To begin, then!

Achtung! I am going to be hard-boiled; my first act is to enlist the Devil himself in our ranks, and take the Materialistic Interpretation of History from Karl Marx, and accept economic laws as the manifest levers which determine the fortune of one part of the earth or another.

I shall take exception only by showing that these principles are secondary: oil in Texas, nitrates on the Pacific slope of the Andes, suphur in Louisiana (which put Etna's nose out of joint by making it cheaper for the burgers of Messina to import it from four thousand miles away instead of digging it out of their own back garden), even coal and timber, upset very few apple-carts until individual genius had found for these commodities such uses as our grandfathers never dreamed.

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Butthurt little bitch taking out his teenage angst on the unsuspecting public. He genuinely believes wearing a robe, a certain pendant and carrying a 'wand' will aid in your magical abilities. He never actually managed to perform any magic and settled with a final philosophy of 'do whatever you want'.

Yep. In the end, the old guy was so worn down and defeated he encouraged his followers to basically figure things out for themselves, as he had still yet to.

Gayer words have never been uthered

The technical developments of almost every form of wealth are the forebears of Big Business; and Big Business, directly or indirectly, is the immediate cause of War.

In the “To-day and to-morrow” series is an essay called Ouroboros, by Garet Garrett; one of the most shrewd and deep-delving analysis of economics ever written. May I condense him crudely? Mass Production for profit fails when its markets are exhausted; so every effort is made to impose it not only on the native but the foreigner, and should guile fail, then force!

But the process ineluctably goes on; when the whole world buys the nasty stuff, and will accept no other, the exploiter is still faced by diminishing returns. No possibility of expansion; sooner or later dividends dwindle, and the Business is Bust.

To even the most stupid it becomes plain at this stage that war is wholly ruinous; organization breaks down altogether; one meaningless revolution follows another; famine and pestilence complete the job.

Last time—when Osiris replaced Isis—the wreck was limited in scope—note that it was the civilized, the organized part that broke down. (Jews and Arabs could remain aloof, and keep a small torch burning until Light returned with the Renaissance.)

This time there is no civilization which can escape being involved in the totality of the catastrophe.

Towards this collapse all totalitarian movements inevitably tend.

And he fooled all the people with magic

He killed a man on K2 and threw his body off the mountain.

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Father of barbera bush...allegedly

tons of the elite still follow his nonsense today. maybe not him specifically but that inverse gpod and evil crap he built his gay philosophy on.

he talked to demons or bad ayys
there are good ayys though but he wanted to converse with the negative ones that provide information to the illuminati/deep state/cabal/ in order to carry out their plans

like I said though, good ayys exist so don't freak out when they come

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