New Conspiracy Documentary about occult cia hollywood

Have you seen it? I watched the first 30 minutes seems pretty redpilled although it does have some Christian Evangelicalism I feel like. It's kinda weird when you search for it on youtube the first result is a reupload and the original is nowhere to be found

Anybody wanna watch it with me? I'm gonna start from the beginning in a couple of minutes:

if you rather watch it on your own, here is the video:

Attached: pedogate-pizzagate-hollywood-mkultra-jeffrey-epstein-cia-out-of-shadows-933x445.jpg (933x445, 60.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:

muh I found Jeebus because there are bad people in the world
what a fucktard

watched it yesterday out of boredom
as usual proves literally nothing

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This was made by the CIA which is controlled by Mossad.

It is misinformation and tries to blame Lucifer, Moloch, baphomet and child rape/sacrifice on "Nazi's" instead of Jews.

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This documentary covers Epstein and pizzagate but doesn't mention Israel or mossad once.

If these are the best contermeasures deep state can deploy, we won't have any problems whatsoever in the coming years.

That is some of the most retarded bullshit I’ve seen. It was like watching David Icke one speed.

I thought autism was meant to make you smart so I have no idea why you gang of virgins keep going on about it.

“BUT IT KEEPS GETING DELETED” That’s because it’s full of copyright material it wasn’t cleared to use, you gang of stupid nonces.

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Its a good introduction into conspiracy theories for normies. Touches on pizzagate and cia involvement in hollywood. Jesus Christ is Lord

>7.7 million views
Reboot your scripts, bot.

Even David Icke names Israeli influence in Hollywood. This is artificially forced disinfo.

Nazis were completely into the occult and satanic rituals..

They are a bunch of sub-human boomers who can't comprehend that we live in a simulation.

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Ok kike, whatever you say

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>its the evul nazis goyim
>doesnt mention jews a single fucking time except for showing a silhouette of a vampire for a split second with some vague reference to who controls media

go shill your mossad movie elsewhere
funny you posted this and not the mouthybudha video that is far more damning and has evidence

I think it's wrong to mislead people. Just tell them the truth.

~90% normalfags can't handle the truth, you want the people who this video is meant for to go insane?

It was terrible. This is what happens when Christcucks try to make movies. Disjointed, poorly presented and incomplete hodge podge of evidence, pure garbage. If it convinces some Christcucks to vote for Trump though, I guess it's good. Personally I consider it a failed opportunity. Honestly though, if Trump actually gave a shit about getting reelected and doing anything about this sort of thing, he would be secretly producing his own documentaries weekly for the last 4 years. Instead he disclosed nothing, arrested no one, and as a consequence, will probably lose to an Alzheimer's addled pervert.

Yeah why would the deepstate mislead people?

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>it convinces some Christcucks to vote for Trump
Yet Trump wasn't mentioned a single time in the video. Jesus Christ, at least try

Glownigger shit doesn’t name the Jew


Not to mention the stuntman is a Jew.

They even interviewed an "EX-CIA" agent.

Are you a literal retard?

If they can handle the topic of kidnapping and child rape in Hollywood then they can handle Israel's involvement in all of it.

The connection is so obvious. Kikes are mad, Saturn is exploding

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They could of expanded on this part...Dumb CIA boomers.

almost 8MM normies, some of whom will start researching things on their own and come to some (((conclusions)))

How many of those views are artificially inflated.

Is this a framing the world doc?