Air is cleaner than ever

I hope this event speeds up the adoption of electric cars and the banning of ICE cars. Maybe we'll be able to ban the sale of any ICE car by 2025 in some states.

Attached: file.png (1272x834, 1.36M)

Other urls found in this thread: Angeles&state=CA&country=USA

Banning things is how niggers solve problems.

Just de-regulate the auto industry and all this cuck shit goes away.

OP is faggot absolute

That's fine, your state can be de regulated while ours can. Smog usually stays in the area it's created.

Attached: la smog before and after.jpg (601x1055, 159.71K)

How would you create all the energy needed if the whole car pool goes electric? I suppose nuclear?

Lots and lots of solar panels + indeed, nuclear reactors.

> 2 completely different photos from completely different POVs
What exactly were you trying to proof dummy?

Greenfags hate nuclear despite it being the only viable source of power without significant air pollution that would continue to power their urbanized lifestyles

Lmao the smog is almost back to how bad it was when I was a child even with the clean Air laws.

Even if it was 100% coal, it would still be more efficient and cleaner than combustion engines. Power plant pollution can also be captured at the source, or power plants can be downwind of population centers.

Attached: 2017%20energy_consumption_by_source_large.jpg (600x415, 50.42K)

I don't think people quite understand how inefficient solar panels are and how often they are not producing full power.

>smog density changes if you walk a few blocks down the road


>lots of solar panels
not viable yet, retard

California is my state.

We will be de-regulating the auto industry.

We will be removing (((ecological))) constructs from state law.

You will bend the knee.

Its almost as if The Industrial Revolution and its Consequences Have Been a Disaster for the Human Race

This, but the opposite. It will get more regulated to all these events. Everyone can see as plain as day the effect that automobiles have on the environment.

user electric cars dont really solve the pollution problem at all. Batteries require the mass harvesting and consumption of toxic heavy metals and chemicals. Power generation will still largely be from oil and gas.

>Everyone can see as plain as day the effect that automobiles have on the environment.
The free market is now aware and can make good choices based on their individual desires. This is the only sustainable solution because only smoothbrains rely on regulation to move society forward.

Actually they do solve the problem because as electric generation becomes cleaner and more efficient, it makes every car on the road cleaner and more efficient.

>everyone can see
no they can't. they're seeing what the glownigger media wants them to see.
there is no proof that the quarantine is helping the environment outside of opinions and conjecture.

Wrong. Angeles&state=CA&country=USA

Attached: file.png (1303x743, 256.57K)

So you're saying the world would be a better place if 90% of Californians were to die?
Sounds like a plan.

Yes I agree, but for flyover states instead. Average person in those states produce way more pollution.

how would you dispose of the nuclear waste? until you can answer that, we shouldnt invest in nuclear.

Checked and truth will out OP.
Is this article supposed to make me cool with genocide?
For Mother Earth?

Its almost as if climate fags have teamed up with virus fags to keep people indoors and off the roads

Meanwhile you pay spics to blow your front yard with 2 stroke blowers that emit more NO2 in ten minutes than driving across the country in a truck while touting "BAN ALL ICE's" what a fucking retard.

>people without jobs will all buy new electric cars!

Attached: 1DA4BFC0-E2B9-4366-BF3C-08B74111048C.jpg (625x423, 26.45K)

you store it in nevada in the middle of nowhere.

nuclear waste is immensely minimal with modern systems.
Most "waste" is re-used
Go learn a thing or two before making seriously out dated assumptions that sound like you are talking about Chernobyl era technology

The same way we get rid of bad Prius and Tesla batteries, just dump them in a hole and forget about it.

Shut the fuck up with your shitty prius you faggot

Until we remove the chinks we're sticking with fossils.

We don't have to have dirty nukes. Especially since we don't need to keep making nuclear fuel for nuclear weapons. Remove that requirement and the nukes become a lot cleaner.

>le trustworthy government agency
lol, okay faggot