Depopulation isnt a bad idea

With a smaller population of 100 - 500 million the world would thrive
>Wouldn't have to eat low quality factory farm meat
>Wouldn't have people writing articles talking about eating bugs
>Wouldn't have to eat cloned meat
>Climate change wouldn't be a huge problem
>Less traffic
>Less demand for goods meaning they'd be produced at a higher quality
>Less government
>Would be able to make it so higher IQ and higher income people are allowed to have 3/4 kids max and everyone else is capped at 2

This isn't about land its about resources. I say we start with China get rid of the 1 billion Chinese people in China and I guarantee you, you'll see a huge change.

Attached: billgatesheadshot_-_h_2018.jpg (768x433, 36.37K)

He's smiley because you're already dead.

>the world would be better without you

The impact this man has had on our world today as we know it is so vast and incalculable that its not even worth trying to imagine a world without his influence. There's just too many variables.

If you're using a home computer, its because of him. If you're using a cell phone. It's because of him. If you're using the internet... shall I continue?

You will literally never be able to escape. He owns you. He owns the future. He earned it. So shut up, and listen to what he has to say. Because he's right.


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Reduce the population in China, India and Africa.
That’ll have a massive effect on things.

but then how would (((they))) profit?

>Depopulation isnt a bad idea.

Only if it concerns a*glos.

Disgusting. Fuck off

As long as their is manufacturing that could be moved to china climate change will exist.

Malthusian con-artists RAUS.

Bill Gates never said vaccines kill people. He said vaccines would lead to decreased population size because as child mortality rates lower, the average amount of child per family decreases as well. Meaning the less baby Africans dying at a young age due to diseases, the less African mothers will be pumping out 8-10 kids per family.

>Grows human farm of 1 billion dependent Africans
>Preaches depopulation to Europe and America
What did he mean by this?

Bill Gates is also a fucking idiot who never completed his systems dynamics homework. This stupid nigger unironically believes there is a limit to growth.

Rolliering for this

a depopulation agenda would be #1 on my priority list if I was an elite. it's an obvious problem with only dreadful solutions, but someone has to make them. infinite growth is impossible with finite resources

just think like an elite for a moment

bill gates is still a faggot

Shut up bill

>The impact this man has had on our world today as we know it is so vast and incalculable that its not even worth trying to imagine a world without his influence. There's just too many variables.

>If you're using a home computer, its because of him. If you're using a cell phone. It's because of him. If you're using the internet... shall I continue?

>You will literally never be able to escape. He owns you. He owns the future. He earned it. So shut up, and listen to what he has to say. Because he's right.


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Its not a bad idea, but if the current elite are put in charge of it the result will be an 80 iq shitskin underclass ruled over by jews

The Cabal of Child-Snuffing Cannibals are only doing what is right to save the Environment. They've done the math. There's just too many people. It has to happen to save the Earth.

It has nothing to do with a Cabal of Child Killers wanting to finalize full-spectrum control over the entire planet.


It's necessary to Save the Earth.

Btw, Freemasons & CIA on this board, did you get the Memo yet? Did you get your passcode yet?

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Nope. We start with Africans.

Agreed. Bomb India and China immediately, please.

I was thinking about this today... It'd be totally worth the risk for me at this point in my life to run an extinction gauntlet. Even if only 1/10 survive the rewards would be incredible. We could actually implement a eugenics program, and keep Earth at sustainable population. A lot of selfless boomers and gen xers might even volunteer for euthanasia it it guaranteed some of their grandchildren survival.

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You forgot Mexico and South America

no, let's start with you

You’re right
>be bill gates
>self-make it into elite despite short nose
>come up with plan to reduce black and Jew populations
>”neonazis” cry about it because “m-muh Jew religious prophecies”

Just tell me, why should I trust a guy that couldn't even protect his computers from informatic viruses?

Unfortunately I think this is the most probable outcome

I agree with the assessment but if we allow the current 'elites' to decide who gets depopulated they'll remove everyone except themselves and a willing slave class

The only moral and reasonable way to depopulate is a gradual population decline while people have less kids than are necessary to sustain the population. This is however not accepted by said 'elites' who demand more slaves to keep their economy growing. They do not want depopulation, despite what they are saying. They want a slaughter of those who still have the awareness and potential power to stand up to them.

When he means by depopulation, he means that saving people by investing his money into the medicine industry, people would not have the need to keep reproducing in order to replace what they lost. Your conspiracy theories don't make any lick of sense.

>Africans will stop fucking and having kids if they keep the ones they already have
Does anyone believe this?

>>self-make it into elite
He's from old money. He married a Dupont ffs

>tfw COVID is affecting blacks and Jews more than any other demographic

Smiling Bill Gates does not make me feel comfy. Why is that anons?