2nd American Civil War Confirmed?!

Welcome to 2020, folks.


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Nothing will happen.

>Nothing will happen.


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Election in November

Literally me right now. Comfy, cozy, sipping a monster energy drink. Nothing will happen, it never really happens anyway, if it did, it's always vanilla in expectation.

Thanks for standing up for the 2nd by banning bump stocks I guess.


literally a useless neet shut-in feasting of the misery of the world to cope with being a dense genetical dead-end no?

Ok Boomer

Democrats and RINOS will win the civil war. They literally have all the cities and ocean docks plus access to trade and tech.
Hispanics, Blacks, Women, Muslims, LGBTQ+'s, Liberal men, Sillicon valley, STEM, and the educated will all be teaming up hand in hand with different ideas while fighting off an outdated bunch of middle aged white dudes, trade workers, a few NRA 'DONT TRED ON MEH' people and some random farmers. Not to mention that influential people will be supporting as well as backing the Democrats. The military is very diverse too and will also be mostly waving the blue (D) flag. Democrats will also have incoming support from EU, China, South Korea, Turkey, India, Canada, Mexico, and South Africa. Trump's foreign allies will only consist of an aging UK, Russia, and Japan that live from former glory.

Ok memeflaggot


>listen to muh podcasts
>some unknown eceleb
his heart's in the right place but the spam shit earns him the rope.

>they control the places with low trust, low IQ inhabitants that require gross amounts of domestic and international infrastructure just to feed themselves and are generally unarmed

You're retarded if you think he isn't right. Republicans are fucking trash lmao

You’re a fucking reject if you think it’s only republicans. Btw do liberals have any firearms aside from their soilent drinks and purple fedora hats? Fuck no. They rely on big cities and handouts to survive. They’ll be absolute shit out of luck when shit hits the fan.

>Nothing will happen, it never really happens anyway, if it did, it's always vanilla in expectation.

I definitely do believe that the ‘Great Happening’ will eventually happen in the West... I predict it will happen in the next 30 to 50 years (if the current rate of political and cultural division continues in Western society).

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He is so dumb.

So. Fucking. DUMB.

A walking, talking orange nigger with the intelligence and charm of a rotting toad.

It's like he doesn't even realize 20 Republican Senators were a hair away from joining Mitt Romney in voting his ass out.

They will be sure to vote him out this time if there's a second impeachment.

Trumpcucks needs to have their ballot burned this November.

Gonna be hella disappointed if Joe wins by anything less than 70% of the vote.

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get the fuck out of here Jared

You sound like a Californian.
Interestingly, in the CA emergency responder/police code, standardized, 11-44 means, "send the coroner."

I think Kek has spoken for you.

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>niggers and basedfaggots are going to beat well-armed country bumpkins in a war
you've got to be kidding me.

No, they control the areas with young people with nothing to lose. People who live a hard knock life already, and are prepared to fight. Not to mention that within the cities you have the most intelligent and educated people there too

Food is no problem for them when they have help from other keen nations who want to overthrow Trump and his paleo-Americana shit. They control the waters too. Also, vitamin pills are an option for nutrients if things get really bad. There's plenty of those within democrat areas

Nothing will happen, Americans are pussies who will never do anything

> I fight tyranny by supporting the federal government

Is the irony completely lost on these people?

You, sir, are a Jew and a Democrat.

Meme flag again chiming in to feed the thread some more bullshit

If you have no grasp of fucking US politics, that's exactly how it is right now. It's the state governments oppressing the people.

cry harder MIGAcuck

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oh look. it's literally fucking nothing

Under siege from what? Not being able to go to a gun shop?

Are gunfags really so pathetic?

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