In this ITT thread: What is your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people?
In this ITT thread: What is your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people?
not white
It's terrible place people are starving in the street. Be aware future immigrants there is nothing but pain here. Germany is far better country to immigrate to.
Bunch of shaved head tracksuit wearing excessively proud and violent thugs that will beat you up for speaking any language in their country other than Poolish
Women are gold diggers
I have never seen a genuinely happy Polish person
around slavs, reroute the satnav
They can be pretty patriotic. Willing to help them financially and with everything else if we could restore our original borders.
I like your prostitutes.
I like them. The lot of Polish posters tend to be pretty sharp. Is probably the most European place in Europe.
Oh look its THIS thread again for the 5th day in a row. Guaranteed replies everytime.
All fields
My neighbor is polish, every month there's a party with 800 people in the house
It's so loud the walls vibrate
Other than that they seem pretty chill and kielbasa is good
who did these threads everyday?
Literally every fucking day for last 2-3 years who is this shit
i like poland but your western border is terrible
hotto garbagio govt
okay locals
cool diaspora
Outright lie and you know it. Polish are based Jew haters. You’re a faggot, kike loving nigger
Mixed in the other hand you are that neighbor that we should be koat friendly with(history and tradition s such) and similar thinking like we, but you also have russian like attitude wilno nasha, stealing our stuff( forest for e.g) etc. As whole I like Poland and poles
My boss is Polish. He thinks Polan is a shithole and makes nazi/communist occupation jokes occasionally.
You mean pre 1991 borders?
>in this in this thread thread
Epic tautology
How can people even judge?
In germany there is stereotype that polish people steal stuff.
My ass, germans are the real two faced snitches who backstab you without you even noticing.
I've been to poland recently and it was eye opening!
Polish people are working non stop you can see it in their cities etc everything is vibrant!
If you look at hungary, czech. These guys are slow and lazy, its like they are stuck in 1980s, nothing is new, old houses old everything time froze.
I think polish industry will explode more and more because these guys are diligent! Where you go you see people working!
Go to hungary and you see an empty supermarket and guys wearing 20 year old pyjamas.
Also polish people especially working people are great people, i love to do business with them.
I would even say in terms of mentality, they are ahead of germany.
Germany just has a lot of industry that's already there, whereas poles build new industry. Give it another 20 years and i see poland be a top country in europe
You create an environment in your country that Polish people are isolated and ghettoised. Not allowing to use polish languange in public etc.
Let's start with restoring this.
>Bunch of shaved head tracksuit wearing excessively proud and violent thugs that will beat you up for speaking any language in their country other than Poolish
>Women are gold diggers
myth - pic related
Btw when I was in the Polish market in Wilno I couldn't understand their Polish for shit, it was very archaic
Most genetic maps put Poles genetically pretty close to Swedes so i think that you will have a nice country in a couple of years if you get time to develop.
Nothing. They are normal people
t. Been to Poland and have Polish friends
exhibit a
This map proves this
Poles are horse niggers they are not white
To be honest I don't have any opinions about Poland and Polish people. At first I wanted to troll a bit and call you all vermins with fake nation, loser's history and fool's pride. But then I realized these memes are getting old and I'm kind of tired of this, it's not funny anymore. So yeah, my most honest opinion about Poland and Polish people is something like that. I know you guys like to thing that Russians are extremely butthurt about you and the time when you've captured Moscow, and your nation identuty is build around that so you feel proud about it, but no. I doubt any average Russian have much to say about Poland. Maybe some would say something about you disassembling our monuments but most of us just don't give a damn. Our liberals like Poland because in their eyes you're Westerners and Europeans, and on top of that you're anti-Russian. For Russian liberals being anti-Russian is a special bonus and the reason to like you. I hope that's the answer you were looking for. I'm sure you're nice people if move politics aside.
Also relese Cyberpunk 2077 and Dying Light 2 already!
Thanks Pajeet. But you took a lot of our jobs due to cost arbitrage
I saw many low caste pajeets doing uber eats yeah
They are good walking wombs for the BBC
Dude what? I live in Vilnius and my boss is real pole. All we want is that they speak national language in official places like hospital or court. We don't give a fuck how you speak in home or with saler.
Also polish school was closet becouse of population declise same as in whole country.
>Our liberals like Poland
They don't.
Mostly in the software sector companies will outsource code to india rather than eastern europe because it's cheaper. More people, they can get away with paying indians less, its shit for everyone
>you've captured Moscow, and your nation identuty is build around that so you feel proud about it, but no
You're very wrong. It's a non-event in Poland but on the other hand you have a public 'misery' holiday for that.
Polish love for the BBC is limitless
No, I meant back office jobs and IT
If they had just converted to Orthodoxy they would rule all of Russia
poland = shithole full of white niggers
one of the worst countries in the world, should be completely destroyed during WW2
Good Engineers