>Hey its Spick Fuentes here with America First
>I hate Jews and Israel.
>I deny the Holocaust
>Women shouldn't have rights
>Race mixing is immoral
>Modern music is degenerate
>But fuck wignats like TDS and Spencer, am I right guys?
>I mean we wouldn't want to scare away the normies would we?
>We have to think of the Optics.
>Did I mention I have a faggot catboy friend?
>Don't forgot Groyper Nation to listen to Kanye West's "Jebus Es Kang"
Other urls found in this thread:
OP is right but is also a faggot. Nick Fuentes is what happens when you get no pussy. Notice how everyone on TRS network has a girlfriend/wife.
Just another reason why TRS are the Chads of the Alt-Right or White Nationalist Movement.
Everyone on TRS is fat and ugly while Nick Fuentes was literally president of student council for 2 years at his high school, being the most popular kid there, and is also attractive.
Spencerpedes on suicide watch
>Groyperfaggots consider this a chad
Nick Fuentes is ugly af. Hideous eyebrows, disgusting nose, hilarious manlet stature..
It fits him being from some nowhere suburb of Chicago.
And yet has never gotten a girl. Wonder why.
What is TRS?
I can't believe there are christcucks who can't sense that he is lying about being a catholic, I'm an atheist so I have an eye for this sort of thing and I can tell you for sure that he is larping. His fucking voice cracked when he said "we worship jesus christ".
yes he's drinking a beer in what is clearly daytime. Seems pretty cool if u ask me.
seethe tranny
It's because he is literally gay.
neither have you, so what's your excuse?
Because he's autistic and screeches like a woman, but honestly he's not missing out on much.
Spics are considered white by Muttmerican standards. This spic is the whitest creature in this shithole.
I don't know this E-celeb but here is the official one man is Yas Forums reaction.
>I hate Jews and Israel.
>I deny the Holocaust
>Women shouldn't have rights
>Race mixing is immoral
>Modern music is degenerate
>But fuck wignats like TDS and Spencer, am I right guys?
not based
>I mean we wouldn't want to scare away the normies would we?
not based
>We have to think of the Optics.
VERY not based, you are only allowed to be Nat Soc if you're unironically an over 6'0 in shape chad, anything else is larping faggotry. If you believe in nat soc but are fat/neckbeard/virgin pretend to be a commie outdoors.
>Did I mention I have a faggot catboy friend?
not based.
>Don't forgot Groyper Nation to listen to Kanye West's "Jebus Es Kang"
not based.
who's the tranny?
His girlfriend apparently. I don't know for sure if she's Jamie though.
You do know the term Non-Hispanic White exist right? Stop being defeatist.
ill never understand the nick hate, you would think this board would be sucking his dick but apparently not.
Just shows how POZZED nu-pol is, his stances on women and israel are unrivaled
America First >>>>>>> the alt-right
Mmmh let me think:
>Attacks anyone more right-wing than him
>Has a catboy fag as a friend
>Is a Manlet.
Gee I wonder why Pol has some problems with him.
The right wing has always been plagued by these people. The no-future, no hope people who took a big gamble, bet everything and lost.
Their only hope for a future is to take power at the far end of right wing politics, so they will destroy anyone who seems to be surpassing them or leaving them behind.
It's why right wing politics is doomed. The jews have managed to weaponize right wingers against their own cause.
TRS>>>>>>>American Renaissance>>>> Richard Spencer>>>>America First>>>>>The Daily Stormer
He’s my dream boyfriend
This disinfo campaign is not really going that well for you, huh shill?
There are actually white Hispanics that look like Nick Fuentes, although I'm not sure the percentages.
This idiot mofo is going to be our fucking ruin, it´s trojan horse! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE