Rh negative

This division is more important than racial. (((They))) rule over the mankind and always did.

How haven't we wiped out this alien blood already?

Attached: Rh-Blood-Group-System.jpg (650x360, 19.74K)

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superiority isn't found in your genes, it's found in your choices.

no we dont, where is my fucking millions of dollars and cocaine then???



So if you have o- blood you're human but if it's o+ you're alien?

Whatever happened to race realism now? You're nervous now.


I thought you wouldn't complain so much about shit conditions. Do your stupid magic and prosper.

The opposite.

This is fucking nonsense. My brother is rh negative and i'm not and none of us are ruling mankind so get your head out your ass.

We're supposed to be [blood type]+?
I have O- blood. Am I cool?

You are a hybrid, like me. It's not natural though. I'm talking about people who don't mix.

If both your parents are negative, then no.

We blue bloods will be the settlers of the final frontier. We're the master race blood type optimized for space travel. Good luck dying on this rock monkey blood cucks

monkeybloods are literally subhuman. Rh negative people have founded every great civilization throughout world history. Cope harder you filthy macaque.

What is the significance for a negative blood type if one or both parents are positive?

increased risk of schizofrenia

RH negative are just less evolved no big deal same with type O blood. -O people are cavemen.

Good luck going to heaven, kikes. Mystery schools and ancient civilizations are works of satan.

the worst part of being rh- is how polarizing you are to the normies. they either love you or literally cannot stand you, for almost no reason in either direction.

also being able to read people seems to be more of an rh- thing whereas rh+ could be lied to all day, made fun of covertly and never be the wiser

i really wish the differences were studied more.

Rh negative is the pure Aldebaranian/Lyrian bloodline.
If you are Rh positive you are basically a monkeynigger mutt.
Kneel before your Super Aryan overlords you fucking subhuman mudblood plebes.

Attached: 1577482041275.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

blue bloods got built in antenna

Attached: blue.jpg (1024x703, 76.62K)

chad spikey blood vs virgin smooth blood

are those the cat people?

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>interbreeding with the separately-evolved human subspecies makes you more evolved
monkeyblood cope

smooth blood, smooth brain

Some of you Rh - guys here also want nothing more than exploring the stars? Just fly with a big space ship into this endless ocean.

I only want an AI-god to unite humanity and build a giga-spacebrain that permeates the entire universe and breaks us out of this prison.


yes, and i feel i have dreamed of other worlds. i've always been drawn to space. how could you not when 85% of the world is technically not the same species as you. we literally cannot reproduce with them without medical intervention.

This is a dumb psyop and troll.

>monkey DNA

These blood type posts are fucking moronic. Do you really think that a difference in sugar placement is gonna make all that difference? I could say that only little e negative Chads rule the world. What about the cellano ruling elite?

>the worst part of being rh- is how polarizing you are to the normies. they either love you or literally cannot stand you, for almost no reason in either direction.

This. Why is that? Its so confusing.

>Some of you Rh - guys here also want nothing more than exploring the stars? Just fly with a big space ship into this endless ocean.

Yes but not just exploring but conquering. I just want to great crusade the milky way. Is that too much to ask?

>t. AB-

These blood type posts are fucking moronic. Do you really think that a difference in sugar placement is gonna make all that difference? I could say that only little e negative Chads rule the world. What about the cellano ruling elite?

My mom is RH- and that makes me at minimum a carrier of the trait. Why do you want to kill my mom user?

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Shut up reptoid.

Rh- women cannot naturally give birth to Rh+ peoples

Rh- women are Rh- men propriety

Take your meds.

T retard

Which are found in your genes and experiences

little extra sugar coat on the A blood group is getting them killed by coronachan


no idea. it literally feels like magnets repelling sometimes. and you'll have done nothing wrong, said nothing. but there is an increased level of scrutiny from certain individuals that is impossible to ignore. its not a race thing either, i am white, normal looking (and smelling) etc. i will NEVER experience this around a family member or otherwise rh- individual.

On how many layers of blood superiority am I?

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I want to go to space.

Experience pretty much the same and am often shocked about the intensity of this. It takes lots of time for me to form a strong opinion on someone. I am pretty much indifferent about most people. On the other hand people who barely know me either hate me with passion for no reason or love me even though i didnt do anything to deserve it.

there are more antigen antibody systems at play
>In addition to the ABO and Rh systems, the antigens expressed on blood cell membrane surfaces include 346 red blood cell antigens and 33 platelet antigens, as defined serologically
we're talking about dozens of different systems here and while singular transfusion isn't much of an issue, further transfusion with the wrong blood group will cause immune reaction with flu like symptoms pretty quickly and after extended repetition will kill people
Rh and ABO are also two distinct systems that have absolutely no relation to each other.

they despise you if they're insecure and too much adopted to this falsehood of the current world, it's a natural reflex.

>I just want to great crusade the milky way.
Could be surprising.
We had to do something, something unusual.

Source: I'm a vampire.

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What a see-through diversion from important issues.

>Currently, 29 different blood group systems are known, nine of which are considered to be the major blood group systems.

What, like what drumpf did today or whatever.
