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Good. Hopefully now they'll catch the virus while waiting in the unemployment line.


Nice pic, but it's not caturday yet

You can't suspend someone who already quit. The Trumptard cope knows no bounds.

these jello servers don't know what they signed up for
oh no i have to be around sick people oh no

>pic with title
great src faggot

Doin your mom
Doin doin your mom

is this real

If they were suspended for refusing to work without masks, why are they all wearing masks?

is this shopped

Wow, can I save this picture?

it's real

N95 masks provide more protection.

What is the option, letting people die?
Nice heroes we have.

Awesome. Hopefully they are union. Hope they get back pay. The person who did this gets fired. All after a full public investigation on to why they didn't have them. Never seen the n95 mask worn before this.

how did they teach the cat to do that


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Thank all the heroes fighting at the frontlines!!

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Ayyyyy dat lil nigga hit that whip

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Fuck that's old

Animal abuse

damn that nigga got the moves tho

21 St March

not the right masks. surgical masks (what they're wearing) doesn't protect the wearer from patients. only n95 respirator masks do. The trick is the filter which filters incoming air. Surgical masks draw in air from the sides.

That actually wasn't true if you read the article.

Unfortunately most states have safe harbor laws so roasties will be fine


>nurse practitioner