@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/17/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/16/20
>Pres Trump/TransSec Chao Celebrate America's Truckers 4/16/20
>Team Trump Online w/Lara Trump! 4/16/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 4/16/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Hannity 4/16/20
>AgSec GrandpaSonny on FBN 4/16/20
>FDACommr Hahn addresses 2020 Rx Drug Abuse &Heroin Summit 4/16/20
>FDACommr Hahn @WaPo Event on Corona-chan 4/16/20
>PressSec Kayleigh on F&F 4/16/20
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley on JohnFredericksShow 4/16/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on Dobbs 4/16/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (ArmySec McCarthy/Army Ldrs) 4/16/20
>StateDeptVideo: Corona-chan &Intl Aid to Venezuela 4/16/20
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Welcomes America's Truckers 4/16/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: jacksonvillereopen.jpg (643x827, 96.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that the WHO saying antibodies show no proof of resistance means a vaccine is completely worthless

Attached: whocav.png (811x571, 96.99K)

US needs to be guarding against this too

Attached: ZeroChance.png (1930x632, 133.61K)

BREAKING NEWS: Sudden surge in covid-19 cases, experts baffled by the cause

flumf btfo

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> Dear America
> Here is a list of people that should not be allowed to cosplay
> 1) fat people
> 2) non whites
> 3) ugly people
> 4) furries
> P.S. Japanese girls count as white
Pic related

Attached: megumin real3.jpg (1080x855, 130.65K)

Has /ptg/ played >Clover yet?

Attached: arabomb.png (1400x1600, 719.45K)

early chink shill repellent
Watch this post disappear lel
fuck jannies
fuck mods
fuck chink shills

Early chink repellent
wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: 8297A5B2-190A-49E8-84F7-7E3CAD0C1977.jpg (1405x1149, 341.51K)

"WHO saying"
Into the trash it goes.

>Sudden surge in covid-19 cases
already 50-85 times more than they know

Attached: 0924828823.jpg (543x923, 85.71K)

Press briefing now 6:00 PM EST.

Attached: hs34y435656.png (586x188, 17.55K)

Why are Republican politicians so much more unpopular than Democrat ones?

Attached: 1581912426495.jpg (810x1012, 69.5K)

surge in reported cases shillfagg

>why does the MSM, a branch of the DNC, support Democrat politicians rather than Republican?

My state is the best.

Attached: Florida fact.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

Plan status:
[ ] Not Trusted
[X] Trusted

As soon as Q teamed up with J, he was unstoppable
follow me to ebaum's world

Attached: Q wagon ebaums world.jpg (800x468, 244.17K)

Why are barbossas so obsesed with japanese Girls since ever
>After the Portuguese first made contact with Japan in 1543, a large scale slave trade developed in which Portuguese purchased Japanese as slaves in Japan and sold them to various locations overseas, including Portugal itself, throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
>Many documents mention the large slave trade along with protests against the enslavement of Japanese.
>Japanese slaves are believed to be the first of their nation to end up in Europe, and the Portuguese purchased large numbers of Japanese slave girls to bring to Portugal for sexual

Can i volunteer for the upcoming american civil war?

peace niggas I’ll probably see you in 72 hours.

Attached: 5A631887-EE5C-4258-AF84-0C5A44CE3CCD.jpg (1952x1012, 1.49M)

look at this shit

Attached: BC66AD23-562B-43E3-857E-197160E36124.jpg (1214x1768, 783.95K)

Throw in some coolies and and those waffle icecreamus and not that kusoshit and we've got a deal buddy I'll make that dry cunt whistle

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I give it 50/50 odds they either keep blaming Trump for his response to corona or switch to "it was all a nothingburger, actual data does not support a high number of deaths, Trump shut down the country for no reason"
does this narrative make any amount of sense? no, but that doesn't seem to stop them

JAPANESE GIRLS ARE NOT FOR SEXUAL! They're for headpats and handholding only!

Attached: milim headpats.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

I do, that's why I laughed
I've lived all over

They seriously need to be investigating all of these news organizations that are clearly bought by the chinese

rally soon

pour one out for our brothers in the gillum timeline

Attached: 532414324132.jpg (959x771, 153.77K)

What if I told you that there's more than one chinese virus

Attached: Chinese Viruses.png (1054x1130, 1007.57K)

Come on spaniard, you guys are due for your own civil war! Really, like 5 elections and you can't get better than PSOE (literally Spanish Socialist Workers' Party)?

Sounds like a threat to me

>> P.S. Japanese girls count as white
Amazing that much of /ptg/ still does not consider Japanese white

Attached: reallynow.png (853x586, 561.01K)


My mom just told me not to go in the back yard for an hour because she’ll be skinny dipping
My life is hell


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It's straight up sedition at this point.

Attached: 1494482120548.jpg (486x720, 65.67K)

Go take pics and post them

Q is redpilling normies on Israel too

Attached: Screenshot_20200404_152136.jpg (1080x1509, 225.51K)

I'm pro-Jewish, I don't have a problem with this. I consider Jews our white brothers.

>tfw used to play a fun miniatures game with some chill bros at the local comic shop but a bunch of insufferable, fun-killing, meta-cheesing lefty faggots eventually joined the group and most of the talk between rounds started to revolve around how bad DRUMPF and Brexit and the alt right are so I stopped attending

I miss it, bros.

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 16.82K)

Not til 6 PM ET today

I'm starting to think this Trump guy is a zionist shill, why tweet at all when it just interferes with the Invisible Hand?

Fuck you, nigger.

Attached: Niggers stink as bad as kikes.png (1280x720, 664.91K)

Civil war spain?
Are the leftists there are feminized retards that would be easily beaten by vox in a war

I kid you not!

Attached: pure japanese girl.webm (768x960, 2.67M)

Japan seems to be on Trump's side when it comes to the WHO taking sides with China. At least from what I have seen on nip twitter.

the army is right wing and obeys the king over the government so it wouldn't be a civil war, it would be a genocide of commies

Why can't this Jew whore wear a bra?

Attached: ivanka nips 2.jpg (600x900, 89.48K)

1) Live in right wing localities and associate with right wing people
2) ???
3) Profit

Attached: 1586977069258.jpg (528x540, 70.14K)

0/10, boring

>Q is redpilling normies on Israel too

After avoiding the subject of Israel like a fucking plague for the first 6 months of the LARP.
>uhhhhh, Israel last!
>yeah, that's it!

>Q is redpilling normies on Israel too
So did AJ ever reveal who Q was?

Attached: AJ reveal Q.jpg (606x538, 122.18K)

Shadilay fellow pedes MAGA!
So... how does it feel knowing Cheeto Dorito will lose the 2020 election and you will still be an incel?

Attached: trunk.jpg (410x391, 26.77K)

Not all of us can live in Israel like you, silly.

no bra can compare to the power of khazars

Japan is paying their manufacture to leave China with their stimulus package


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Attached: Trump attack.png (596x309, 296.83K)

she is wearing a bra, but those nips will not be contained

They are inflating the fuck out of the death numbers. They are counting any health related death as being from corona now.
Soon, people getting shot in the head will look corona related to them.

You live in Baltimore willingly because you are a cuckold and you have reaped what you have sown with your wrong action.

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Will you kill yourself when Sniffy Slow Rapey Joe loses? Be honest.

He never did it, bill hicks is really a nothing burger retard

> Japan seems to be on Trump's side when it comes to the WHO taking sides with China.
user, plz. Japan hates China way before Trump even got in the hate train

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-17 Rename WHO as Chinese Health Organization Japan slams UN body for 'giving into China's spin'.png (1139x1026, 752.49K)

But Trump has a 100.0% chance of winning right now.

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Have I not known you for 20 years at all my nigga.. Where are you then Taylor Swift? I like you :)

Attached: Not-A-Game-My-Nigga.jpg (501x671, 51.47K)

Oh really? I didn't know that.

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> imagine getting reported for avatarfagging
> imagine not taking the meds

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-04-17 , 18_29_08.png (882x821, 938.84K)

I learn now that Trump supporter stupid. They think media like CNN, NYT, MSNBC and Washington Post is propaganda and that China lie. China very good country. We must vote Biden. He make American just like China . He very good honorable man. He just like us hard working class American. He put pants on one arm at a time. Vote Blue and be more smart for the optimal America of United States.

>He never did it, bill hicks is really a nothing burger retard
Confirmed, Q is real and bill hicks is an asshole

Attached: awoo checked.png (661x519, 369.78K)

I don't even know your currency, but how much does it cost to shill in /ptg/ I'm guessing if you do it 5 times you get a coffee

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Nothingburgers blown the fuck out.

Seriously potent salt right here. Have waddur at the ready...

Attached: 1587143233375.jpg (608x466, 48.31K)

remember that time Don Jr cucked CPL and you could see her nipple was erect?

Attached: don jr avenattis ex.jpg (900x1200, 300.84K)

You're going to be crying Orange Man Bad for FOUR MORE YEARS. I don't know why, you're from Portugal, but he'll still be there. That's just a friendly reminder.

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WTF are you supporting joe biden now?

Attached: IKnowJoe (1).png (900x504, 260.01K)

>Japan to pay firms to leave China, relocate production elsewhere as part of coronavirus stimulus

>trump says covid19 is a hoax
>it's actually not
>trump then blames the media for underestimating the virus

Did he really do this? Some panel show here in UK is literally laughing at him now, calling him stupid, fat, a conspiracy theorist, and scared of the media, especially women.

>Vice President

Attached: 12fhl9wM_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21.12K)

that Jew was red in the face and sweating profusely when typing this tweet with his fat fingers.

All three of those points are factually incorrect

Too bad she has brown eyes

Your people are descended from a genetic bottleneck of just 350 people making yours the single most inbred race on the planet Earth.

Sucks to be you.

her titty is touching his body heehee
but seriously Don Jr needs to trade for a new model, the one he's fucking is way too old

Interesting video about President Trumps family

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checked, I suppose

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I think the bigger issue is the horse face and botox lips

Attached: Greenxi.png (1174x1560, 1.85M)

China must regain HONOR.

Attached: Chinamustregainhonor112312358423486294468.png (1006x611, 561.22K)

honestly are actual models still a thing?

>biden can't even be dragged across the finish line just to get to the democrat nomination
>has to pick a replacement
>goes with klobuchar or bootyedge
>berniebros go full fucking nuclear

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 86.15K)

Reminder that I like butts!

Attached: Oh-Shit-Faggot-Butts-This-Nigga-Suck-Butts-Bro-lmmmfao.jpg (1536x2048, 493.05K)

You make false accusations and no counter of the fact that you are a useless cuckold lorded over by niggers helping white genocide. Your halfwit nonsense lies won't change the pathetic facts of you but if it makes you feel better then by all means rattle off such pathetic shit.

Attached: 1586976753238.jpg (1171x1509, 141.51K)

the TV show showed a clip of him having a complete meltdown at some young blonde woman who was apparently roasting trump

Checked, at least you recognize that Alex Jonestein is controlled opposition, even if you've still fallen for (((Q))).

Your media is just as bad as ours is bong

Why do you always post this tranny?

I think he was pushing that Austin faggot, who was a previous glowy for Mccain, traitor dog who is STILL DEAD
They wanted to ff the qoomers of course.
And Alex Jones is controlled op. The only time he got close (and got his hand slapped) was sandyhoax

Attached: Alexmossadjones0912830123129283901.png (960x960, 322.8K)

Implying chyna was ever great

Yeah, that's stopped me ZERO FUCKING TIMES

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But it's not a bio weapon Journalists @ FOX news told me so... where's my Dr Fauci vaccine..

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-17_11-54-20 .jpg (956x631, 264.61K)

Blue check-mark brigade BTFO

Attached: DVR.png (1220x922, 257.12K)

hey guys, is your locality not the 100% ideal you wish it to be? Just give up and move somewhere else lmao there's no point getting involved and changing things
t. resident retard that got so butthurt this morning he had to spam the thread to force it to 300 so that everyone would move on

Attached: 1565000554142.png (371x353, 118.69K)

>investigating an unverified theory
how do you think you verify theories?

Attached: 1467354365789.gif (200x150, 1.65M)

The whole thing about closing beaches is retarded..just don't sit on top of each other. How is a beach any worse then a busy Costco or Walmart? UV kills virus.. humidity is great for keeping it out of the air.. closing this shit was stupid or maybe COVID will spread like wildfire and infect all beach goers.. either way who cares.

You mean the shitty HIGNFY?

Gee, who would have guessed that the word "liberate" doesn't imply violence?

>false accusations

So show your geoflag.
Oh wait, you can't because we both know there's an Israeli flag lurking underneath.
Stay mad, inbred boi.

You check snopes bro, obviously

Here we gooooooooo, dirty shills.
V-shaped, bottle rocket recovery, and four more years of Trump. Followed by eight years of Mike, Lightning, Pence. Progressive Marxism is going to die a slow, agonizing, UGLY death.

Attached: GAER_POTUS.jpg (612x812, 151.99K)

Please give me a latina gf

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dumb slut looking disgusting - zipper exposed - in her jorts on the bed