Aside from the regural boring Nazi stuff, what is the edgiest opinion you hold?

Aside from the regural boring Nazi stuff, what is the edgiest opinion you hold?

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Hey Jew nice proxy, USA Russia and China will wipe out Israel together.

lightbulbs are microverses

I like my little pony

All non-white people should be killed, sterlized, or enslaved. One world, one race, forever reaching out to the stars.

that clearing out the majority of world population wouldnt be such a bad thing.

Kikes and muslims first ofcourse.

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The edgiest opinion I have is I am a firm believer in Thalassocratic Republican Direct Democracy. Monarchs just can't always be trusted.

Suffering is the greatest thing that evolution gave to sentient beings

Incest should be legal (and maybe even promoted) now that we effective birth control.
Fuck normies.

Age of Consent should be 15.

Also Constitutional.

Fuck you Jew.

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Everyone below 100, maybe 110 IQ should be killed and we would have next to no problems remaining in society

edgy? for this board?
I like black girls.

Unironically this. It was also the best chemo for this site. /mlpol/

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Communism: Not edgy

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Women are a combination of the worst parts of a fag, a nigger, and a jew.

It is in swedistan

Liberalism: Not edgy

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Abortion is murder and should be legal. A foetus is alive but incapable of defending it's rights, so it doesn't really have them.

based edgelord

All rights are for slaves. So are girls over 18, jobs, entertainment, basically your whole life.
Also anal is actually based.

National Socialism: Omg too edgy

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We are all just one being acting out different parts for fun.

At least half the world's population should die, there's too many people in the world. That's why I'm on team corona.

People who were circumcised were mentally damaged as infants and it shows in their paranoid, spiteful, and vindictive personalities. Look at Jews, Muslims, and Burgers. They are all collectively unhinged from their genital mutilation traumatizing them. Anyone without a foreskin should be removed from life. I don't know exactly how that is going to be accomplished in Amerifat, but I am sure if you give it time Burgers will kill themselves.

>Aside from the regural boring Nazi stuff, what is the edgiest opinion you hold?
That OP's sexuality is non-normative.

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I miss /mlpol and /fitlit

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lolihentai is cool

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Whoah their bud

I don't do edge, but

>human's natural diet is fruit, all disease can be cured simply by adopting a diet of fruit, excluding meats, grains, and most vegetables
>Jesuits control the Jews
>Hitler was a Jesuit
>the Illuminati was founded by Jesuits
>If you actually took one fucking minute to look at the science, 5G is the literal end of civilization, we're talking babies dying of cancer and the majority of women becoming infertile or having miscarriages

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14 in a few European countries such as Germany and Austria

Holy fuck thats the most hilarious yet sleezy description of a guy Ive ever heard. He probably knows who killed JFK.

Suffering is the way your ego makes itself known
Understand why you suffer and the rest comes

i want to die

Arranged marriage should be the norm. Women should have no say in who they marry. The father should choose who is daughter marries, and women should not be able to marry anyone without their fathers consent. If their father is dead, that responsibility goes to the eldest brother, and if there are no brothers, the mother.

If that were true I'd kill myself for putting me through this unending despair

States are ultimately inhuman and Anarchy is the only way for an individual to truly grow prosper.

It should be legal to buy any amount of guns, ammo and drugs you want, no questions asked.
I also look down on people who drink, smoke and do drugs

The purpose of the justice system is to protect society from criminal elements. Upon being found guilty, criminals should be tested to determine whether there is any hope of rehabilitation. If so, it should be completed as quickly as possible and they should be immediately released. If they cannot be rehabilitated they should be killed.

>one day I was growing and prospering in Anarchy when a nigger warlord and his band captures, tortures, and eates me.

I consider probably 95% of all humans to be shit. Gender, race, religion, etc. doesn't even matter. Whites are only marginally better than kikes and niggers, and if all the kikes and niggers died out tomorrow I would just start hating other whites more. I simply hate this species in every form it takes.

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transcendental geneticism is the only path to true morality

Amen, also women shouldn't be allowed out the house or to run any business outside of what is bequeathed to her by their father or husband. But in the event of a male heir no such property can be obtained and she can only trade property for cash if survived by daughters to incentivize women to marry men or otherwise be homeless and pay rent to men who are allowed only to own property and stock as they have built and founded all the companies around the world and the manner in which they are conducted successfully in our world. Women also should've never be allowed to vote ever. Rape should be considered an affront on the guardian of the woman in any circumstance and adjudicated in court as the man sees fit if trail determines that rape did indeed occur. Otherwise promiscuity within marriage shall be met with jail, beatings and house arrest or both.

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It was a good joke. Maybe the best joke.

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The world isn’t flat.

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>Gets born into slavery to a government, milked for taxes and sent to war

There should be a separate place for every race.

Forced abortions for all deficient fetuses? Would save a fortune on care costs for disabled and retarded people.

i want to send the world back to the bronze age, id even take the stone age if i had to?

the printing press was a mistake


Sperg faggot

and btw, i dont care how that get done

Yeah so you can join some faggot band of Somalians that use you as a slave and raped your face every fucking day. That'd be awesome huh kike

It would be that I'm definitely not your dad, since I mostly fucked your mom's ass.

>>thinks anarchy will release him from slavery
Fucking Jewish leaf faggots every time. Gtfo gommie

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Taichi will never fuck you, Hikari.

I agree completely but this would only be possible in a total collapse scenario.

And, I had thought different, but seeing recent events I think if society collapsed the majority of men would continue to be pussy whipped simps, they’re completely fucking hopeless