Drugtards out there?

went through a phase from 2014-2019 before finding God and Yas Forums it has definetely influenced my views.

any others on pol with similar stories?

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Kind of a double edged sword for me. I'm pretty sure that smoking weed when I was 13 and doing psychedelics made me the retard I am today. However, they also made me question authority, truth, religion, etc. and are the reason I'm not an NPC. I am very forgetful, disorganized, a bit lazy, and have some brain fog most of the time though. Would I rather be a clearheaded normie, or a based retard? I'm not sure.

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there should be a pol support general for people with depression, imagine how many people on pol kill themselves yearly

Don't really care if they're fat, ugly, gay, or non-white which they probably are.

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how can you not be an NPC?

drugs made me smarted. gues im just special.

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I'm not doing too hot bros. I'm only 21 and already feel like I'm just waiting to die. I didn't want it to be this way. How do I go back

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go to the gym. oh yea our faggot government closed that shit.

I tried getting drunk twice, turns out it wasn't something for me and just makes me dizzy and puke.
Also tried a joint, coughed a lot.
Tried brownies, hated it and puked.
Not sure why people do that on a regular basis...

its called tolerance. you have none. dont bite off more than you can chew.

This image is really fucking with me,

Shut the fuck up klaus. You a little bitch.
>digits confirm

it's just jay stoklasa

>wow leaf totally redeeming himself

>before finding God
Based. Welcome to the family, brother. I found God myself shortly after he snatched me away from blood magick and astral projection.

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Much more common than actual brain damage are people who do drugs, get lazy, and stop exercising their brains. 20s and even 30s, you can still get back to your genetic potential by applying yourself to learning, thinking, and memory.

getting sober was the best thing i ever did
> 10 years an addict : (

>a phase
once a druggie always a druggie
fucking loser.

The longer I looked at it the less sure I was whether or not it was a mashup

LOL at doing enough drugs to think god is real

>astral projection.
I began doing some of these hemi-sync CIA shit things, after the first tape i am thrown out of my body and crash into the roof, couldnt get back into it before i started breathing. This is dangerous as fuck, don't do this.

it isnt a mash up it is a real person

not true chief, this is the propaganda ((they)) want you to believe

recovering alcoholics for example actually experience growth in their prefrontal cortex after quitting when compared with those who never drank : )

i wish to know something from the lord
i began an mmo project that might get developed finally and i asked the lord if it was playing god, opened a video saw "Dont be God", then asked again, my cross broke. I guess I found my answer but the mmos of now are boring. I assume he doesnt want people wasting more time on shit like that

I can only assume; praise Jesus!

Post tits


God is real, there are demons and aliens too. Denial, At first i was scared.. worst thing is that they keep me company and i dont feel lonely

While true, I do think some credit is given to those that have "ex" in their druggie title. You never stop being an addict; you simply stop doing the things you are addicted to.

there's a non-zero chance that reincarnation is real. why not roll the dice?

yeah im smoking an o a week still not sippin turtle juice though

Drugs are bad, besides some short-term medical stuff.

Alcohol and even coffee can help you fit in, socially, far more beneficial than any downsides of occassional use.

which tape was it? I tried hemi-sync years ago and it did do shit

No, mentally weak individuals will drag you down. You lose them like chaff.

A nice double of bourbon on the rocks really rounds off a friday evening. Anything else is nigger shit.


It is not just about sitting down and listening to the tapes, you have to press your soul into it.

Also this. I was pretty close to the abyss. So I left Yas Forums for a while. And met someone special. So now I can come back to this place with my nose turned up instead of my head turned down.

That is because you think. At first my body got all calm, it feel like a trance state, they could have planted any suggestive shit into me at that point. It was like a sleep paralysis when it happened, uncontrolled i just flew out and hit the roof and a corner. But trust me, if you go too far you can't get out and then you will be a fucking ghost

God had good reasons for telling us to not do this kind of stuff. Even if we can't see or understand it at first glance, everything he warns against, he warns against for a good reason.

Wew lad, if I were you I'd definitely take those signs and run.

Weed definitely had an effect I wasn't happy with, but I was a pill kid because of my parents. I take responsibility for all the choices I made outside of that, but I definitely sought altered states of mind after being prescribed different pills for around 12 years. I tried many things, and never found a truly content mindset with them. I don't have any harsh feelings toward psychedelics, though. I still experiment with psychedelics on occasion. Growing mushrooms was the happiest I was for a long time, but I was a wagie at the time. I cleaned up, and now I mainly enjoy fine scotch. Religion was not my saving grace. I was raised with a grandfather who was a pastor, and I ended up doing a lot of religious exploration trying to stray from that. Ended up with the conclusion that most others in that situation do; all books are written by men, and men are fallible. If there is a God/s it is not our ability nor right to decide who or what it is.

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>Even if we can't see or understand it at first glance, everything he warns against, he warns against for a good reason.

I fucking love God, amen brother. Thank you.

>do drug with the explicit intention of having non-lucid hallucinations
>have non-lucid hallucinations
The absolute state of druggie retards.

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We know he's real because we know the demons are real. The only thing that freed me from their sleep paralysis and ongoing bondage was calling out to Jesus.

i humbly accept anything the lord wishes for i wish i could know and have a convesation about it with him but its not possible outside of prayer and he has answered both of mine, i wish there was something larger i could do

It looks weird because he's got a fat double chin. But he's trimmed his beard in a very particular way to look like he's got a jawline.

It wasn't drugs, it's a guided meditation you listen to.


The whole nose/eye area looks photoshopped as well and I felt that it was jay's face pasted on subtly

>finding God

Take meds schizo.

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I used to get on all sorts of drugs - PCP, MXE, Meth, speed, a shitton of novel psychedelics, and a lot of DMT. This was a few years ago, and I only use Test and a bit of vaped cannabis; which does me very well!

>I am very forgetful, disorganized, a bit lazy, and have some brain fog most of the time though.
This is me as well and I’ve never done drugs. I think it’s just a result of staring at screens all day. The electric Jew will fuck you up.

>You never stop being an addict;

again not true, this is AA bullshit that just makes quitting harder


did a metric fuckton of amphetamine for about 7 years, a lot of it intravenously, had stints of being hooked on heroin, eaten inordinate amounts of molly, snorted a bunch of coke. Wouldn't recommend any of it.

Been off heroin for more than a year, don't miss it. Off speed for about same length of time. These days I don't even smoke and rarely even have caffeine in any form, but admittedly I sometimes still take molly or acid at parties.

If you can stay away, stay away from drugs. For me, for a long time they were the only "good" thing about my life.

I never did any drugs, never had the chance and now I would never touch anything from the street even if I knew where to get it. I did enjoy occasionally getting drunk while still being a high schooler and in my early to mid-20s but now at 28 it almost feels like a chore. I don't really get it how people become alcoholics unless you live in some rural shithole where there's nothing else to do, it stops being that appealing as you age, not to mention how fucked up the hangovers must be as time goes bye.

>Basic bitch tattoo of dice
You have no room to call anything cringe

So, you took drugs until you got retarded and now you are a Christian. Got it.

start a thread and explain your experiences


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If I can't enjoy it, why should I try building up a tolerance?
Dude, I drank a lot that time.
At no point was it pleasant.
I'm a dude and not obese, so no tits.

i had sex with a demon you can believe me or not, i didnt know what it was at the time tho

dont do it bro weed has a chance of making you happy, but everyone that uses it enough ends up in the same place, s c h i z o

Can anyone tell me how to SLEEP? If I don't smoke weed I can stay up for like 2 days, sleep for 5 hours where I have the weirdest most lucid dreams. Didn't smoke for like 3 weeks but it was literally unbearable. How do you fix this?

I actually feel kind of sorry for you, I know you think you've figured out reality, I did too when I was like 16, but I hope you get through this phase soon. This place is steaming hot garbage populated by caved-in headed retards whose politics is informed by their inability to get laid.