Looks > race

Looks > race

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every race has beautiful specimens. We should strive to preserve them

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Post some then.

every race except for abbos

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Ugly nigger. Figures you'd think this fucking MALE is hot, you stupid discord tranny faggot fuck.

Black women are fucking hideous and look like apes. All the "pretty" ones are half-breeds, and their features never match up. They all have weird bone structure and lines on their faces, and their eyebrows are all fucked up. Eat shit and die.

>t. deformed mutt

okay la luz extinguido

Kill yourself shitskin

Of all 10/10 specimens though, whites are the most desirable by the most races. So there's that.

Is there such thing as a "full light skinned" black? Is Steph curry mixed?

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you first, mutt

One cannot have two identities, it's nonsense. He's a light-skinded nigga, and that's his identity. "half white" is nothing but a dry statement about biology to him. He is not my kind. Not half, not any.

He is right, niggers are ugly, no wonder a snownigger is attracted to his kind.

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>every race except for abbos
sadly this is true, they truly are vile to behold

That's a species, I truly believe this would be accepted by the scientific community if they were even-handed and principled about the application of their classifications, and not blinded by the political angle.

But race is looks. 100% of good looking people are European or dominated by European genes.

Why do russians have this type of hair?

They are the only group of people along with Papuans with actual Homo Erectus admoxture, very tiny admixture but still.

He's either a mulatto or an octoroon. That's for him to figure out

just another mutt thread

Obama is half white, half black.
He still looks black though.

His case is different because he's half kenyan, not half african american, and he's a rich posho, so this will affect his identity greatly. He is in no way a lightskin nigga, not even close. But again, he is only "half white" in the biological sense of the word; european americans (comonly known as whites) do not think of Obama as being 50% their kin. It's 0%.

I agree. other posters are retarded.
To win the culture war you have to show that true diversity is maintaining our uniqueness.

Niggers honestly think that hispanic skin makes someone white....

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“Attractiveness” = European phenotype

I mean if you'd pour bleach for long enough on a nigger his skin would be white, however his brain would still be a sub-human ape brain.

I'm on this side desu. Assuming only Europeans are pretty is to invite other races to breed us out. If we can make others feels special (true or not) is irrelevant.

>abbos look like that because thousands of years of segregation and natural selection
>all the other races must look hideous to them

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>not half african american
African American is not a race. He's half black and half white.
Steph Curry is not a lightskinnked black, he's got seriously more white blood in him than Obama.

Half kike half nigger

By "them" I meant the beautiful specimens not the race. The beautiful specimens need to be preserved with the help of eugenics and separated form the not so beautiful stock.

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The masses will never allow it.

That’s called high yellow ( high Yeller) in the Deep South

We must preserve our handsome white children

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maybe not, also I realise that it's morally wrong the judge people on their look, but it's fun to speculate about such society where only beautiful people are exist. This society would have to be spiritually and morally clean as to preserve beautiful people.

On the side note, how do you think their baby will look like.

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