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Oh god we're never going back to normal

2020 airborne aids here we fucking gooooo

Sorry, it's over.

3 months later for mainstream media lmao

Didn't they already know this back in January and that's why they tried using AIDS medicine to treat it?

This is the new normal

it was a conspiracy theory back then

Yes, they did theorize it, it's just hot air now from fake cuntalists.


yes, but mainstream media is really slow

>Airborne AIDS!
>Two more weeks
>Just wait for the second wave
It's all so tiresome

This. ALT media aka REAL journalist broke this and the fact that it's a bioweapon months ago. No wonder normies are so fucking retatded... they get their info from the tv

Using masks and keeping my distance from people was always my normal anyways

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Checked, Schizos take your meds

lmao my hiv immunity will save me while you all suffer.

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>It might render vaccines useless.
So will Bill Gates fuck off with his fucking vaccines and are we rid of his tracking chips?

yes and it has already also been debunked...

I dont feel so good bros...

Actually med researchers are already aware of that and there's an on going development of a cure-for-all (autoimmune reline) medication that's going to be designated for corona type viruses. so basically a new type sub for antibiotics that's going to work super fast on new cases.

Bill is backing down like the bitch he always has been

>Implying we won't go back to normal because trying to fight it is futile.

lmfao psoriasis Master race here, our immune systems run at 600% while your measly 50% max output immune system struggles with chink aids. LMFAO WE WILL INHERIT THE WORLD AND FINALLY TAKE ALL YOUR VITAMIN D.

It's not the same as HIV. HIV turns your TCells into HIV factories. COVD19's infect of TCells is abortive... which means it's a dead end. It doesnt replicate inside the tcell. I can certainly see where mutations or genetic engineering could change that, though.

10% of white people are immune.
Based virus.

why don't journos lurk anymore, Yas Forums?

They've been saying this since February

Thank you, rabbi, but I will politely decline.

Super shoddy evidence. Us is just starting there’s but the latest results aren’t looking good. Fox ‘news’ isn’t a real source either you fucking boomer

oh shit these facebook boomers are going to form a cult

>corona family viruses all mutate so fast that it’s impossible to make vaccines for them
Fuck all of you for not knowing this already

maybe if you didnt have adhd you would survive the next 6 months

I'm O- bow down to the superior bloodline.
My blood is extremely xenophobic and exclusive.

no wonder niggers in africa aka europe and america arent getting the virus

Based Corona-chan saving us from ID2020. I'm completely fine with the virus being incurable if this means I'll be forever free, be it alive or dead.

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fake news

nah I saw that live, it was maybe two weeks ago. nothing really has come out of any study they are doing. It is being used all over the world to keep the viral load low, but does nothing once you get past a certain point.

Turn the TV off Hans, it's scaring you

There is literally not a shred of evidence that the virus can enter B cells

>Clicks picture
>Sees name of website

Ah, that trusted name in investigative journalism: the Philippines.

im on pol 24/7

Hope you're right. I heard it wasn't that far away.

I would agree except there is no link and no results in search. Nothing in MSM about airborne AIDS. Only that people already with HIV are fugged if they get both

Welcome to /cvg/ in early February

Another Psoriasis user here. Needs a study on this, but since ours is basically always running full force we really might be in better condition.