What is his IQ, Yas Forums?

What is his IQ, Yas Forums?

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as much i support his ideas, he doesn't seem like a very clever guy. always feels like he is a few steps behind versus his political opponents both in the USA and outside.

I'd say around 115-120. I mean, he did manage to convince half the country to vote for him, and he is a billionaire. You don't get to that point by being stupid.

Below 100.

>He's stupid
>Also he somehow outwitted all of liberal America four times in a row
Yeah, Russia investigations, Mueller, Avenatti, and impeachment failed, but this time we've got him for sure!

It was tested at 156

it's actually the opposite

>implying liberal america is a smart opponent
being smarter than a sack of shit doesn't make you smart

Yours + 110

Several famous comedians have remarked that he has that same quick, clever wit that they have. You need to be born with it. That said, he’s not a classically groomed politician so he doesn’t really fit in well with other politicians across the globe. He also grew up hanging around construction sites which leads to his crass behavior.

Yeah he only became a billionaire multiple times over in the most competitive city for real estate in the entire world. And then moved on to convince the most powerful country in the world to vote for him as president. Definitely not clever at all. I'm sure you're 10x smarter.

And this totally isnt a shill thread meant to cause divide and arguments instead of providing real value.

All fields.

I’d say he’s pretty smart.. maybe not with the extraneous bullshit you think is knowledge. But he ain’t dumb..


90 regular IQ

150 con man psychopath IQ (no emotional filter like in normal people)


probably around like 90

>muh 156
everyone knows that isnt true

he has a that clever wit in words, i cant deny that. but his ability as a politician seems off.
>implying that being successful in the capitalist world requires intelligence
>implying that every election that is ever held in america is not predetermined by how much money you got
but you wouldn't know, you've been born into this sad reality where everything is bought and can't understand how politics can work in other countries

to simps like you

who gives a fuck


I'd say 115 now
Twenty years ago 130+
That would be expected given his age

If being rich is so easy why aren't you a billionaire, then use that money to win elections?

You're so ignorant on both subjects greece retard.

>that every election that is ever held in america is not predetermined by how much money you got
Then why didn't Bloomberg win



6 million

>If being rich is so easy why aren't you a billionaire, then use that money to win elections?
>You're so ignorant on both subjects greece retard.
lol cope more amerilard

One of the highest ever.

Imagine being this much of a ball huffing faggot to white knight for someone who doesn't even think of you as shit on their shoe compared to a jew.

All his school records have been sealed

Everyone notice the deflection and quick change of subject this greecetard pulled. Thats how I know I'm right.

Low. He married his daughter to a Jew and allowed his grandson to be circumcised by a rabbi. So in other words, dumb enough to be exploited by the Jews but smart enough to deceive other whites. So I’m guessing 115-125

He's a savant, he's excellent at predicting how people will react to things. I wouldnt say he's a genius, but he's very intelligent in what he needs to be good at

He doesn't know how to swim .

He played chess just once but never finished the game because his friend was winning

What's your IQ? Personally, mines 225

yes americuck you win, i am defeated by your ultimate intellligence, go play with guns now or sth ok?