Attached: ramz1.png (663x631, 161.49K)

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*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
*sips tea*
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

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>near identical trends minus one data point
Yeah good stuff champ

I don't get it

Why is Ramz being such a fucking retard

Yeah objective information STOOPID

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yes I too listen to the objective information posted by based intellectual alt right dark netters

Sweden is at 139 deaths per 1M population, the UK is at 215 deaths per 1M and climbing faster.

I was there when this was first created

Sweden is lying about their numbers. They call it 'lag' so the don't release numbers one day and "adjust" numbers other days.

which country is more densely packed? how many do live in cities. Do those cultures have the same personal space distance? ( thinking about that bus stop picture where people keep 2m distance even before corona). Also people will self isolate no matter if there is a lock down or not.

Why is he doing his show with styxfaggenhammer?

>finland: lockdown, 82 deaths (pop 5 million)
>sweden: no lockdown, 1400 deaths (pop 10 million)
why is ramzpaul a retard

sweden still is doing social distancing and closed a bunch of shit. this idea that they are "business as usual" is bullshit.

Ramzpaul is a giant embarrassing retard. A dink.


give it 2 more weeks

Never knew Yas Forums was full of hysterical karens
Both far right and far left here want a granny goverment to rule them

This, also the UK has way more foreigners and tourists who could potentially bring the virus with them. Sweden also had distancing and stores were shut down.

Honestly all of this has been a huge eye opener for me. I'm from Wigan, personally. The amount of people that are just stupid ignorant children is INSANE. Nobody researches anything, everybody just waits for an "expert" to tell them that they need to be scared and if they leave their house they'll just fucking DIE, and at that point that becomes their entire life. Stay at home, SAVE LIVES. Eat a fucking dick.

>near identical trends
>in other words Sweden didn't have to do insane Karen lock downs to achieve the same results as the United Kuckdom
Almost like that was the point or something

Did everyone suddenly forget that the UK went with “herd immunity” first just like Sweden and then when it started spiraling out of control did they start to quarantine everyone? Why not compare them to countries that went with a quarantine from the start?

They are case RATES brainlet. lmfao they aren't sending their best.

Sweden’s not even bothering to test. They’re going to be India tier when this ends

Welcome to the blackpill

They're very similar, especially considering higher population density in UK. I'm not really sure what this proves, but I guess the point they want to make is do nothing, and it's just as fuckey but not worse?
But Sweden is still taking measures, it's more an issue of parsing out WHAT needs to be shut down and what does not.

There is no based anywhere in this whole debacle, just dumb.

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He also knows nothing about risk management. It's a fucking novel virus. You lockdown before you know wtf the risk profile is, then you open up later. This is the equivalent of saying russian roulette is safe because you survived a round. It's actually worse since russian roulette doesn't present systemic risk. Doing nothing and hoping to get lucky isn't a strategy.

>Coronavirus data being accurate.

Don't trust anything until you compare general mortality rates of 2019 vs 2020

>sweden and uk are the same countries
>have the same population density
>have the same level of autism

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Localism where each locality can determine its own policies and how to most efficiently lockdown or stay open is the superior position but it gets no mainstream attention.

they are case rates retard.
By testing more they could be twice higher. Case rates ≠ actual rates
Get off this board shill


isn't this an anti-white nigger meme?

No. of cases is a poor measure. Only reflects testing capacity, good for seeing percentage growth in own country but lousy for comparison between countries.

How many people going to hospital per capita? And how many dying per capita?

UK is almost double deaths per capita than Sweden. But that also depend who got hit first. I still think UK is in a shit state.

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Sweden does fuck all tests and their death rate reflects that you brainlet.

What you don't see from these numbers is the state of the British public. I've never seen a group of people act like easily corralled cattle in my life. It really does make me wonder if Jews are right when they treat goyim as cattle, because holy fuck do they ever act like it. Nobody needs to herd them; they'll herd themselves if you tell them to.

Cool, go outside and hang out in some groups faggot.

I would assume, since Sweden is not going to any real effort to contain or stop the virus, that Sweden is also not conducting widespread testing and therefore you're not going to see the ridiculously higher rate of infection right now taking place in the Swedish population. Having checked though, the UK appears to have conducted 6,467 tests per 1m population and Sweden has around half that figure at 7,387 oer 1m population.

Something to bear in mind is Swedes tend to be a lot more introverted and keep to their small very personal communities. They're a much shyer people than the Maisie Williams type Brits with their paki gangbang fuckfest nightclub weekends and so on.

UK is also much unhealthier than Sweden, much fatter, has much more genetic diseases and serious health issues and much less introverted and respecting of personal space and good hygiene etc.

These things all matter too. As well as thing like population density.

Very varied countries with different cultures and factors.
It'll be better to include close enough countries in culture, geography, density, and population.

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I wonder if Paul will feel or display any shame in the future over this. Probably not.

>What you don't see from these numbers is the state of the British public. I've never seen a group of people act like easily corralled cattle in my life. It really does make me wonder if Jews are right when they treat goyim as cattle, because holy fuck do they ever act like it. Nobody needs to herd them; they'll herd themselves if you tell them to.

I'm from the UK, and I could not agree more with you, man. We are literally as bad as Americans, probably even worse desu. Which makes the whole anti-American thing we do all the more cringe. We were obviously the ZOG blueprint and first experiment/domestication program (I trace it to around the time of Cromwell letting them back in) and they used us to forge new sister cattle ranches in America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and so on.