Will Trump win Colorado?
Will Trump win Colorado?
trump aint winning quite a few states you put red
No, Biden will win it easily.
Its tragic what happened to the west coast. Not enough niggers.
Such as?
NM was much closer in 2016 than Colorado. Johnson actually cost Trump Colorado.
My prediction is Biden will win Colorado by 20k votes.
This map seems like where we are right now. Many light blue states that can flip though.
>trump winning fucking new hampshire
>Hillary won it by 0.4%
>This is hard to believe
ok friend
New Hampshire is plausible, he only lost by like 1,000 votes in 16
thats actually possible, he only lost it by less then 3000 votes in 2016
And Trump doesn't need Coloraod because Biden isn't winning the rustbelt and NH and Nevada are flipping.
Trump really only needs Wisconsin to get to 270 so everything else is overkill at that point.
This. Trump is done for
This is possible. I think VA and MN will be promising for Trump
new england and minnesota is all blue. dont know enough to say about nevada
Is Florida really solid red? I don’t believe that
Don't know about colorado but Trump is 150% taking Florida
Trumptard cope never ceases to amaze. He is going to have to fight like hell just to hold Florida, North Carolina and Arizona in these economic conditions.
Next time don't let your guy call the virus a hoax and botch his response.
It depends on how many independents vote for Trump in Colorado.
I believe it's the independents who ultimately decide which candidate gets Colorado.
Also Cory Gardner is up for re-election there and depending on how popular he is, I think Gardner's coat tails will bring Trump to win the state as well.
Why the fuck did you make this thread not a thread about whether or not he will win Arizona
>red Nevada
The fuck are you smoking nigger?
I agree with your points on the midwest with even blue ass states like Minnesota going red but the idea that the fucking south west isnt mutted up beyond all reconition is just fucking delusional at this point.
Incumbency benefits Trump and lack of enthusiasm/age concerns hurt Biden. It makes sense that the 2016 numbers will flip a few % in Trump's favor. That flips MN, NV, and ME which were very close
even DNC twitterbots will admit that Florida is MAGA country. they aren't even trying to compete there
The thing is, if people turned out Trump could win Virginia by like 6 or 7 points, the problem is, Republicans and middle of the road people don't turnout at the same rate as Democrats. That is pretty much the only reason Dems have won them since 2008.
I think Minnesota is actually looking promising.
>This map seems like where we are right now. Many light blue states that can flip though.
Based on what? I know conservatives don't like numbers, but try not to pull stuff out of your ass. None of the polling supports this.
Biden is a vegetable, but will still win based on this Corona "response" and Trump's economy.
Most presidents do worse on the second go
If they don't bus in votes from Mass, he wins it easily.
But what changed? It was only like a 2% win in 16
Probably not, denver metro is just too big now
Zero chance in my opinion. You're underestimating the amount of liberals in Colorado, and it's not just Boulder/Denver. There's so many left wing transplants who will vote for the Democratic candidate regardless of their policies. Bernie had a shitload of support in Colorado, but his supporters will go for Biden just because of how much they hate Trump.
Gardner is absolutely despised by everyone except eastern plains rednecks. The chances of him being reelected are really low. I don't even like Gardner but I'll vote for him anyway because his opponents are disgustingly anti 2nd amendment. One of them plans to make gun safes mandatory; also restricting the amount of guns and ammo you can possess (even in your own home)
Trump just got record turnout in NH primary
Biden only got a few thousand votes in NH priamry
There is now a law that out of staters can't come back and vote
He only lost NH by 2000 votes in
NH and Maine are essentially safe Trump.
Would be nice for Trump to win 350. I hope he flips it.
Dems in MN have already sounded alarms about Trump's massive fundraising there. Will be interesting if Trump is the first repub to win it since Nixon 1972
On the contrary, most do better. Obama was a rare exception that did worse. So did FDR. Go back and check; you will see.
People just like him down there. Boomers etc. Plus incumbency and concerns about Biden like I said. DeSantis is doing well down there too
I am 300% sure trump is getting that electoral vote in northern Maine.
Another thing is all of these retard Dem Governors are pissing off their citizens and it is helping Trump.
NH hates taxes and spending.... And what everyone else said about 2016
Exactly. People in Michigan are so mad at their governor that Biden refuses to make her his VP now and thousands came out to rally for Trump outside the governor's mansion. MI is going Trump
Nevada is a state that Trump LOST BY 20K AND Johnson got 30k votes. Do the math retard.
Maybe you’re right. Just looked at some polling and Florida definitely looks to be leaning trump. And that doesn’t even take into account how skewed they are against him
He just gave every
>old fart on a fixed income
>illegal cuban scraping by
Free fucking money. Also, everyone here hates Biden.
And you dont think the spics and liberals fleeing coronavirus from calli havent turned the state blue by now?
Come the fuck on dude.
Oregon has a better chance of going red then nevada does.
Lol I think you guys are right. He’d probably blow him out of it was today
What is it like to live in the US?
I enjoy it. People are nice but don’t like to be bothered. There’s always work. If I had one real complaint that I wish our country did differently was public transportation. But cars are just such an American thing. Our prison system is fucked too. But I can look past that to be the world power